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Utility methods used internally by Fiber ORM.


MutateClauses = object
  columns*: seq[string]
  placeholders*: seq[string]
  values*: seq[string]
Data structure to hold information about the clauses that should be added to a query. How these clauses are used will depend on the query. This common data structure provides the information needed to create WHERE clauses, UPDATE clauses, etc.   Source   Edit


proc createParseStmt(t, value: NimNode): NimNode {....raises: [], tags: [].}
Utility method to create the Nim cod required to parse a value coming from the a database query. This is used by functions like rowToModel to parse the dataabase columns into the Nim object fields.   Source   Edit
proc dbFormat(dt: DateTime): string {....raises: [], tags: [].}
Format a DateTime for inclusion in a SQL Query.   Source   Edit
proc dbFormat(s: string): string {....raises: [], tags: [].}
Format a string for inclusion in a SQL Query.   Source   Edit
proc dbFormat[T](item: T): string
For all other types, fall back on a defined $ function to create a string version of the value we can include in an SQL query>   Source   Edit
proc dbFormat[T](list: seq[T]): string
Format a seq for inclusion in a SQL Query.   Source   Edit
proc dbNameToIdent(name: string): string {....raises: [], tags: [].}
Map a DB name to a Nim identifier name. See the rules for name mapping   Source   Edit
proc identNameToDb(name: string): string {....raises: [], tags: [].}

Map a Nim identifier name to a DB name. See the rules for name mapping

TODO link above

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proc parseDbArray(val: string): seq[string] {....raises: [ValueError], tags: [].}
Parse a Postgres array column into a Nim seq[string]   Source   Edit
proc parsePGDatetime(val: string): DateTime {....raises: [KeyError, SyntaxError,
    StudyError, ValueError, RegexInternalError, InvalidUnicodeError],
    tags: [TimeEffect].}
Parse a Postgres datetime value into a Nim DateTime object.   Source   Edit
proc pluralize(name: string): string {....raises: [], tags: [].}
Return the plural form of the given name.   Source   Edit
proc tableName(modelType: type): string
Get the table name for a given model class   Source   Edit
proc tableName[T](rec: T): string
Get the table name for a given record.   Source   Edit
proc typeOfColumn(modelType: NimNode; colName: string): NimNode {.
    ...raises: [Exception], tags: [].}
Given a model type and a column name, return the Nim type for that column.   Source   Edit


macro columnNamesForModel(modelType: typed): seq[string]
Return the column names corresponding to the the fields of the given model class   Source   Edit
macro listFields(t: typed): untyped
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macro modelName(model: object): string
For a given concrete record object, return the name of the model class   Source   Edit
macro modelName(modelType: type): string
Get the name of a given model class   Source   Edit
macro populateMutateClauses(t: typed; newRecord: bool; mc: var MutateClauses): untyped
Given a record type, create the datastructure used to generate SQL clauses for the fields of this record type.   Source   Edit
macro rowToModel(modelType: typed; row: seq[string]): untyped
Return a new Nim model object of type modelType populated with the values returned in the given database row   Source   Edit


template walkFieldDefs(t: NimNode; body: untyped)
Iterate over every field of the given Nim object, yielding and defining fieldIdent and fieldType, the name of the field as a Nim Ident node and the type of the field as a Nim Type node respectively.   Source   Edit