Working draft of the server side. Testing files.

This commit is contained in:
Jonathan Bernard 2014-02-22 18:47:13 -06:00
parent 620dcaf59f
commit 6fe101f220
6 changed files with 384 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
package com.jdbernard.nurseryschedule
import com.jdbernard.util.SmartConfig
import groovy.json.JsonBuilder
import groovy.json.JsonException
import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
import groovy.text.SimpleTemplateEngine
import java.util.Calendar
import java.util.regex.Matcher
import javax.servlet.ServletConfig
import javax.servlet.ServletException
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession
import static java.util.Calendar.*
import static javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse.*
public class NurseryScheduleServlet extends HttpServlet {
/// This service currently only supports one user.
private String username
private String password
private String outputDirectory
private static SimpleDateFormat dataDateFormat =
new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd")
private static SimpleDateFormat displayDateFormat =
new SimpleDateFormat("MMM dd")
void init(ServletConfig config) {
this.username = config.getInitParameter("username")
this.password = config.getInitParameter("password")
this.outputDirectory = config.getInitParameter("outputDirectory") }
void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
HttpSession session = request.getSession(true);
/// If the user is posting to `/login` then let's try to authenticate
/// them. We don't care about the state of the existing session.
if (request.servletPath == '/login') {
/// Parse the username/password from the request.
def requestBody
try { requestBody = new JsonSlurper().parse(request.reader) }
catch (JsonException jsone) {
response.status = SC_BAD_REQUEST
return }
/// If no username or password are configured we cannot
/// authenticate the user.
if (!password || !username) {
response.status = SC_UNAUTHORIZED
return }
/// If the username or password do not match, deny the request.
if (username != requestBody.username ||
password != requestBody.password) {
response.status = SC_UNAUTHORIZED
return }
response.status = SC_OK
session.setAttribute('authenticated', 'true')
session.setAttribute('username', requestBody.username)
writeJSON([status: "ok"], response)
return }
/// The other endpoints require the user to be authenticated.
if (!((boolean)session.getAttribute('authenticated'))) {
response.status = SC_UNAUTHORIZED
return }
switch (request.servletPath) {
case ~ '/make-schedule':
/// Parse the request body.
def data
try { data = new JsonSlurper().parse(request.reader) }
catch (JsonException jsone) {
response.status = SC_BAD_REQUEST
return }
/// Calculate dates and modify the schedule data to include
/// them.
def cal = Calendar.getInstance()
cal.time = dataDateFormat.parse(
int month = cal.get(MONTH)
cal.set(HOUR_OF_DAY, 0)
cal.set(MINUTE, 0)
cal.set(SECOND, 0)
cal.set(MILLISECOND, 0)
['first', 'second', 'third', 'fourth', 'fifth'].eachWithIndex
{ dayNum, idx ->
/// Set the sunday
cal.set(DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH, idx + 1)
if (cal.get(MONTH) == month)
data.sundays[dayNum].date = displayDateFormat.format(cal.time)
/// Set the wednesday. Note that we have to reformat the
/// input data from {"first": ["PersonA", "PersonB"]} to
/// {"date": "Oct. 6", "volunteers": ["PersonA", PersonB"]}
def volunteers = data.wednesdays[dayNum]
data.wednesdays[dayNum] = [:]
data.wednesdays[dayNum].volunteers = volunteers
if (cal.get(MONTH) == month)
data.wednesdays[dayNum].date =
displayDateFormat.format(cal.time) }
cal.set(DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH, 2)
data.sundays['second'].date = displayDateFormat.format(cal.time)
/// Build the resulting page.
def engine = new SimpleTemplateEngine()
def scheduleTemplate = engine.createTemplate(
def output = scheduleTemplate.make(data)
/// Write the results to file.
new File(outputDirectory, + ".html").text = output
response.status = SC_OK
response.status = SC_NOT_FOUND

View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
import com.jdbernard.util.LightOptionParser
import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
import groovy.text.SimpleTemplateEngine
def cli = [
't': [longName: 'template', arguments: 1],
'd': [longName: 'data', arguments: 1],
'o': [longName: 'output', arguments: 1]]
def opts = LightOptionParser.parseOptions(cli, args as List)
def templateFile, dataFile, outputFile
if (opts.t) templateFile = new File(opts.t)
if (opts.d) dataFile = new File(opts.d)
if (opts.o) outputFile = new File(opts.o)
if (!templateFile || !templateFile.exists() || !templateFile.isFile()) {
println "Template file is not specified or does not exist."
return -1 }
if (!dataFile || !dataFile.exists() || !dataFile.isFile()) {
println "Data file is not specified or does not exist."
return -1 }
if (!outputFile) {
println "Output file is not specified."
return -1 }
def engine = new SimpleTemplateEngine()
def binding = new JsonSlurper().parseText(dataFile.text)
def template = engine.createTemplate(templateFile.text).make(binding)
outputFile.text = template.toString()

View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
"date": "Oct. 6th",
"toddlers":["Sara Bernard","Priscilla Reid","Becca Torres"],
"infants":["Latonya Kirton","Susan Vacca","Brandie Kristoff"],
"pm":["Susan Miller","Pamala Green"]},
"date": "Oct. 13th",
"toddlers":["Sara Bernard","Priscilla Reid","Maria Almazan"],
"infants":["Latonya Kirton","Susan Vacca","Rebecca Dombroski"],
"pm":["Zoe Torres","Hannah Torres"]},
"date": "Oct. 20th",
"toddlers":["Sara Bernard","Priscilla Reid","Delia Borrego"],
"infants":["Latonya Kirton","Susan Vacca","Deborah McDonald"],
"pm":["Jeanie Nelson","Alayna Robert"]},
"date": "Oct. 27th",
"toddlers":["Sara Bernard","Priscilla Reid","Maria Almazan"],
"infants":["Latonya Kirton","Susan Vacca","Crystal Johnson"],
"pm":["Deidra Dawson","Shekinah Dawson"]},
"toddlers":["Sara Bernard","Priscilla Reid","Julie Froese"],
"infants":["Latonya Kirton","Susan Vacca"],
"first": {
"date": "Oct. 3rd",
"volunteers": ["Courtney or Bryan Bootka","Gabby Galvez"]},
"second": {
"date": "Oct. 10th",
"volunteers": ["Reeta or Lionel Aguilar","Stephanie Langley"]},
"third": {
"date": "Oct. 17th",
"volunteers": ["Christina Grooms","Lanell Hanson"]},
"fourth": {
"date": "Oct. 24th",
"volunteers": ["Cassie Hernandez"]},
"fifth": {
"date": "Oct. 31st",
"volunteers": ["Regina Noble","Vita Sharpe"]}}}

src/test/test.html Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
<!doctype html>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/nursery-schedule.css">
<section class=sundays>
<div class=first>
<h3>First Sunday, Oct. 6th</h3>
<div class=am>
<div class=toddlers>
<li>Sara Bernard</li>
<li>Priscilla Reid</li>
<li>Becca Torres</li>
<div class=infants>
<li>Latonya Kirton</li>
<li>Susan Vacca</li>
<li>Brandie Kristoff</li>
<div class=pm>
<h5>Evening Service</h5>
<li>Susan Miller</li>
<li>Pamala Green</li>
<div class=second>
<h3>Second Sunday, Oct. 13th</h3>
<div class=am>
<div class=toddlers>
<li>Sara Bernard</li>
<li>Priscilla Reid</li>
<li>Maria Almazan</li>
<div class=infants>
<li>Latonya Kirton</li>
<li>Susan Vacca</li>
<li>Rebecca Dombroski</li>
<div class=pm>
<h5>Evening Service</h5>
<li>Zoe Torres</li>
<li>Hannah Torres</li>
<div class=third>
<h3>Third Sunday, Oct. 20th</h3>
<div class=am>
<div class=toddlers>
<li>Sara Bernard</li>
<li>Priscilla Reid</li>
<li>Delia Borrego</li>
<div class=infants>
<li>Latonya Kirton</li>
<li>Susan Vacca</li>
<li>Deborah McDonald</li>
<div class=pm>
<h5>Evening Service</h5>
<li>Jeanie Nelson</li>
<li>Alayna Robert</li>
<div class=fourth>
<h3>Fourth Sunday, Oct. 27th</h3>
<div class=am>
<div class=toddlers>
<li>Sara Bernard</li>
<li>Priscilla Reid</li>
<li>Maria Almazan</li>
<div class=infants>
<li>Latonya Kirton</li>
<li>Susan Vacca</li>
<li>Crystal Johnson</li>
<div class=pm>
<h5>Evening Service</h5>
<li>Deidra Dawson</li>
<li>Shekinah Dawson</li>
<section class=wednesdays>
<div class=first>
<h3>First Wednesday, Oct. 3rd</h3>
<li>Courtney or Bryan Bootka</li>
<li>Gabby Galvez</li>
<div class=second>
<h3>Second Wednesday, Oct. 10th</h3>
<li>Reeta or Lionel Aguilar</li>
<li>Stephanie Langley</li>
<div class=third>
<h3>Third Wednesday, Oct. 17th</h3>
<li>Christina Grooms</li>
<li>Lanell Hanson</li>
<div class=fourth>
<h3>Fourth Wednesday, Oct. 24th</h3>
<li>Cassie Hernandez</li>
<div class=fifth>
<h3>Fifth Wednesday, Oct. 31st</h3>
<li>Regina Noble</li>
<li>Vita Sharpe</li>

src/test/test.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
{"test": "value",
"divIds": ["first", "second", "third"]}

src/test/test.template Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
<h1>Test: ${test}</h1>
<% 3.times { idx -> %>
<div class='id-${divIds[idx]}'>
<% } %>