Working on UI using ANSI escape sequences.

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Jonathan Bernard 2013-08-08 14:21:00 -05:00
parent f9e700f27b
commit 769245b690
10 changed files with 166 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
package com.jdblabs.timestamper.cli
import com.jdbernard.util.SmartConfig
import com.jdbernard.util.LightOptionParser
import com.jdblabs.timestamper.core.Timeline
import com.jdblabs.timestamper.core.TimelineMarker
import com.jdblabs.timestamper.core.TimelineProperties
import com.martiansoftware.nailgun.NGContext
import org.fusesource.jansi.AnsiConsole
import static org.fusesource.jansi.Ansi.*
import static org.fusesource.jansi.Ansi.*
import static org.fusesource.jansi.Ansi.Color.*
public class TimeStamperCLI {
private static String EOL = System.getProperty("line.separator")
private static TimeStamperCLI nailgunInst
protected TimelineProperties timelineProperties
protected Timeline timeline
public static final String VERSION = "0.1"
protected static def cli = [
'v': [longOpt: 'version'],
'd': [longOpt: 'working-directory', arguments: 1],
't': [longOpt: 'timeline-config', arguments: 1] ]
public static void main(String[] args) {
TimeStamperCLI inst = new TimeStamperCLI()
doMain(inst, args,, System.out, System.err); }
public static void nailMain(NGContext context) {
if (nailgunInst == null)
nailgunInst = new TimeStamperCLI()
doMain(nailgunInst, context.args,, context.out, context.err) }
protected static doMain(TimeStamperCLI inst, String[] args,
def sin, def out, def err) {
out = new PrintStream(AnsiConsole.wrapOutputStream(out))
def opts = LightOptionParser.parseOptions(cli, args as List)
File workingDir = new File(opts.d ?: '.')
if (opts.t) {
File propFile = new File(workingDir, opts.t)
inst.showTimeline(propFile, sin, out, err) }
else if (inst.timeline == null) {
// Look for .timestamperrc user config file
File cfgFile = new File(
System.getProperty('user.home'), ".timestamperrc")
if (!cfgFile.exists() || !cfgFile.isFile())
err.println "Could not find the user configuration file: " +
else {
def cfg = new SmartConfig(cfgFile)
inst.showTimeline(new File(cfg.lastUsed), sin, out, err) } }
else { inst.showTimeline(sin, out, err) } }
public TimeStamperCLI() { }
public void showTimeline(File timelinePropertiesFile,
def sin, def out, def err) {
if (!timelinePropertiesFile.exists() ||
!timelinePropertiesFile.isFile()) {
err.println "No such timeline property file: " +
return }
this.timelineProperties = new TimelineProperties(timelinePropertiesFile)
this.timeline = timelineProperties.timeline
showTimeline(sin, out, err) }
public void showTimeline(final def sin, def out, def err) {
//out.println ""
def currentMarker = timeline.getLastMarker(new Date())
boolean running = true
def reader = new NonBlockingReader(sin)
def readerThread = new Thread(reader)
def blockingReadLine = {
String line = null;
while (line == null && readerThread.isAlive()) {
line = reader.readLine()
Thread.sleep(200) }
return line }
String line = null
println ""
while (running && readerThread.isAlive()) {
// Refresh the display
a(Timeline.shortFormat.format(currentMarker.timestamp) + " ").
fg(GREEN).a("(" + getDuration(currentMarker) + ") ").
// Handle user input
if ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
if (line =~ /quit|exit/) running = false }
Thread.sleep(200); }
if (readerThread.isAlive()) {
if (readerThread.isAlive()) readerThread.stop(); }
protected String getDuration(TimelineMarker tm) {
Date currentTime = new Date()
long seconds = currentTime.time - tm.timestamp.time
seconds /= 1000
long minutes = seconds / 60
seconds = seconds % 60
long hours = minutes / 60
minutes %= 60
long days = hours / 24
hours %= 24
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder()
if (days > 0) sb.append(days + "day ")
if (hours > 0) sb.append(hours + "hr ")
if (minutes > 0) sb.append(minutes + "min ")
sb.append(seconds + "sec")
return sb.toString() }
class NonBlockingReader implements Runnable {
private Reader rin
private LinkedList buffer = []
public void run() {
String line = null
try {
while((line = rin.readLine()) != null &&
storeLine(line) }
catch (InterruptedException ie) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt() } }
public synchronized String readLine() { return buffer.poll() }
private synchronized void storeLine(String line) { buffer << line }
public NonBlockingReader(def sin) {
this.rin = new InputStreamReader(sin) }