Add filters for text-matching on issue summary or details.

This commit is contained in:
Jonathan Bernard 2018-06-11 10:19:10 -05:00
parent 2404f6a3d1
commit a924d7b649
2 changed files with 58 additions and 17 deletions

View File

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
import cliutils, docopt, json, logging, options, os, ospaths, sequtils,
tables, terminal, times, timeutils, unicode, uuids
from nre import re
import strutils except capitalize, toUpper, toLower
import pitpkg/private/libpit
export libpit
@ -182,7 +183,7 @@ proc edit(issue: Issue) =
proc list(ctx: CliContext, filter: Option[IssueFilter], state: Option[IssueState], today, future, verbose: bool) =
proc list(ctx: CliContext, filter: Option[IssueFilter], state: Option[IssueState], showToday, showFuture, verbose: bool) =
if state.isSome:
@ -193,6 +194,12 @@ proc list(ctx: CliContext, filter: Option[IssueFilter], state: Option[IssueState
if filter.isSome: ctx.filterIssues(filter.get)
let today = showToday and [Current, TodoToday].anyIt(
ctx.issues.hasKey(it) and ctx.issues[it].len > 0)
let future = showFuture and [Pending, Todo].anyIt(
ctx.issues.hasKey(it) and ctx.issues[it].len > 0)
let indent = if today and future: " " else: ""
# Today's items
@ -246,6 +253,12 @@ Options:
-F, --future Limit to future issues.
-m, --match <pattern> Limit to issues whose summaries match the given
pattern (PCRE regex supported).
-M, --match-all <pat> Limit to the issues whose summaries or details
match the given pattern (PCRE regex supported).
-v, --verbose Show issue details when listing issues.
-q, --quiet Suppress verbose output.
@ -380,6 +393,15 @@ Options: = propertiesOption.get
filterOption = some(filter)
# If they supplied text matches, add that to the filter.
if args["--match"]:
filter.summaryMatch = some(re("(?i)" & $args["--match"]))
filterOption = some(filter)
if args["--match-all"]:
filter.fullMatch = some(re("(?i)" & $args["--match-all"]))
filterOption = some(filter)
# If no "context" property is given, use the default (if we have one)
if ctx.defaultContext.isSome and not"context"):
stderr.writeLine("Limiting to default context: " & ctx.defaultContext.get)

View File

@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
import cliutils, docopt, json, logging, options, os, ospaths, sequtils,
strutils, tables, times, timeutils, uuids
from nre import re, match
from nre import find, match, re, Regex
Issue* = ref object
id*: UUID
@ -19,8 +20,9 @@ type
Dormant = "dormant"
IssueFilter* = ref object
completedRange*: Option[tuple[b, e: DateTime]]
fullMatch*, summaryMatch*: Option[Regex]
properties*: TableRef[string, string]
completedRange*: tuple[b, e: DateTime]
PitConfig* = ref object
tasksDir*: string
@ -62,22 +64,30 @@ proc setDateTime*(issue: Issue, key: string, dt: DateTime) =
proc initFilter*(): IssueFilter =
result = IssueFilter(
properties: newTable[string,string](),
completedRange: (fromUnix(0).local, fromUnix(253400659199).local))
completedRange: none(tuple[b, e: DateTime]),
fullMatch: none(Regex),
summaryMatch: none(Regex),
properties: newTable[string, string]())
proc initFilter*(props: TableRef[string, string]): IssueFilter =
proc propsFilter*(props: TableRef[string, string]): IssueFilter =
if isNil(props):
raise newException(ValueError,
"cannot initialize property filter without properties")
result = IssueFilter(
properties: props,
completedRange: (fromUnix(0).local, fromUnix(253400659199).local))
result = initFilter() = props
proc initFilter*(range: tuple[b, e: DateTime]): IssueFilter =
result = IssueFilter(
properties: newTable[string, string](),
completedRange: range)
proc dateFilter*(range: tuple[b, e: DateTime]): IssueFilter =
result = initFilter()
result.completedRange = some(range)
proc summaryMatchFilter*(pattern: string): IssueFilter =
result = initFilter()
result.summaryMatch = some(re("(?i)" & pattern))
proc fullMatchFilter*(pattern: string): IssueFilter =
result = initFilter()
result.fullMatch = some(re("(?i)" & pattern))
## Parse and format issues
proc fromStorageFormat*(id: string, issueTxt: string): Issue =
@ -190,10 +200,19 @@ proc filter*(issues: seq[Issue], filter: IssueFilter): seq[Issue] =
for k,v in
result = result.filterIt(it.hasProp(k) and it[k] == v)
result = result.filterIt(not it.hasProp("completed") or
if filter.completedRange.isSome:
let range = filter.completedRange.get
result = result.filterIt(
not it.hasProp("completed") or
it.getDateTime("completed").between(range.b, range.e))
if filter.summaryMatch.isSome:
let p = filter.summaryMatch.get
result = result.filterIt(it.summary.find(p).isSome)
if filter.fullMatch.isSome:
let p = filter.fullMatch.get
result = result.filterIt( it.summary.find(p).isSome or it.details.find(p).isSome)
### Configuration utilities
proc loadConfig*(args: Table[string, Value] = initTable[string, Value]()): PitConfig =