* Refactor formatting logic to better calculate needed padding between
issues and sections.
* Add `list contexts` command to list all known contexts according to
the contexts configuration and the contexts defined in issues.
* Be more intentional about when the default context is used. Don't
override existing context values in issues when changing their state.
* `edit` now allows multiple issues to be edited.
* Change single-issue display to be more verbose, listing all the
properties and tags on an issue.
The REST API is simply a wrapper around the command line (and actually
invokes the command line). It relies on the command line tool validating
its input.
Currently only the `/list` endpoint is implemented, exposing the `list`
The Dormant state is for tasks that are still outstanding but not of
immediate importance. The main different between Dormant and Todo is
that dormant tasks are not listed by default. You must
`pit list dormant` to see them.
* Fixed a bug in the option parsing. When no options (or unknown options) where
presented it was not properly defaulting.
* Fixed a bug when incorrect options where given. Apache Commons CLI fails
entirely when it is unable to parse an option. This means we cannot get the
`--dir` option and we default to the program's working directory. When running
on Nailgun this is not the desired behavior and can cause pit to look through
a very deep file heirarchy to find issues.
* Fixed the bug in FileIssue where it would append a blank line to the body of
an issue every time it wrote the issue to the file. Fixed by making the
parser consume a line break before the property section.
* Fixed PIT CLI -D option sorting of issues so that it will sort issues by
priority, then due date.