CLI: Implemented delete command for bookmarks and playlists.
This commit is contained in:
@ -50,11 +50,14 @@ remove <selection-criteria> from playlist <id | name>
clear playlist <id | name>
delete playlist <id | name>
# Bookmarking
create bookmark named <name>
create bookmark named <name> on <playlist id | name> at <media file id | name>
rename bookmark <old name> to <new name>
delete bookmark <name | id>
# Transport Functions
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ Options:
private static Logger logger =
p2rivate static Logger logger =
private Properties cliConfig
@ -404,6 +404,7 @@ Configuration:
case 'list': return processList(rest, currentSelection)
case 'select': return processSelect(rest, currentSelection)
case 'create': return processCreate(rest, currentSelection)
case 'delete': return processDelete(rest)
case 'play': return processPlay(rest, currentSelection)
case 'enqueue': return processEnqueue(rest, currentSelection)
case 'add': return processAdd(rest, currentSelection)
@ -610,6 +611,18 @@ Configuration:
default: invalidOptionsErr('create') } }
private def processDelete(String options) {
switch (options) {
case ~/playlist (.+)/:
Playlist p = getExactlyOne(
Playlist, Matcher.lastMatcher[0][1].trim())
return library.delete(p)
case ~/bookmark (.+)/:
Bookmark b = getExactlyOne(
Bookmark, Matcher.latMatcher[0][1].trim())
return library.delete(b)
default: invalidOptionsErr('delete') } }
private Playlist processPlay(String options, List<Model> selection) {
switch (options) {
@ -670,7 +683,7 @@ Configuration:
Playlist p
def m = (options =~ /(.+) to playlist (.+)/)
p = getExactlyOne(m[0][2])
p = getExactlyOne(Playlist, m[0][2])
if (!p) err "No playlist for '${Matcher.lastMatcher[0][1]}'."
if (m[0][1] != "selection") selection = select(options, selection)
@ -936,6 +949,7 @@ Available commands:
select Select things (into the select buffer, no the play queue).
play Play requested media.
enqueue Enqueue requested media to the end of the play queue.
create Create a playlist or bookmark.
add Append requested media to the end of a playlist.
remove Remove requested from the play queue or playlist.
randomize Re-order the files in a play queue or a playlist randomly.
@ -1074,6 +1088,15 @@ ${cmdStyle}create playlist named <name> from { queue | selection}${normalStyle}
current play queue or the current selection.
// --------------
case 'delete': return """\
${cmdStyle}delete playlist <name | id>
delete bookmark <name | id>${normalStyle}
Delete a playlist or bookmark.
// --------------
case 'play': return """\
@ -1336,10 +1359,14 @@ Playlist and Queue Management:
create bookmark named <name> on playlist <playlist name | id> at <file name | id>
create playlist named <name> from { selection | queue }
create playlist named <name from <selection-criteria>
copy playlist <id | name> as <new name>
create bookmark <id | name>
update bookmark <id | name>
delete playlist <id | name>
delete bookmark <id | name>
randomize queue
randomize playlist
@ -637,6 +637,11 @@ public class DbApi {
return sql.rows(query, sqlParams)
.collect { recordToModel(Playlist, it) } }
public int delete(Playlist p) {
return withTransaction {
delete((Model) p) } }
public int getNextPlaylistPosition(UUID playlistId) {
String query = """\
SELECT COALESCE(MAX(position), 0) + 1
@ -740,7 +745,8 @@ public class DbApi {
'Finding media file playlist position.\n\tSQL: {}\n\tPARAMS: {}',
getPositionQuery, params)
int position = sql.firstRow(getPositionQuery, params)[0]
def row = sql.firstRow(getPositionQuery, params)
int position = row ? row[0] : 0
'Removing media file from playlist.\n\tSQL: {}\n\tPARAMS: {}',
Reference in New Issue
Block a user