Include Pending in the 'today' view. Allow listing multiple issues or states.

This commit is contained in:
Jonathan Bernard 2021-08-30 11:49:35 -05:00
parent d93c0cf348
commit e0ab3cb401
3 changed files with 24 additions and 22 deletions

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Package
version = "4.13.0"
version = "4.14.0"
author = "Jonathan Bernard"
description = "Personal issue tracker."
license = "MIT"

View File

@ -196,22 +196,23 @@ proc edit(issue: Issue) =
proc list(ctx: CliContext, filter: Option[IssueFilter], state: Option[IssueState], showToday, showFuture, verbose: bool) =
proc list(ctx: CliContext, filter: Option[IssueFilter], states: Option[seq[IssueState]], showToday, showFuture, verbose: bool) =
if state.isSome:
if filter.isSome: ctx.filterIssues(filter.get)
if state.get == Done and showToday:
ctx.issues[Done] = ctx.issues[Done].filterIt(
it.hasProp("completed") and
sameDay(getTime().local, it.getDateTime("completed")))
stdout.write ctx.formatSection(ctx.issues[state.get], state.get, "", verbose)
if states.isSome:
for state in states.get:
if filter.isSome: ctx.filterIssues(filter.get)
if state == Done and showToday:
ctx.issues[Done] = ctx.issues[Done].filterIt(
it.hasProp("completed") and
sameDay(getTime().local, it.getDateTime("completed")))
stdout.write ctx.formatSection(ctx.issues[state], state, "", verbose)
if filter.isSome: ctx.filterIssues(filter.get)
let today = showToday and [Current, TodoToday].anyIt(
let today = showToday and [Current, TodoToday, Pending].anyIt(
ctx.issues.hasKey(it) and ctx.issues[it].len > 0)
let future = showFuture and [Pending, Todo].anyIt(
@ -223,7 +224,7 @@ proc list(ctx: CliContext, filter: Option[IssueFilter], state: Option[IssueState
if today:
if future: ctx.writeHeader("Today")
for s in [Current, TodoToday]:
for s in [Current, TodoToday, Pending]:
if ctx.issues.hasKey(s) and ctx.issues[s].len > 0:
stdout.write ctx.formatSection(ctx.issues[s], s, indent, verbose)
@ -246,7 +247,7 @@ when isMainModule:
pit ( new | add) <summary> [<state>] [options]
pit list contexts [options]
pit list [<stateOrId>] [options]
pit list [<stateOrId>...] [options]
pit ( start | done | pending | todo-today | todo | suspend ) <id>... [options]
pit edit <ref>... [options]
pit tag <id>... [options]
@ -490,13 +491,13 @@ Options:"context")
var listContexts = false
var stateOption = none(IssueState)
var issueIdOption = none(string)
var statesOption = none(seq[IssueState])
var issueIdsOption = none(seq[string])
if args["contexts"]: listContexts = true
elif args["<stateOrId>"]:
try: stateOption = some(parseEnum[IssueState]($args["<stateOrId>"]))
except: issueIdOption = some($args["<stateOrId>"])
try: statesOption = some(args["<stateOrId>"].mapIt(parseEnum[IssueState]($it)))
except: issueIdsOption = some(args["<stateOrId>"].mapIt($it))
# List the known contexts
if listContexts:
@ -516,14 +517,15 @@ Options:
stdout.writeLine(c.alignLeft(maxLen+2) & ctx.getIssueContextDisplayName(c))
# List a specific issue
elif issueIdOption.isSome:
let issue = ctx.tasksDir.loadIssueById(issueIdOption.get)
stdout.writeLine ctx.formatIssue(issue)
elif issueIdsOption.isSome:
for issueId in issueIdsOption.get:
let issue = ctx.tasksDir.loadIssueById(issueId)
stdout.writeLine ctx.formatIssue(issue)
# List all issues
let showBoth = args["--today"] == args["--future"]
ctx.list(filterOption, stateOption, showBoth or args["--today"],
ctx.list(filterOption, statesOption, showBoth or args["--today"],
showBoth or args["--future"],

View File

@ -1 +1 @@
const PIT_VERSION* = "4.13.0"
const PIT_VERSION* = "4.14.0"