* Added `edit` which uses the program in $EDITOR to allow the user to edit the current timeline marker. * Added `delete` to remove the current timeline marker from the timeline. * Added support for using a named TTY device in order to use an interactive program ($EDITOR in this case) to take over interaction with the user. There is still a problem with this, in that a process by default only has access to its controlling TTY device. This mean, for example, that redirecting the subprocess input and output to the TTY will fail to work properly if the timestamper CLI process is not part of the same process group as the process owning the TTY the user is interacting with. This is the case when using nailgun: the java process running TimeStamperCLI is not part of the same process group as the user's client shell. I think TTY device permissions may be alterable, and we can work around this by changing the permissions for the current TTY in the launcher script that invokes the nailgun client. Needs more investigation. * Added package build target to create a zip of the CLI standalone installation.
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20 lines
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<project name="JDB Labs TimeStamper CLI" default="build">
<property environment="env"/>
<property file="project.properties"/>
<import file="jdb-build-1.10.xml"/>
<target name="package" depends="build">
<property name="package.dir" value="${build.dir}/${name}-${version}"/>
<mkdir dir="${package.dir}/lib"/>
<copy file="${build.dir}/${name}-${version}.${build.number}.jar"
<copy todir="${package.dir}/lib">
<fileset dir="${build.dir}/lib/runtime/jar"/>
<zip basedir="${build.dir}" includes="${name}-${version}/"