Jonathan Bernard
Added ability to specify timeline file on command line
Added release build target to build stand-alone jar and tar.gz files
committer: Jonathan Bernard <jdbernard@jdbernard-desktop.(none)>
2008-08-30 23:35:42 -05:00 |
Jonathan Bernard
Referencing libraries in an IDE-independant way using relative paths to the
'lib' directory so that build scripts can run on any platform and outside
the IDE
committer: Jonathan Bernard <jdbernard@jdbernard-desktop.(none)>
2008-08-30 00:29:22 -05:00 |
Jonathan Bernard
missed some IDE stuff.
committer: Jonathan Bernard <>
2008-08-29 18:30:58 -05:00 |
Jonathan Bernard
Minor bug fix. Now allows a config file to be created if it does not exist.
committer: Jonathan Bernard <>
2008-08-29 18:27:48 -05:00 |
Jonathan Bernard
Initial working version checkin.
committer: Jonathan Bernard <>
2008-08-29 18:19:56 -05:00 |
Jonathan Bernard
Added initial GUI code from NetBeans IDE
committer: Jonathan Bernard <>
2008-08-29 14:51:55 -05:00 |
Jonathan Bernard
Created and finished initial version of timeline implementation.
committer: Jonathan Bernard <jdbernard@jdbernard-desktop.(none)>
2008-08-29 12:31:39 -05:00 |