Added FilteredCategory, filters by arbitrary CategoryFilters. Started on Util class with code to create charts based on categories. Fixed ITHelp ticket matching to swallow optional space after "ITHelp:" Fixed TicketCategory to use it's own addEvent logic instead of inheriting the default Category implementation. Updated startscript.groovy to reflect test data for recent changes.
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48 lines
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import com.jdbernard.timeanalyzer.*
import com.jdbernard.timestamper.core.*
import com.quantumdigital.ithelp.timeanalyzer.*
import org.joda.time.*
import org.joda.time.format.*
import org.jfree.chart.*
import org.jfree.util.SortOrder
tep = new TimelineEventProcessor()
tep.exclusions << ~/Going Home/
pf = PeriodFormat.getDefault()
fileSource = new FileTimelineSource(new File("timeline.jdbernard.txt").toURI())
timeline =
events = tep.process(timeline)
topcat = new FilteredCategory()
topcat.filters << new TimeIntervalCategoryFilter(
new DateTime(2011, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0), new DateTime(2011, 1, 9, 0, 0, 0, 0))
topcat.description = "Top Category"
ithelpcat = new ITHelpCategory()
ithelpcat.description = "ITHelp"
topcat.categories << ithelpcat
events.each { if (topcat.matchesEvent(it)) topcat.addEvent(it) }
makePieDataset = { category ->
DefaultPieDataset dpds = new DefaultPieDataset()
category.categories.each { cat ->
dpds.setValue(cat.description, cat.duration.standardSeconds) }
category.entries.each { entry ->
dpds.setValue(entry.description, entry.duration.standardSeconds) }
return dpds
topcatDataset = makePieDataset(topcat)
ithelpDataset = makePieDataset(ithelpcat)
topcatFrame = new ChartFrame("Top Category",
ChartFactory.createPieChart("Time Spent", topcatDataset, true, true, false))
ithelpFrame = new ChartFrame("ITHelp",
ChartFactory.createPieChart("Time Spent", ithelpDataset, true, true, false))