Added ConsoleProgressBar.

This commit is contained in:
Jonathan Bernard 2011-01-25 15:56:02 -06:00
parent 9457a6b7dd
commit 2950bd67db
2 changed files with 65 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#Fri, 21 Jan 2011 13:58:02 -0600
#Tue, 25 Jan 2011 09:33:59 -0600

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@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
package com.jdbernard.util
* Controls a console-based progress bar.
* This bar has two totals, an overall process total and an individual file
* total. The overall total is 0-based, b/c the current value is incomplete
* (the file counter is the partial completion of the current step). The file
* counter is 1-based because the current step is complete for this counter.
* @author Jonathan Bernard (
class ConsoleProgressBar {
int MAX_STEP = 30
int max = 10
def out = System.out
private int lastStepAmount = -1
private String lastLinePrinted = ""
private String lastInfo = ""
private long startTime
void update(int value, String info) {
if (value == 0) startTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
def curStep
def curPercent
def curTime
def remTime
value = Math.min(value, max)
curStep = Math.floor((value/max) * MAX_STEP)
curPercent = ((double) value / (double) max)
if (info != lastInfo || curStep != lastStepAmount) {
// time so far
curTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime
// estimate total time based on how far we are
remTime = (curTime / curPercent) - curTime
remTime /= 1000
def numEq = Math.max(curStep - 1, 0)
def remMin = curPercent < 0.05 ? '?' : (int) (remTime / 60)
def remSec = curPercent < 0.05 ? '?' : (int) (((remTime / 60.0) - remMin) * 60)
out.print '\b' * lastLinePrinted.length()
lastLinePrinted = '=' * numEq + (curStep > 0 ? "0" : "") + '-' * (MAX_STEP - curStep)
lastLinePrinted += " ${info.padRight(16)} -- (" +
"${String.format('%5.2f', curPercent * 100)}%, ${remMin ? remMin + 'm ' : ''}${remSec}s) "
out.print lastLinePrinted
lastStepAmount = curStep;
lastInfo = info
void erase() {
out.print '\b' * lastLinePrinted.length()
out.print ' ' * lastLinePrinted.length()
out.print '\b' * lastLinePrinted.length()
lastLinePrinted = ""