Renamed ORM to DbApi.

This commit is contained in:
Jonathan Bernard 2016-03-16 02:52:26 -05:00
parent 7f41f8c4e1
commit 392c94f39c
3 changed files with 44 additions and 44 deletions

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ package com.jdbernard.wdiwtlt.cli
import com.jdbernard.wdiwtlt.ConfigWrapper
import com.jdbernard.wdiwtlt.MediaLibrary
import com.jdbernard.wdiwtlt.db.ORM
import com.jdbernard.wdiwtlt.db.DbApi
import com.jdbernard.wdiwtlt.db.models.*
import com.jdbernard.util.AnsiEscapeCodeSequence as ANSI
@ -183,10 +183,10 @@ Configuration:
if (!hcfg) exitErr("Cannot load database configuation.")
// Create our database instance
def orm
def dbapi
try {
def hds = new HikariDataSource(hcfg)
orm = new ORM(hds) }
dbapi = new DbApi(hds) }
catch (Exception e) {
exitErr("Could not establish a connection to the database:\n\t" +
e.localizedMessage) }
@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ Configuration:
// Create our CLI object
try {
def cliInst = new CommandLineInterface(new MediaLibrary(orm, libRoot),
def cliInst = new CommandLineInterface(new MediaLibrary(dbapi, libRoot),
vlcj,, System.out, givenCfg)
cliInst.repl() }
catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); exitErr(e.localizedMessage) }

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
package com.jdbernard.wdiwtlt
import com.jdbernard.wdiwtlt.db.ORM
import com.jdbernard.wdiwtlt.db.DbApi
import com.jdbernard.wdiwtlt.db.models.*
import java.sql.Timestamp
@ -22,32 +22,32 @@ public class MediaLibrary {
private static UPPERCASE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(/(.)(\p{javaUpperCase})/)
@Delegate ORM orm
@Delegate DbApi dbapi
private File libraryRoot
public long autoDeletePeriod = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 // one week
public MediaLibrary(ORM orm, File rootDir) {
public MediaLibrary(DbApi dbapi, File rootDir) {
logger.debug("Creating a MediaLibrary rooted at: {}",
this.orm = orm
this.dbapi = dbapi
this.libraryRoot = rootDir }
public void clean() {
Timestamp staleTS = new Timestamp(new Date().time - autoDeletePeriod)
orm.withTransaction {
def stalePlaylists = orm.getPlaylistsWhere(
dbapi.withTransaction {
def stalePlaylists = dbapi.getPlaylistsWhere(
userCreated: false, lastUsedBefore: staleTS)
stalePlaylists.each { orm.delete(it) } }
orm.withTransaction {
def staleBookmarks = orm.getBookmarksWhere(
stalePlaylists.each { dbapi.delete(it) } }
dbapi.withTransaction {
def staleBookmarks = dbapi.getBookmarksWhere(
userCreated: false, lastUsedBefore: staleTS)
staleBookmarks.each { orm.delete(it) } } }
staleBookmarks.each { dbapi.delete(it) } } }
public def rescanLibrary() {
def results = [ total: 0, ignored: 0, new: 0]
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ public class MediaLibrary {
return null }
def relPath = getRelativePath(libraryRoot, f)
MediaFile mf = orm.getMediaFileByFilePath(relPath)
MediaFile mf = dbapi.getMediaFileByFilePath(relPath)
if (mf) {
@ -113,8 +113,8 @@ public class MediaLibrary {
// Hash the file
mf.fileHash = f.withInputStream { DigestUtils.md5Hex(it) }
orm.withTransaction {
dbapi.withTransaction {
associateWithArtistsAndAlbums(mf, artistNames, albumNames,
safeToInteger(fileTag?.getFirst(YEAR))) }
@ -124,38 +124,38 @@ public class MediaLibrary {
public def getByIdOrName(Class modelClass, String input) {
def match
if (safeToInteger(input)) {
match = orm.getById(modelClass, safeToInteger(input))
match = dbapi.getById(modelClass, safeToInteger(input))
if (match) match = [match] }
else {
match = orm.getByName(modelClass, input)
if (!match) match = orm.getLike(modelClass, ["name"], [input]) }
match = dbapi.getByName(modelClass, input)
if (!match) match = dbapi.getLike(modelClass, ["name"], [input]) }
return match }
public List<Artist> getArtistsByName(String name) {
return [orm.getArtistByName(name)] ?: orm.getArtistsLikeName(name) }
return [dbapi.getArtistByName(name)] ?: dbapi.getArtistsLikeName(name) }
public List<Album> getAlbumsByName(String name) {
return orm.getAlbumsWhere(name: name) ?: orm.getAlbumsLikeName(name) }
return dbapi.getAlbumsWhere(name: name) ?: dbapi.getAlbumsLikeName(name) }
public List<MediaFile> collectMediaFiles(List<Model> models) {
if (!models) return []
return models.collectMany { m ->
if (m.class == MediaFile) return [m]
return orm.getMediaFilesWhere((idKeyFor(m.class)): }.findAll() }
return dbapi.getMediaFilesWhere((idKeyFor(m.class)): }.findAll() }
public List<Artist> splitArtist(Artist toSplit, Pattern splitPattern) {
return splitArtist(toSplit, pattern.split( }
public List<Artist> splitArtist(Artist toSplit, List<String> newNames) {
def albums = orm.getAlbumsWhere(artistId:
def mediaFiles = orm.getMediaFilesByArtistId(
def albums = dbapi.getAlbumsWhere(artistId:
def mediaFiles = dbapi.getMediaFilesByArtistId( = newNames[0]
List<Artist> newArtists = newNames[1..-1].collect { new Artist(it) }
newArtists.each { newArtist ->
albums.each { orm.associate(newArtist, it) }
mediaFiles.each { orm.associate(newArtist, it) } }
albums.each { dbapi.associate(newArtist, it) }
mediaFiles.each { dbapi.associate(newArtist, it) } }
return [toSplit] + newArtists }
@ -164,12 +164,12 @@ public class MediaLibrary {
// Find or create artists.
def artists = artistNames.collect { artistName ->
Artist artist = orm.getArtistByName(artistName)
if (!artist) artist = orm.create(new Artist(name: artistName))
Artist artist = dbapi.getArtistByName(artistName)
if (!artist) artist = dbapi.create(new Artist(name: artistName))
return artist }
// Associate file with artists.
artists.each { orm.associate(it, mf) }
artists.each { dbapi.associate(it, mf) }
// Find or create albums
def albums = albumNames.collect { albumName ->
@ -182,42 +182,42 @@ public class MediaLibrary {
// associated with one of the artists for this piece.
album = artists.inject(null, { foundAlbum, artist ->
if (foundAlbum) return foundAlbum
def cur = orm.getAlbumsWhere(name: albumName,
def cur = dbapi.getAlbumsWhere(name: albumName,
year: albumYear, artistId:
return cur ? cur[0] : null })
// If we don't have it with one of the artists, see if we have
// one that matches the name and year.
if (!album) {
def cur = orm.getAlbumsWhere(
def cur = dbapi.getAlbumsWhere(
name: albumName, year: albumYear)
album = cur ? cur[0] : null } }
else {
album = artists.inject(null, { foundAlbum, artist ->
if (foundAlbum) return foundAlbum
def cur = orm.getAlbumsWhere(
def cur = dbapi.getAlbumsWhere(
name: albumName, artistId:
return cur ? cur[0] : null })
if (!album) {
def cur = orm.getAlbumsWhere(name: albumName)
def cur = dbapi.getAlbumsWhere(name: albumName)
album = cur ? cur[0] : null } }
// We still can't find the album at all. We'll need to create it
if (!album)
album = orm.create(new Album(name: albumName, year: albumYear))
album = dbapi.create(new Album(name: albumName, year: albumYear))
return album }
// Associate file with albums
albums.each { orm.associate(it, mf) }
albums.each { dbapi.associate(it, mf) }
// Make sure we have association between all of the artists and albums.
artists.each { artist ->
def albumsForArtist = orm.getAlbumsWhere(artistId:
def albumsForArtist = dbapi.getAlbumsWhere(artistId:
def albumsMissing = albums - albumsForArtist
albumsMissing.each { album -> orm.associate(artist, album) } } }
albumsMissing.each { album -> dbapi.associate(artist, album) } } }
/** #### `getRelativePath`
* Given a parent path and a child path, assuming the child path is

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@ -19,15 +19,15 @@ import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import com.jdbernard.wdiwtlt.db.models.*
public class ORM {
public class DbApi {
private DataSource dataSource
private Sql sql
private static UPPERCASE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(/(.)(\p{javaUpperCase})/)
private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ORM)
private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DbApi)
public ORM(DataSource dataSource) {
public DbApi(DataSource dataSource) {
this.dataSource = dataSource
this.sql = new Sql(dataSource) }