Added findEntriesToRecategorize() to CategorizationPlan Refactored createNewCategory() to newCategory() on CategorizationPlan Refactored Category to use CategorizationPlans Created CatPlan for DescriptionBasedCategory Made Event cloneable. Refactored Category implementations to be aware of the single arg Category constructor. Created TwoLevelCategory, for entries which inherently have two levels of categorization in them. Created a CatPlan for TwoLevelCategory Removed the specialization implementation, ITHelpCategory: the new TwoLevelCategory is a more general version of the same. Created CatPlan for TicketCategory Fixed TicketCategory and TicketPlan to adjust for small difference between the old behavour of ITHelpCategory and new TwoLevelCategory Updated testing starter script.
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57 lines
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import com.jdbernard.timeanalyzer.*
import com.jdbernard.timestamper.core.*
import com.quantumdigital.ithelp.timeanalyzer.*
import org.joda.time.*
import org.joda.time.format.*
import org.jfree.chart.*
import org.jfree.util.SortOrder
tep = new TimelineEventProcessor()
tep.exclusions << ~/Going Home/
pf = PeriodFormat.getDefault()
fileSource = new FileTimelineSource(new File("timeline.jdbernard.txt").toURI())
timeline =
events = tep.process(timeline)
topcat = new FilteredCategory("Top Category")
topcat.filters << new TimeIntervalCategoryFilter(
new DateTime(2011, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0), new DateTime(2011, 1, 9, 0, 0, 0, 0))
twoLevelCatPlan = new TwoLevelCategorizationPlan()
descriptionBasedCatPlan = new DescriptionBasedCategorizationPlan()
topcat.categorizationPlans << twoLevelCatPlan
topcat.categorizationPlans << descriptionBasedCatPlan
ithelpcat = new TwoLevelCategory("ITHelp")
ticketCatPlan = new TicketCategorizationPlan()
ithelpcat.categorizationPlans << ticketCatPlan
ithelpcat.categorizationPlans << descriptionBasedCatPlan
topcat.categories << ithelpcat
//events.each { if (topcat.matchesEvent(it)) topcat.addEvent(it) }
makePieDataset = { category ->
DefaultPieDataset dpds = new DefaultPieDataset()
category.categories.each { cat ->
dpds.setValue(cat.description, cat.duration.standardSeconds) }
category.entries.each { entry ->
dpds.setValue(entry.description, entry.duration.standardSeconds) }
return dpds
//topcatDataset = makePieDataset(topcat)
//ithelpDataset = makePieDataset(ithelpcat)
//topcatFrame = new ChartFrame("Top Category",
//ChartFactory.createPieChart("Time Spent", topcatDataset, true, true, false))
//ithelpFrame = new ChartFrame("ITHelp",
//ChartFactory.createPieChart("Time Spent", ithelpDataset, true, true, false))