diff --git a/build.xml b/build.xml
index dda64f7..684935a 100644
--- a/build.xml
+++ b/build.xml
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
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index c9271c1..abe9784 100644
--- a/project.properties
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-#Thu, 25 Sep 2014 02:29:18 -0500
+#Tue, 28 Oct 2014 01:58:09 -0500
diff --git a/src/main/com/jdbernard/util/LightOptionParser.groovy b/src/main/com/jdbernard/util/LightOptionParser.groovy
index ffd36a6..d968c33 100644
--- a/src/main/com/jdbernard/util/LightOptionParser.groovy
+++ b/src/main/com/jdbernard/util/LightOptionParser.groovy
@@ -11,59 +11,97 @@ public class LightOptionParser {
public static def parseOptions(def optionDefinitions, List args) {
- def returnOpts = [:]
- def foundOpts = [:]
- def optionArgIndices = []
+ def returnOpts = [args:[]]
- /// Find all the options.
- args.eachWithIndex { arg, idx ->
- if (arg.startsWith('--')) foundOpts[arg.substring(2)] = [idx: idx]
- else if (arg.startsWith('-')) foundOpts[arg.substring(1)] = [idx: idx] }
+ /// Look through each of the arguments to see if it is an option.
+ /// Note that we are manually advancing the index in the loop.
+ for (int i = 0; i < args.size();) {
- /// Look for option arguments.
- foundOpts.each { foundName, optInfo ->
+ def retVal = false
+ def optName = false
- def retVal
+ if (args[i].startsWith('--')) optName = args[i].substring(2)
+ else if (args[i].startsWith('-')) optName = args[i].substring(1)
- /// Find the definition for this option.
- def optDef = optionDefinitions.find {
- it.key == foundName || it.value.longName == foundName }
+ /// This was recognized as an option, try to find the definition
+ /// and read in any arguments.
+ if (optName) {
- if (!optDef) throw new IllegalArgumentException(
- "Unrecognized option: '${args[optInfo.idx]}.")
+ /// Find the definition for this option.
+ def optDef = optionDefinitions.find {
+ it.key == optName || it.value.longName == optName }
- def optName = optDef.key
- optDef = optDef.value
+ if (!optDef) throw new IllegalArgumentException(
+ "Unrecognized option: '${args[i]}'.")
- /// Remember the option index for later.
- optionArgIndices << optInfo.idx
+ optName = optDef.key
+ optDef = optDef.value
- /// If there are no arguments, this is a flag.
- if ((optDef.arguments ?: 0) == 0) retVal = true
+ /// If there are no arguments, this is a flag. Set the value
+ /// and advance the index.
+ if ((optDef.arguments ?: 0) == 0) { retVal = true; i++ }
- /// Otherwise, read in the arguments
- if (optDef.arguments && optDef.arguments > 0) {
+ /// If there are a pre-determined number of arguments, read them
+ /// in.
+ else if (optDef.arguments &&
+ optDef.arguments instanceof Number &&
+ optDef.arguments > 0) {
- /// Not enough arguments left
- if ((optInfo.idx + optDef.arguments) >= args.size()) {
- throw new Exception("Option '${args[optInfo.idx]}' " +
- "expects ${optDef.arguments} arguments.") }
+ retVal = []
- int firstArgIdx = optInfo.idx + 1
+ /// Not enough arguments left
+ if ((i + optDef.arguments) >= args.size()) {
+ throw new Exception("Option '${args[i]}' " +
+ "expects ${optDef.arguments} arguments.") }
- /// Case of only one argument
- if (optDef.arguments == 1)
- retVal = args[firstArgIdx]
- /// Case of multiple arguments
- else retVal = args[firstArgIdx..<(firstArgIdx + optDef.arguments)]
+ /// Advance past the option onto the first argument.
+ i++
- /// Remember all the option argument indices for later.
- (firstArgIdx..<(firstArgIdx + optDef.arguments)).each {
- optionArgIndices << it }}
+ /// Copy the arguments
+ retVal += args[i..<(i + optDef.arguments)]
- /// Store the value in the returnOpts map
- returnOpts[optName] = retVal
- if (optDef.longName) returnOpts[optDef.longName] = retVal }
+ /// Advance the index past end of the arguements
+ i += optDef.arguments }
+ /// If there are a variable number of arguments, treat all
+ /// arguments until the next argument or the end of options as
+ /// arguments for this option
+ else if (optDef.arguments == 'variable') {
+ retVal = []
+ /// Advance past the option to the first argument
+ i++
+ /// As long as we have not hit another option or the end of
+ /// arguments, keep adding arguments to the list for this
+ /// option.
+ for(;i < args.size() && !args[i].startsWith('-'); i++)
+ retVal << args[i] }
+ else {
+ throw new Exception("Invalid number of arguments " +
+ "defined for option ${optName}. The number of " +
+ "arguments must be either an integer or the value " +
+ "'variable'") }
+ /// Set the value on the option.
+ if (retVal instanceof Boolean) {
+ returnOpts[optName] = retVal
+ if (optDef.longName) returnOpts[optDef.longName] = retVal }
+ else {
+ if (!returnOpts.containsKey(optName))
+ returnOpts[optName] = []
+ returnOpts[optName] += retVal
+ if (optDef.longName) {
+ if (!returnOpts.containsKey(optDef.longName))
+ returnOpts[optDef.longName] = []
+ returnOpts[optDef.longName] += retVal } } }
+ /// This was not as option, it is an unclaomed argument.
+ else { returnOpts.args << args[i]; i++ } }
/// Check that all required options have been found.
optionDefinitions.each { optName, optDef ->
@@ -71,17 +109,9 @@ public class LightOptionParser {
if (optDef.required &&
/// and it has not been found, by either it's short or long name.
!(returnOpts[optName] ||
- (optDef.longName && returnOpts[longName])))
+ (optDef.longName && returnOpts[optDef.longName])))
throw new Exception("Missing required option: '-${optName}'.") }
- /// Remove all the option arguments from the args list and return just
- /// the non-option arguments.
- optionArgIndices.sort().reverse().each { args.remove(it) }
- //optionArgIndices = optionArgIndices.collect { args[it] }
- //args.removeAll(optionArgIndices)
- returnOpts.args = args
return returnOpts }
diff --git a/src/test/com/jdbernard/util/LightOptionParserTests.groovy b/src/test/com/jdbernard/util/LightOptionParserTests.groovy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..763fdd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/com/jdbernard/util/LightOptionParserTests.groovy
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+package com.jdbernard.util
+import groovy.util.GroovyTestCase
+import org.junit.Test
+import static com.jdbernard.util.LightOptionParser.parseOptions
+public class LightOptionParserTests extends GroovyTestCase {
+ def helpDef = ['h': [longName: 'help']]
+ def confDef = ['c': [longName: 'config', required: true, arguments: 1]]
+ def fullDef = [
+ h: [longName: 'help'],
+ c: [longName: 'config-file', required: true, arguments: 1],
+ i: [longName: 'input-file', arguments: 'variable'],
+ o: [longName: 'output-file2', arguments: 2]]
+ void testShortFlagPresent1() { assert parseOptions(helpDef, ["-h"]).h }
+ void testShortFlagPresent2() { assert parseOptions(helpDef, ["-h"]).help }
+ void testLongFlagPresent() { assert parseOptions(helpDef, ["--help"]).h}
+ void testShortFlagPresent() { assert parseOptions(helpDef, ["--help"]).help }
+ void testFlagAbsent1() { assert !parseOptions(helpDef, ["arg"]).h }
+ void testFlagAbsent2() { assert !parseOptions(helpDef, ["arg"]).help }
+ void testRequiredOptionMissing() {
+ try {
+ parseOptions(confDef, ["arg"])
+ assert false }
+ catch (Exception e) {} }
+ void testSingleArg1() {
+ assert parseOptions(confDef, ["-c", "confFile"]).c == ["confFile"] }
+ void testSingleArg2() {
+ assert parseOptions(confDef, ["-c", "confFile"]).config == ["confFile"] }
+ void testUnclaimedArgsAndFlag() {
+ def opts = parseOptions(helpDef, ["arg1", "-h", "arg2"])
+ assert opts.args == ["arg1", "arg2"] }
+ void testUnclaimedAndClaimedArgs() {
+ def opts = parseOptions(fullDef, ["-c", "confFile", "arg1"])
+ assert opts.args == ["arg1"]
+ assert opts.c == ["confFile"] }
+ /*void testMultipleArgs1() {
+ def opts = parseOptions(fullDef, ["-c", "confFile", ""])
+ assert .conf == ["confFile"] }*/
+ void testFull() {
+ def opts = parseOptions(fullDef,
+ ["-c", "cfgFile", "arg1", "-i", "in1", "in2", "in3",
+ "-o", "out1", "out2", "arg2", "-h", "-i", "in4"])
+ assert opts.h
+ assert opts.c == ["cfgFile"]
+ assert opts['config-file'] == ["cfgFile"]
+ assert opts.args == ["arg1", "arg2"]
+ assert opts.i == ["in1", "in2", "in3", "in4"]
+ assert opts["input-file"] == ["in1", "in2", "in3", "in4"]
+ assert opts.o == ["out1", "out2"]
+ assert opts["output-file2"] == ["out1", "out2"] }