Jonathan Bernard cd182d54c3 Fixing problems introduced by the model change.
* Many calls to ``ts_ext_data:get_properties/1`` from ``ts_api`` were passing
  the record reference, not the record itself. Fixed.
* Created ``ts_api:put_user/2`` which updates a ``ts_user`` record. This is
  needed specifically for updating the ``liat_timeline`` extended data property.
* Removed unreachable code in ``ts_api:post_entry/3``
* Fixed return value of some ``ts_user`` functions to use the
  ``{Status, Value}`` convention. TODO: make sure all calls are using the same
* Fixed error message formatting in ``ts_ext_data:set_property/3``.
* Added clauses to ``ts_json:ejson_to_record/2``,
  ``ts_json:ejson_to_record_strict/2`` and ``ts_json:construct_record/3`` to
  handle the ``ts_user`` record type.
* Added code to ``AppView.loadInitialData`` and ``AppView.selectTimeline`` to
  support the ``last_timeline`` extended data property.
2011-06-15 16:59:00 -05:00

109 lines
2.5 KiB

let s:so_save = &so | let s:siso_save = &siso | set so=0 siso=0
edit /mnt/secure/projects/jdb-labs/timestamper/web-app/www/index.yaws
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let s:l = 1 - ((0 * winheight(0) + 36) / 72)
if s:l < 1 | let s:l = 1 | endif
exe s:l
normal! zt
normal! 0
lcd /mnt/secure/projects/jdb-labs/timestamper/web-app/www
let &so = s:so_save | let &siso = s:siso_save
doautoall SessionLoadPost
" vim: set ft=vim :
syntax on