Functions as first-class objects, lambdas implemented. Added several new SFs

This commit is contained in:
Jonathan Bernard 2009-11-25 13:38:12 -06:00
parent 14ac02ab12
commit c63b92bf41
9 changed files with 291 additions and 45 deletions

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@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
#Tue Nov 24 11:54:14 CST 2009
#Tue Nov 24 14:17:29 CST 2009

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@ -4,7 +4,19 @@ package edu.utexas.cs345.jdblisp;
* FormEntry
* @author Jonathan Bernard(
public interface FormEntry {
SExp call(SymbolTable table, Seq arguments) throws LispException;
HelpTopic helpinfo();
public abstract class FormEntry implements SExp {
public final Symbol name;
public HelpTopic helpinfo;
public FormEntry(Symbol name, HelpTopic helpinfo) { = name;
this.helpinfo = helpinfo;
public abstract SExp call(SymbolTable table, Seq arguments) throws LispException;
public abstract String display(String offset);
public SExp eval(SymbolTable symbolTable) { return this; }

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@ -4,10 +4,8 @@ package edu.utexas.cs345.jdblisp;
* FunctionEntry
* @author Jonathan Bernard (
public class FunctionEntry implements FormEntry {
public class FunctionEntry extends FormEntry {
public final HelpTopic helpinfo;
public final Symbol name;
protected final Symbol[] parameters;
protected final SExp body;
@ -16,6 +14,7 @@ public class FunctionEntry implements FormEntry {
//private Logger traceLog = Logger.getLogger(getClass());
public FunctionEntry(Symbol name, Symbol[] parameters, SExp body) {
super(name, null);
// build invocation help string
String invokation = "(" +;
@ -26,7 +25,6 @@ public class FunctionEntry implements FormEntry {
// build help topic
FormHelpTopic helpinfo = new FormHelpTopic(, null, invokation, bodyInfo); = name;
this.parameters = parameters;
this.body = body;
this.helpinfo = helpinfo;
@ -34,16 +32,21 @@ public class FunctionEntry implements FormEntry {
public FunctionEntry(Symbol name, Symbol[] parameters, SExp body,
HelpTopic helpinfo) { = name;
super(name, helpinfo);
this.parameters = parameters;
this.body = body;
this.helpinfo = helpinfo;
public boolean isTraceEnabled() { return traceEnabled ;}
public void enableTrace(boolean enable) { this.traceEnabled = enable; }
public String display(String offset) {
return offset + "Function: " + name.toString();
public String toString() { return "<FUNCTION " + name.toString() + ">"; }
public SExp call(SymbolTable symbolTable, Seq arguments) throws LispException {
String traceString = null;

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@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
package edu.utexas.cs345.jdblisp;
* Lambda
public class Lambda extends FunctionEntry {
private SymbolTable closure;
public Lambda(Symbol[] parameters, SExp body, SymbolTable closure) {
super(new Symbol(""), parameters, body);
this.closure = closure;
public Lambda(Symbol[] parameters, SExp body, SymbolTable closure,
HelpTopic helpinfo) {
super(new Symbol(""), parameters, body, helpinfo);
this.closure = closure;
public String display(String offset) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append(offset).append("Lambda : \n");
for (Symbol param : parameters)
sb.append(" ").append(offset).append("Parameter: \n")
.append(param.display(offset + " "));
return sb.toString();
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("<LAMBDA (");
for (Symbol param : parameters)
sb.append(param.toString()).append(" ");
sb.append(") >");
return sb.toString();
public SExp call(SymbolTable symbolTable, Seq arguments)
throws LispException {
return, arguments);

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@ -40,7 +40,15 @@ public class List implements SExp {
return SExp.NIL;
// if the car is not a symbol, it had better be a lambda
SExp evaluated =;
if (evaluated instanceof Lambda) {
return ((Lambda) evaluated).call(table, seq.cdr);
// not a function call and not a lambda, error
throw new TypeException(, Lambda.class);
public String display(String offset) {

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@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import edu.utexas.cs345.jdblisp.*;
public class Parser {
private static Symbol QUOTE_SYMB = new Symbol("QUOTE");
private static Symbol FUNCTION_SYMB = new Symbol("FUNCTION");
@ -30,6 +31,7 @@ TOKEN : /* PUNCTUATION */
| < RPAREN: ")" >
| < NIL: (["N","n"]["I","i"]["L","l"])>
| < QUOTE: "'" >
| < FUNCTION: "#'" >
| < KEYWORD: ":" >
@ -43,7 +45,7 @@ TOKEN : /* LITERALS & SYMBOLS */
* SExp -> Symbol | Str | Num | List | "'" SExp
* SExp -> Symbol | Str | Num | List
SExp sexp():
{ SExp s = null; Token t;
@ -52,6 +54,7 @@ SExp sexp():
| t = <STRG> { return new Str(t.image); }
| t = <NUMB> { return new Num(t.image); }
| t = <QUOTE> s = sexp() { return new List(new Seq(QUOTE_SYMB, s)); }
| t = <FUNCTION> s = sexp() { return new List(new Seq(FUNCTION_SYMB, s)); }
| s = list() { return s; }

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@ -7,22 +7,27 @@ import java.util.ArrayList;
* SpecialFormEntry
* @author Jonathan Bernard (
public abstract class SpecialFormEntry implements FormEntry {
public final HelpTopic helpinfo;
public abstract class SpecialFormEntry extends FormEntry {
protected LISPRuntime environment;
public SpecialFormEntry(LISPRuntime environment, HelpTopic helpinfo) {
public SpecialFormEntry(Symbol name, LISPRuntime environment, HelpTopic helpinfo) {
super(name, helpinfo);
this.environment = environment;
this.helpinfo = helpinfo;
public HelpTopic helpinfo() { return helpinfo; }
public abstract SExp call(SymbolTable symbolTable, Seq arguments)
throws LispException;
public String display(String offset) {
return offset + "Special Form Entry: " + name.toString();
public String toString() {
return "<SPECIAL-FORM (" + name.toString() + ") >";
// ------------------------
// ------------------------
@ -40,6 +45,7 @@ public abstract class SpecialFormEntry implements FormEntry {
// ---
final SpecialFormEntry DIV = new SpecialFormEntry(
new Symbol("/"),
new FormHelpTopic("/", "Divide several expressions.",
"(- divisor) | (- dividend <divisor_1> [... <divisor_n>])",
@ -99,6 +105,7 @@ public abstract class SpecialFormEntry implements FormEntry {
// ---
final SpecialFormEntry DIF = new SpecialFormEntry(
new Symbol("-"),
new FormHelpTopic("-", "Subtract several expressions.",
"(- subtrahend) | (- <minuend> <subtrahend_1> [... <subtrahend_n>])",
@ -158,6 +165,7 @@ public abstract class SpecialFormEntry implements FormEntry {
// ---
final SpecialFormEntry MUL = new SpecialFormEntry(
new Symbol("*"),
new FormHelpTopic("*", "Multiply several expressions.",
"(+ [<multiplicand_1> ... <multiplicand_n>])",
@ -193,6 +201,7 @@ public abstract class SpecialFormEntry implements FormEntry {
// ---
final SpecialFormEntry SUM = new SpecialFormEntry(
new Symbol("+"),
new FormHelpTopic("+", "Sum several expressions.",
"(+ [<addend_1> ... <addend_n>])",
@ -222,11 +231,18 @@ public abstract class SpecialFormEntry implements FormEntry {
// ---
// CAR
// ---
// ----
// ----
SpecialFormEntry CONS = new SpecialFormEntry(
final SpecialFormEntry CONS = new SpecialFormEntry(
new Symbol("CONS"),
new FormHelpTopic("CONS", "create a cons",
"(cons <object-1> <object-2>) => <cons>",
@ -262,6 +278,7 @@ public abstract class SpecialFormEntry implements FormEntry {
// -----
final SpecialFormEntry DEFUN = new SpecialFormEntry(
new Symbol("DEFUN"),
new FormHelpTopic("DEFUN", "Define a (global) function.",
"(defun <name> (<param-list>) <func-body>)",
@ -330,6 +347,7 @@ public abstract class SpecialFormEntry implements FormEntry {
// ------------
final SpecialFormEntry DEFPARAMETER = new SpecialFormEntry(
new Symbol("DEFPARAMETER"),
new FormHelpTopic("DEFPARAMETER", "define a dynamic variable",
"(defparameter <name> <initial-value> [<documentation>]) => <name>",
@ -388,6 +406,7 @@ public abstract class SpecialFormEntry implements FormEntry {
// ------
final SpecialFormEntry DEFVAR = new SpecialFormEntry(
new Symbol("DEFVAR"),
new FormHelpTopic("DEFVAR", "define a variable",
"(defvar <name> [<initial-value> [<documentation>]]) => <name>",
@ -431,6 +450,7 @@ public abstract class SpecialFormEntry implements FormEntry {
// ----------------
final SpecialFormEntry ENABLEDEBUGAST = new SpecialFormEntry(
new Symbol("ENABLE-DEBUG-AST"),
new FormHelpTopic("ENABLE-DEBUG-AST",
"Enable debug information: abstract syntax tree.",
@ -457,11 +477,93 @@ public abstract class SpecialFormEntry implements FormEntry {
// --------
// --------
final SpecialFormEntry FUNCTION = new SpecialFormEntry(
new Symbol("FUNCTION"),
new FormHelpTopic("FUNCTION", "retrieve a function",
"(function <func-name>) => <function>",
"function returns the function specified by the symbol passed "
+ " as an argument. #'funcname is equivalent to (function "
+ " funcname).",
"func-name", "a symbol naming a function",
"function", "a function"))
public SExp call(SymbolTable symbolTable, Seq arguments)
throws LispException {
FormEntry fe = null;
if (arguments == null || arguments.length() != 1)
throw new InvalidArgumentQuantityException(1);
if (!( instanceof Symbol))
throw new TypeException(, Symbol.class);
fe = symbolTable.lookupFunction((Symbol);
if (fe == null)
throw new UndefinedFunctionException((Symbol);
return fe;
// -------
// -------
final SpecialFormEntry FUNCALL = new SpecialFormEntry(
new Symbol("FUNCALL"),
new FormHelpTopic("FUNCALL", "make a function call",
"(funcall <function> <arg>*) => <result>",
"funcall applies function to args. If function is a symbol, "
+ "it is coerced to a function as if by finding its "
+ "functional value in the global environment.",
"function", "a function designator",
"arg", "an object",
"results", "the result of the function call"))
public SExp call(SymbolTable symbolTable, Seq arguments)
throws LispException {
if (arguments == null)
throw new InvalidArgumentQuantityException(
"form requires at least one argument.");
// first argument: function designator
SExp func =;
FormEntry fe = null;
arguments = arguments.cdr;
// cast if already a form entry
if (func instanceof FormEntry) fe = (FormEntry) func;
// lookup the function if it is a symbol
if (func instanceof Symbol) {
fe = environment.globalSymbolTable
.lookupFunction((Symbol) func);
if (fe == null)
throw new UndefinedFunctionException((Symbol) func);
if (fe == null)
throw new TypeException(func, FormEntry.class);
// make the function call
return, arguments);
// ----
// ----
SpecialFormEntry GETF = new SpecialFormEntry(
final SpecialFormEntry GETF = new SpecialFormEntry(
new Symbol("GETF"),
new FormHelpTopic("GETF", "",
"(getf <plist> <indicator> [<default>]) => <value>",
@ -525,6 +627,7 @@ public abstract class SpecialFormEntry implements FormEntry {
// ----
final SpecialFormEntry HELP = new SpecialFormEntry(
new Symbol("HELP"),
new FormHelpTopic("HELP",
"Display online help information for a topic.",
@ -553,7 +656,7 @@ public abstract class SpecialFormEntry implements FormEntry {
// lookup help for funtion
FormEntry fe = symbolTable.lookupFunction(
if (fe != null) topics.add(fe.helpinfo());
if (fe != null) topics.add(fe.helpinfo);
// lookup help for variable
VariableEntry ve = symbolTable.lookupVariable(
@ -576,6 +679,7 @@ public abstract class SpecialFormEntry implements FormEntry {
// --
final SpecialFormEntry IF = new SpecialFormEntry(
new Symbol("IF"),
new FormHelpTopic("IF",
"conditional code execution",
@ -612,11 +716,63 @@ public abstract class SpecialFormEntry implements FormEntry {
// ------
// ------
final SpecialFormEntry LAMBDA = new SpecialFormEntry(
new Symbol("LAMBDA"),
new FormHelpTopic("LAMDA",
"create an anonymous function over the current lexical closure",
"(lambda <param-list> <form>) => <lambda>",
"param-list", "a list of symbols",
"form", "a form",
"lambda", "a function"))
public SExp call(SymbolTable symbolTable, Seq arguments)
throws LispException {
ArrayList<Symbol> parameters = new ArrayList<Symbol>();
SExp body;
Seq paramSeq;
if (arguments.length() != 2)
throw new InvalidArgumentQuantityException(
2, arguments.length());
// first parameter: parameters to the lambda
if (!( instanceof List))
throw new TypeException(, List.class);
paramSeq = ((List);
while (paramSeq != null) {
if (!( instanceof Symbol))
throw new TypeException(, Symbol.class);
paramSeq = paramSeq.cdr;
// second argument: function body
arguments = arguments.cdr;
assert (arguments != null);
body =;
return new Lambda(parameters.toArray(new Symbol[]{}),
body, symbolTable);
// ---
// LET
// ---
final SpecialFormEntry LET = new SpecialFormEntry(
new Symbol("LET"),
new FormHelpTopic("LET", "create new lexical variable bindings",
"(let (([<var> <init-form>])*) <form>*) => <result>",
@ -705,6 +861,7 @@ public abstract class SpecialFormEntry implements FormEntry {
// ----
final SpecialFormEntry LET_STAR = new SpecialFormEntry(
new Symbol("LET*"),
new FormHelpTopic("LET*", "create new lexical variable bindings",
"(let (([<var> <init-form>])*) <form>*) => <result>",
@ -794,6 +951,7 @@ public abstract class SpecialFormEntry implements FormEntry {
// ----
final SpecialFormEntry LIST = new SpecialFormEntry(
new Symbol("LIST"),
new FormHelpTopic("LIST", "create a list",
"(list <object>*) => list",
@ -829,6 +987,7 @@ public abstract class SpecialFormEntry implements FormEntry {
// -----
final SpecialFormEntry QUOTE = new SpecialFormEntry(
new Symbol("QUOTE"),
new FormHelpTopic("QUOTE", "Return objects unevaluated.",
"(quote <object>) => <object>",
@ -851,6 +1010,7 @@ public abstract class SpecialFormEntry implements FormEntry {
// -----
final SpecialFormEntry PROGN = new SpecialFormEntry(
new Symbol("PROGN"),
new FormHelpTopic("PROGN",
"evaluate forms in the order they are given",
@ -883,6 +1043,7 @@ public abstract class SpecialFormEntry implements FormEntry {
// ----
final SpecialFormEntry SETQ = new SpecialFormEntry(
new Symbol("SETQ"),
new FormHelpTopic("SETQ", "Assigns values to variables.",
"(setq [<name> <form>]*)",
@ -943,6 +1104,7 @@ public abstract class SpecialFormEntry implements FormEntry {
// -----
final SpecialFormEntry TRACE = new SpecialFormEntry(
new Symbol("TRACE"),
new FormHelpTopic("TRACE",
"enable trace information for a function",
@ -975,24 +1137,27 @@ public abstract class SpecialFormEntry implements FormEntry {
environment.globalSymbolTable.bind(new Symbol("-"), DIF);
environment.globalSymbolTable.bind(new Symbol("/"), DIV);
environment.globalSymbolTable.bind(new Symbol("*"), MUL);
environment.globalSymbolTable.bind(new Symbol("+"), SUM);
environment.globalSymbolTable.bind(new Symbol("CONS"), CONS);
environment.globalSymbolTable.bind(new Symbol("DEFUN"), DEFUN);
environment.globalSymbolTable.bind(new Symbol("DEFPARAMETER"), DEFPARAMETER);
environment.globalSymbolTable.bind(new Symbol("DEFVAR"), DEFVAR);
environment.globalSymbolTable.bind(new Symbol("ENABLE-DEBUG-AST"), ENABLEDEBUGAST);
environment.globalSymbolTable.bind(new Symbol("GETF"), GETF);
environment.globalSymbolTable.bind(new Symbol("HELP"), HELP);
environment.globalSymbolTable.bind(new Symbol("IF"), IF);
environment.globalSymbolTable.bind(new Symbol("LET"), LET);
environment.globalSymbolTable.bind(new Symbol("LET*"), LET_STAR);
environment.globalSymbolTable.bind(new Symbol("LIST"), LIST);
environment.globalSymbolTable.bind(new Symbol("QUOTE"), QUOTE);
environment.globalSymbolTable.bind(new Symbol("PROGN"), PROGN);
environment.globalSymbolTable.bind(new Symbol("SETQ"), SETQ);
environment.globalSymbolTable.bind(new Symbol("TRACE"), TRACE);
environment.globalSymbolTable.bind(, DIF);
environment.globalSymbolTable.bind(, DIV);
environment.globalSymbolTable.bind(, MUL);
environment.globalSymbolTable.bind(, SUM);
environment.globalSymbolTable.bind(, CONS);
environment.globalSymbolTable.bind(, DEFUN);
environment.globalSymbolTable.bind(, DEFPARAMETER);
environment.globalSymbolTable.bind(, DEFVAR);
environment.globalSymbolTable.bind(, ENABLEDEBUGAST);
environment.globalSymbolTable.bind(, FUNCALL);
environment.globalSymbolTable.bind(, FUNCTION);
environment.globalSymbolTable.bind(, GETF);
environment.globalSymbolTable.bind(, HELP);
environment.globalSymbolTable.bind(, IF);
environment.globalSymbolTable.bind(, LAMBDA);
environment.globalSymbolTable.bind(, LET);
environment.globalSymbolTable.bind(, LET_STAR);
environment.globalSymbolTable.bind(, LIST);
environment.globalSymbolTable.bind(, QUOTE);
environment.globalSymbolTable.bind(, PROGN);
environment.globalSymbolTable.bind(, SETQ);
environment.globalSymbolTable.bind(, TRACE);

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@ -99,4 +99,5 @@ public class SymbolTable {
// search outer scope
return enclosingTable.lookupVariable(s);

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@ -1,11 +1,15 @@
- Implement CAR
- Implement CDR
- Implement FORMAT
- Implement GETF
- Implement FIRST
- Implement lambdas
- Implement LAST
- Implement LIST*
- Implement macros
- Implement arithmetic comparisons
- Implement packages
- Implement READ and PRINT
- Implement SETF
@ -20,11 +24,12 @@ Outstanding
Partially Done
P Implement keywords
D Implement keywords
D Implement GETF
D Add ' notation for quote
D Define NIL
D Define T