* list-projects lists all the projects in the repo.
* list-contexts lists all the context in the repo.
* Created a bash completion script to allow auto-complete for GTD.
The `rename-project` command will rename a project and update all of the action
items associated with that project.
* Fills in some missing information in the online help.
* Fixes a bug in the finGtdRootDir function. It was not properly handling
relative paths.
* Fixes a bug where the reconfigure command was referring to the wrong
configuration file.
* Created `delegate`. This will move an action from a next actions context
folder to the waiting folder. Any duplicate items in project folders will be
renamed and updated to reflect any action change.
* Updated `ls` to take multiple named contexts or projects and list them all.
* Moved Item, PropertyHelp to the com.jdblabs.gtd namespace.
* Broke out common functions from GTCLI to a new Util class.
* Created a GTDServlet class which responds to the following endpoints:
* `/login` (POST): Expects JSON input in the request body in the form of
`{"username": "joe_user", "password": "password1234" }`. The username and
password are validated against the values listed in the GTD root directory
.properties file.
* `/contexts` (GET): Returns all the GTD contexts the current user has `read`
access to.
* `/contexts/<contextId>` (GET): Returns a single context. The ID is the GTD
context directory name.
* `/projects` (GET): Returns all the GTD projects the current user has `read`
access to.
* `/projects/<projectId>` (GET): Returns a single project. The ID is the GTD
project directory name.
* `/next-actions/<categoryNames>` (GET): Returns all the next actions for a
list of contexts or projects. The categoryNames value is expected to be a
comma-delimited list of project and context names.