implements a simple but powerful logging system for
JavaScript applications based on the idea of heirarchical loggers. It heavily
inspired by the usage patterns of log4j, logback, and similar tools in other
Getting Started
Install the package from npm:
npm install @jdbernard/logging
Then, in your application, you can use the logging system like so:
import { logService, ConsoleAppender, LogLevel } from '@jdbernard/logging';
logService.ROOT_LOGGER.appenders.push(new ConsoleAppender(LogLevel.INFO));
const logger = logService.getLogger('example');
logger.info('Starting application');
Loggers and Appenders
The logging system is composed of two main components: loggers and appenders. Loggers are used to create log events, which are then passed to the appenders associated with the logger and it's parent. An appender is a function that takes a log event and writes it to some destination, such as the console, a file, or a network socket. Appenders also have a logging level threshold, which determines which log events are acted upon by the appender.
Loggers are hierarchical, with the hierarchy defined by the logger name. When a log message is generated on a Logger, it is sent to any appenders associated with that logger, and then triggered on the parent logger, being sent to any of the parent logger's appenders, and so on up the hierarchy. Similarly, when a logging event is generated, it is filtered by the effective logging level of the logger. If there is no threshold set on the logger, the effective logging level is inherited from the parent logger. This pattern is explained in detail in the logback documentation and applies in the same manner to this library.
Together, the cascading effective logging threshold and the upward propogation of log events to parent appenders allows for simple yet fine-grained control over the logging output of an application.
One difference from other logging libraries is the absense of layouts. Layouts are used in many logging libraries to format the log message before it is written to the appender. This requires the assumption of all logs being written to a text-based destination, which is not always the case for us.
In this library, all logs are internally stored as structured data, defined by the LogMessage interface. Notably, the message field can be either a string or an object, allowing for the addition of arbitrary fields to be added to the log event.
The concept of Layouts still has a place, but it has been moved to be an implementation detail of the appenders. ConsoleAppender accepts a LogMessageFormatter function allowing for formatting of the resulting messages written to the console. the ApiAppender would be an example of an appender for which layout would be irrelevant.
Finally, notice that all of the appenders provided by this library
automatically persist log messages as structured data, flattening the message
field if it is an object. ConsoleAppender will write the log message as a
JSON object, promoting fields in the message
object to top-level fields in
the output. For example:
import { logService, ConsoleAppender } from '@jdbernard/logging';
logService.ROOT_LOGGER.appenders.push(new ConsoleAppender('TRACE'));
const logger = logService.getLogger('example');
function someBusinessLogic() {
logger.debug({ method: 'someBusinessLogic', msg: 'Doing some business logic', foo: 'bar' });
logger.info('Starting application');
results in the following two events logged as output to the console:
{"timestamp":"2021-09-01T00:00:00.000Z","level":"INFO","scope":"example","message":"Starting application"}
{"timestamp":"2021-09-01T00:00:00.000Z","level":"DEBUG","scope":"example","msg":"Doing some business logic","method":"someBusinessLogic","foo":"bar"}
Note that the field name in the structured data for string messages is "message". In the case of an object message, the fields are used as provided. Fields defined on the LogMessage interface are reserved and should not be used as keys in the message object (and will be ignored if they are). So, for example:
logger.debug({ level: 'WARN', message: 'Example of ignored fields', timestamp: 'today' });
results in the following event logged as output to the console (note the
ignored `level` and `timestamp` fields from the object):
{"timestamp":"2021-09-01T00:00:00.000Z","level":"DEBUG","scope":"example","message":"Example of ignored fields"}
This flattening behavior is implemented in the flattenMessage
exported from the @jdbernard/logging/log-message.ts
module and is available
for use in custom appender implemetations.
As a final note, the ConsoleAppender has some special behavior for the ERROR level and stacktrace field when running in a web browser to take advantage of the console's built-in. See the documentation for the ConsoleAppender for more information.
Worked Example
To illustrate the usage of the logging system and the purpose of the fine-grained control described above, consider the following TypeScript example:
// main.ts -- Entry point of the application
// A console appender is attached to the root logger to log all events at or
// above the INFO level.
logService.ROOT_LOGGER.appenders.push(new ConsoleAppender(LogLevel.INFO));
// An API appender is attached to the root logger to forward all ERROR events
// to a server-side error log collector.
logServive.ROOT_LOGGER.appenders.push(new ApiAppender(
const appLog = logService.getLogger('app');
appLog.info('Starting application');
// api.ts -- API implementaiton
const apiLog = logService.getLogger('app/api');
// http-client.ts -- HTTP client implementation
const httpLog = logService.getLogger('app/api/http-client');
Because different parts of the application use namespaced loggers, we can
dynamically adjust the logging level of different parts of the application
without changing the code. For example, to increase the logging level of the
HTTP client to DEBUG, we can add the following line to the main.ts
Additionally, if, for some reason, we only wanted to forward the ERROR events
from the API namespace to the server-side error log collector, we could attach
the ApiAppender to the app/api
logger instead of the root logger. This
would allow us to log all events from both the API and HTTP client loggers to
the API log collector, but ignore the rest of the application regardless of the
logging level.