Client Behaviour (ts.js) ======================== - Created EntryView.getViewModel: translates model data to view data, specifically synthesizes the start time and duration from the timestamp. - Added nextModel option to EntryView, needed for calculating the entry duration. - Created EntryView.formatStart: given the timestamp, return the start time, in HH:MM format. Code is written for both 24hr and 12hr format, still need to write a selector mechanism. For now, uses 12hr format. - Created EntryView.formatDuration: Get the duration of the entry based on this entry's timestamp and and the next entry's timestamp in a display-able form. If nextModel is `null` or `undefined` it is assumed that `model` is the most recent model and duration is calculated against the current time. - Changed EntryView.render to use getViewModel. - Added 'blur' listeners to the mark and timestamp input fields to close them without persisting the changes. - Created EntryView.update: Refresh the display based on the model using the existing DOM elements. - now uses EntryView.update() instead of EntryView.render() and no longer includes an implicit close() - EntryView.close() has been split into seperate save() and close() functions, to persist the changes and hide the input dialogs, respectively. - EntryListView.addOne now passes the nextModel to EntryViews is creates. - EntryListView.createNewEntryOnEnter() now clear the new intry input after creating a new entry. - EntryListView.render() now uses a for-structure to traverse the entry collection and passes the nextModel (if there is one) to EntryListView.addOne. Client UI (ts-screen.scss) ========================== - Font size, family, and color adjusted on timeline and user input fields. - Day seperator secondary header colors adjusted. - Mark column width shortened, timestamp and duration columns widened. - Styles added for notes UI Client UI (index.yaws) ====================== - Markup changes needed for getViewModel chanes. - Expanded day seperator.
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