- Bug fix in ts_api:list_entries/3. Case statement matching on atoms but input is a list (string). - Bug fix in ts_api:put_entry/3. Was expecting the wrong result from ts_entry:new/1. - Bug fix in ts_entry:list/4. Code crashed when the starting offset was greater than the total number of elements. Now returns []. - Fixed ts_json:encode_datetime/1 and ts_json:decode_datetime/1 to handle millisecond values in the datetime string (per ISO standard). - Broke out ``control-links`` style to a top-level class. - Added showdown.js, a JS Markdown processor. Not hooked up to anything yet but intend to display entry notes with Markdown. - Added code for entry pagination. Loads the most recent 20 entries and loads more upon demand in batches of 20. - Fixed bug in login routine that kept the user edit fields from being pre-populated. - Rewrote the loadEntries function to double for new entries and loading more existing entries. - Commented displayEntries. Also refactored into displayNewerEntries, which pushed new entries on to the top of the stack, and displayOlderEntries, which tags them onto the bottom. - Implemented hidden notes field for new entry input. - Implemented new entry creation. - Created a helper function to ISO format a Date object. - Expanded entry template to show control links (edit, show notes, del). - Activated the 'load more entries' button.
314 lines
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314 lines
5.5 KiB
* author: Jonathan Bernard
* TimeStamper main CSS for screen media types
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