Add delegate command.

This commit is contained in:
Jonathan Bernard 2019-01-18 18:51:31 -06:00
parent d4db66a71e
commit 65edc56e08
3 changed files with 27 additions and 16 deletions

View File

@ -12,4 +12,4 @@ bin = @["pit", "pit_api"]
# Dependencies
requires @[ "nim >= 0.19.0", "cliutils 0.6.1", "docopt 0.6.8", "jester 0.4.1",
"langutils >= 0.4.0", "timeutils 0.3.0", "uuids 0.1.10" ]
"langutils >= 0.4.0", "timeutils 0.4.0", "uuids 0.1.10" ]

View File

@ -76,11 +76,21 @@ proc formatSectionIssue(ctx: CliContext, issue: Issue, width: int, indent = "",
var showDetails = not issue.details.isNilOrWhitespace and verbose
# Wrap and write the summary.
var wrappedSummary = (" ".repeat(5) & issue.summary).wordWrap(width - 2).indent(2 + indent.len)
wrappedSummary = wrappedSummary[(6 + indent.len)..^1]
var prefixLen = 0
var summaryIndentLen = indent.len + 7
if issue.hasProp("delegated-to"): prefixLen += issue["delegated-to"].len + 2 # space for the ':' and ' '
# Wrap and write the summary.
var wrappedSummary = ("+".repeat(prefixLen) & issue.summary).wordWrap(width - summaryIndentLen).indent(summaryIndentLen)
wrappedSummary = wrappedSummary[(prefixLen + summaryIndentLen)..^1]
result = (indent & ($[0..<6]).withColor(fgBlack, true) & " "
if issue.hasProp("delegated-to"):
result &= (issue["delegated-to"] & ": ").withColor(fgGreen)
result = (indent & ($[0..<6]).withColor(fgBlack, true)
result &= wrappedSummary.withColor(fgWhite)
if issue.tags.len > 0:
@ -92,9 +102,9 @@ proc formatSectionIssue(ctx: CliContext, issue: Issue, width: int, indent = "",
if issue.hasProp("pending"):
let startIdx = "Pending: ".len
var pendingText = issue["pending"].wordWrap(width - startIdx - 2)
var pendingText = issue["pending"].wordWrap(width - startIdx - summaryIndentLen)
pendingText = ("Pending: " & pendingText[startIdx..^1]).indent(indent.len + 2)
pendingText = ("Pending: " & pendingText[startIdx..^1]).indent(summaryIndentLen)
result &= "\n" & pendingText.withColor(fgCyan)
if showDetails:
@ -106,16 +116,9 @@ proc formatSectionIssueList(ctx: CliContext, issues: seq[Issue], width: int,
indent: string, verbose: bool): string =
result = ""
var topPadded = true
for i in issues:
var issueText = ctx.formatSectionIssue(i, width, indent, verbose)
if issueText.splitLines.len > 1:
if topPadded: result &= issueText & "\n\n"
else: result &= "\n" & issueText & "\n\n"
topPadded = true
result &= issueText & "\n"
topPadded = false
result &= issueText & "\n"
proc formatSection(ctx: CliContext, issues: seq[Issue], state: IssueState,
indent = "", verbose = false): string =
@ -242,6 +245,7 @@ Usage:
pit ( start | done | pending | todo-today | todo | suspend ) <id>... [options]
pit edit <ref>...
pit reorder <state>
pit delegate <id> <delegated-to>
pit ( delete | rm ) <id>...
@ -382,6 +386,13 @@ Options:
elif targetState == Done or targetState == Pending:
discard execShellCmd("ptk stop")
elif args["delegate"]:
let issue = ctx.tasksDir.loadIssueById($(args["<id>"]))
issue["delegated-to"] = $args["<delegated-to>"]
elif args["delete"] or args["rm"]:
for id in @(args["<id>"]):

View File

@ -1 +1 @@
const PIT_VERSION* = "4.4.3"
const PIT_VERSION* = "4.4.4"