Jonathan Bernard 17c5b9cbd1 API now returns just the content in the body.
- Instead of returning Meta-Data (status) in the header and the body, we now
  only return the content in the body, except in error when we return the error

- JSON entries use the 'id' name for entity ids (instead of 'username',
  'timeline_id', and 'entry_id')
2011-04-15 13:51:01 -05:00

569 lines
19 KiB

out(YArg) ->
% retreive the session data
Session = ts_api_session:get_session(YArg),
%get the app mod data
PathString = YArg#arg.appmoddata,
% split the path
PathElements = case PathString of
undefined -> []; %handle no end slash: /ts_api
_Any -> string:tokens(PathString, "/")
% process the request
case catch dispatch_request(YArg, Session, PathElements) of
{'EXIT', Err} ->
% TODO: log error internally
error_logger:error_report("TimeStamper: ~p", [Err]),
make_json_500(YArg, Err);
Other -> Other
% ================================== %
% ======== DISPATCH METHODS ======== %
% ================================== %
%% Entry point to the TimeStamper API dispatch system
dispatch_request(YArg, _Session, []) -> make_json_404(YArg, [{see_docs, "/ts_api_doc"}]);
dispatch_request(YArg, Session, [H|T]) ->
Param = path_element_to_atom(H),
case {Session, Param} of
{_, login} -> do_login(YArg);
{_, logout} -> do_logout(YArg);
{not_logged_in, _} -> make_json_401(YArg);
{session_expired, _} -> make_json_401(YArg, [{error, "session expired"}]);
{_S, app} -> dispatch_app(YArg, Session, T);
{_S, users} -> dispatch_user(YArg, Session, T);
{_S, timelines} -> dispatch_timeline(YArg, Session, T);
{_S, entries} -> dispatch_entry(YArg, Session, T);
{_S, _Other} -> make_json_404(YArg, [{see_docs, "/ts_api_doc/"}])
% -------- Dispatch for /app -------- %
dispatch_app(YArg, Session, Params) ->
HTTPMethod = (YArg#arg.req)#http_request.method,
case {HTTPMethod, Params} of
{'GET', ["user_summary", UsernameStr]} ->
case {Session#ts_api_session.username,
path_element_to_atom(UsernameStr)} of
{Username, Username} -> get_user_summary(YArg, Username);
_ -> make_json_401(YArg)
{_BadMethod, ["user_summary", _UsernameStr]} ->
make_json_405(YArg, [{see_docs, "/ts_api_docs/app.html"}]);
_Other -> make_json_404(YArg, [{see_docs, "/ts_api_docs/app.html"}])
% -------- Dispatch for /user -------- %
dispatch_user(YArg, Session, []) ->
dispatch_user(YArg, Session, [atom_to_list(Session#ts_api_session.username)]);
dispatch_user(YArg, Session, [H]) ->
Username = path_element_to_atom(H),
HTTPMethod = (YArg#arg.req)#http_request.method,
% compare to the logged-in user
case {HTTPMethod, Session#ts_api_session.username} of
{'GET', Username} -> get_user(YArg, Username);
{_BadMethod, Username} ->
make_json_405(YArg, [{see_docs, "/ts_api_doc/users.html"}]);
_Other -> make_json_401(YArg, [{see_docs, "/ts_api_doc/users.html"}])
% -------- Dispatch for /timeline -------- %
dispatch_timeline(YArg, _Session, []) ->
make_json_404(YArg, [{see_docs, "/ts_api_doc/timelines.html"}]);
dispatch_timeline(YArg, Session, [UrlUsername|_T] = PathElements) ->
Username = path_element_to_atom(UrlUsername),
case Session#ts_api_session.username of
Username -> dispatch_timeline(YArg, PathElements);
_Other -> make_json_404(YArg, [{see_docs, "/ts_api_doc/users.html"}])
% just username, list timelines
dispatch_timeline(YArg, [UrlUsername]) ->
Username = path_element_to_atom(UrlUsername),
HTTPMethod = (YArg#arg.req)#http_request.method,
case HTTPMethod of
'GET' -> list_timelines(YArg, Username);
_Other -> make_json_405(YArg, [{see_docs, "/ts_api_doc/timelines.html"}])
dispatch_timeline(YArg, [UrlUsername, UrlTimelineId]) ->
Username = path_element_to_atom(UrlUsername),
TimelineId = path_element_to_atom(UrlTimelineId),
HTTPMethod = (YArg#arg.req)#http_request.method,
case HTTPMethod of
'GET' -> get_timeline(YArg, Username, TimelineId);
'POST' -> post_timeline(YArg, Username, TimelineId);
'PUT' -> put_timeline(YArg, Username, TimelineId);
'DELETE' -> delete_timeline(YArg, Username, TimelineId);
_Other -> make_json_405(YArg, [{see_docs, "/ts_api_doc/timelines.html"}])
dispatch_timeline(YArg, _Other) ->
make_json_404(YArg, [{see_docs, "/ts_api_doc/timelines.html"}]).
% -------- Dispatch for /entry -------- %
dispatch_entry(YArg, _Session, []) ->
make_json_404(YArg, [{see_docs, "/ts_aip_doc/entries.html"}]);
dispatch_entry(YArg, Session, [UrlUsername|_T] = PathElements) ->
Username = path_element_to_atom(UrlUsername),
case Session#ts_api_session.username of
Username -> dispatch_entry(YArg, PathElements);
_Other -> make_json_404(YArg, [{see_docs, "/ts_api_doc/entries.html"}])
dispatch_entry(YArg, [UrlUsername, UrlTimelineId]) ->
Username = path_element_to_atom(UrlUsername),
TimelineId = path_element_to_atom(UrlTimelineId),
HTTPMethod = (YArg#arg.req)#http_request.method,
case HTTPMethod of
'GET' -> list_entries(YArg, Username, TimelineId);
'PUT' -> put_entry(YArg, Username, TimelineId);
_Other -> make_json_405(YArg, [{see_docs, "/ts_api_doc/entries.html"}])
dispatch_entry(YArg, [UrlUsername, UrlTimelineId, UrlEntryId]) ->
Username = path_element_to_atom(UrlUsername),
TimelineId = path_element_to_atom(UrlTimelineId),
EntryId = list_to_integer(UrlEntryId), % TODO: catch non-numbers
HTTPMethod = (YArg#arg.req)#http_request.method,
case HTTPMethod of
'GET' -> get_entry(YArg, Username, TimelineId, EntryId);
'POST' -> post_entry(YArg, Username, TimelineId, EntryId);
'DELETE' -> delete_entry(YArg, Username, TimelineId, EntryId);
_Other -> make_json_405(YArg, [{see_docs, "/ts_api_doc/entries.html"}])
dispatch_entry(YArg, _Other) ->
make_json_404(YArg, [{see_docs, "/ts_api_doc/entries.html"}]).
% ============================== %
% ======== IMPLEMENTATION ====== %
% ============================== %
do_login(YArg) ->
EJSON = parse_json_body(YArg),
{struct, Fields} = EJSON,
case {lists:keyfind(username, 1, Fields),
lists:keyfind(password, 1, Fields)} of
% username and password found
{{username, UnameField}, {password, Password}} ->
Username = list_to_atom(UnameField),
% check the uname, password
case ts_user:check_credentials(Username, Password) of
% they are good
true ->
{CookieVal, _Session} = ts_api_session:new(Username),
[{content, "application/json",
json:encode({struct, [{status, "ok"}]})},
{header, {set_cookie, io_lib:format(
"ts_api_session=~s; Path=/ts_api; httponly",
% they are not good
false -> make_json_401(YArg, [{error,
"bad username/password combination"}])
_Other -> make_json_400(YArg, [{see_docs, "/ts_api_doc/login.html"}])
do_logout(YArg) ->
Cookie = (YArg#arg.headers)#headers.cookie,
CookieVal = yaws_api:find_cookie_val("ts_api_session", Cookie),
{status, 200}.
get_user_summary(YArg, Username) ->
case ts_user:lookup(Username) of
no_record -> make_json_404(YArg);
User ->
EJSONUser = ts_json:record_to_ejson(User),
Timelines = ts_timeline:list(Username, 0, 100),
EJSONTimelines = {array,
lists:map(fun ts_json:record_to_ejson/1, Timelines)},
JSONResp = json:encode({struct,
[{user, EJSONUser},
{timelines, EJSONTimelines}
{content, "application/json", JSONResp}
get_user(YArg, Username) ->
case ts_user:lookup(Username) of
no_record -> make_json_404(YArg);
User -> make_json_200(YArg, User)
list_timelines(YArg, Username) ->
% pull out the POST data
QueryData = yaws_api:parse_query(YArg),
% read or default the Start
Start = case lists:keyfind(start, 1, QueryData) of
{start, StartVal} -> list_to_integer(StartVal);
false -> 0
% read or default the Length
Length = case lists:keyfind(length, 1, QueryData) of
{length, LengthVal} ->
erlang:min(list_to_integer(LengthVal), 50);
false -> 50
% list the timelines from the database
Timelines = ts_timeline:list(Username, Start, Length),
% convert them all to their EJSON form
EJSONTimelines = {array, lists:map(fun ts_json:record_to_ejson/1, Timelines)},
% create resposne
JSONResponse = json:encode(EJSONTimelines),
% return response
{content, "application/json", JSONResponse}.
get_timeline(YArg, Username, TimelineId) ->
% look for timeline
case ts_timeline:lookup(Username, TimelineId) of
% no such timeline, return 404
no_record -> make_json_404(YArg, [{error, "no such timeline"}]);
% return the timeline data
Timeline -> make_json_200(YArg, Timeline)
put_timeline(YArg, Username, TimelineId) ->
% parse the request body
EJSON = parse_json_body(YArg),
% parse into a Timeline record
TR = ts_json:ejson_to_record(#ts_timeline{}, EJSON),
% set username and timeline id
NewRecord = TR#ts_timeline{ref = {Username, TimelineId}},
% insert into the database
case ts_timeline:new(NewRecord) of
% record created
ok -> [{status, 201}, make_json_200(YArg, NewRecord)];
% will not create, record exists
{error, {record_exists, ExistingRecord}} ->
JSONResponse = json:encode(ts_json:record_to_ejson(ExistingRecord)),
{content, "application/json", JSONResponse};
Error ->
error_logger:error_report("Unable to create a new timeline: ~p", [Error]),
make_json_500(YArg, Error)
post_timeline(YArg, Username, TimelineId) ->
% parse the POST data
EJSON = parse_json_body(YArg),
%{struct, Fields} = EJSON,
% parse into a timeline record
TR = ts_json:ejson_to_record(#ts_timeline{}, EJSON),
% not supported right now, would require changing all the entry keys
% check to see if they are changing the timeline id
%NewTimelineId = case lists:keyfind(1, timeline_id, Fields) of
% {timeline_id, Field} -> list_to_atom(Field);
% false -> TimelineId end,
% set username and timeline id
NewRecord = TR#ts_timeline{ref = {Username, TimelineId}},
case ts_timeline:update(NewRecord) of
ok -> make_json_200(YArg, NewRecord);
no_record -> make_json_404(YArg,
[{error, "no such timeline"},
{see_docs, "/ts_api_doc/timelines.html#POST"}]);
Error ->
error_logger:error_report("Unable update timeline: ~p", [Error]),
make_json_500(YArg, Error)
delete_timeline(_YArg, _Username, _TimelineId) -> {status, 405}.
list_entries(YArg, Username, TimelineId) ->
% pull out the POST data
QueryData = yaws_api:parse_query(YArg),
% first determine if we are listing by date
case {ts_timeline:lookup(Username, TimelineId),
lists:keyfind("byDate", 1, QueryData)} of
{no_record, _ByDateField} -> make_json_404(
[{error, "no such timeline"},
{see_docs, "/ts_api_doc/entries.html#LIST"}]);
% listing by date range
{Timeline, {"byDate", "true"}} ->
% look for the start date; default to the beginning of the timeline
StartDate = case lists:keyfind("startDate", 1, QueryData) of
% TODO: error handling if the date is badly formatted
{startDate, StartDateVal} -> ts_json:decode_date(StartDateVal);
false -> Timeline#ts_timeline.created
% look for end date; default to right now
EndDate = case lists:keyfind("endDate", 1, QueryData) of
% TODO: error handling if the date is badly formatted
{endDate, EndDateVal} -> ts_json:decode_date(EndDateVal);
false -> calendar:now_to_universal_time(erlang:now())
% read sort order and list entries
Entries = case lists:keyfind("order", 1, QueryData) of
% descending sort order
{order, "desc"} -> ts_entry:list_desc(
{Username, TimelineId}, StartDate, EndDate);
% ascending order--{other, asc}--and default
_Other -> ts_entry:list_asc(
{Username, TimelineId}, StartDate, EndDate)
EJSONEntries = {array, lists:map(
fun ts_json:record_to_ejson/1, Entries)},
JSONResponse = json:encode(EJSONEntries),
{content, "application/json", JSONResponse};
% listing by table position
_Other ->
% read or default the Start
Start = case lists:keyfind("start", 1, QueryData) of
{"start", StartVal} -> list_to_integer(StartVal);
false -> 0
% read or default the Length
Length = case lists:keyfind("length", 1, QueryData) of
{"length", LengthVal} ->
erlang:min(list_to_integer(LengthVal), 500);
false -> 50
% read sort order and list entries
Entries = case lists:keyfind("order", 1, QueryData) of
{"order", "desc"} -> ts_entry:list_desc(
{Username, TimelineId}, Start, Length);
_UnknownOrder -> ts_entry:list_asc(
{Username, TimelineId}, Start, Length)
EJSONEntries = {array, lists:map(
fun ts_json:record_to_ejson/1, Entries)},
JSONResponse = json:encode(EJSONEntries),
{content, "application/json", JSONResponse}
get_entry(YArg, Username, TimelineId, EntryId) ->
case ts_entry:lookup(Username, TimelineId, EntryId) of
% no such entry
no_record -> make_json_404(YArg, [{error, "no such entry"}]);
% return the entry data
Entry -> make_json_200(YArg, Entry)
put_entry(YArg, Username, TimelineId) ->
% parse the request body
EJSON = parse_json_body(YArg),
% parse into ts_entry record
ER = ts_json:ejson_to_record(#ts_entry{}, EJSON),
% set username and timeline id
NewRecord = ER#ts_entry{ref = {Username, TimelineId, undef}},
case ts_entry:new(NewRecord) of
% record created
{ok, CreatedRecord} ->
[{status, 201}, make_json_200(YArg, CreatedRecord)];
% will not create, record exists
{error, {record_exists, ExistingRecord}} ->
JSONResponse = json:encode(ts_json:record_to_ejson(ExistingRecord)),
{content, "application/json", JSONResponse};
OtherError ->
error_logger:error_report("TimeStamper: Could not create entry: ~p", [OtherError]),
make_json_500(YArg, OtherError)
post_entry(YArg, Username, TimelineId, EntryId) ->
% parse the POST data
EJSON = parse_json_body(YArg),
% parse into ts_entry record
ER = ts_json:ejson_to_record(#ts_entry{}, EJSON),
% set uername, timeline id, and entry id
NewRecord = ER#ts_entry{ref = {Username, TimelineId, EntryId}},
case ts_entry:update(NewRecord) of
ok -> make_json_200(YArg, NewRecord);
no_record -> make_json_404(YArg,
[{status, "no such entry"}, {see_docs, "/ts_api_doc/entries.html#POST"}]);
Error ->
error_logger:error_report("TimeStamper: Unable to update entry: ~p", [Error]),
make_json_500(YArg, Error)
delete_entry(YArg, Username, TimelineId, EntryId) ->
% find the record to delete
case ts_entry:lookup(Username, TimelineId, EntryId) of
no_record -> make_json_404(YArg);
Record ->
% try to delete
case ts_entry:delete(Record) of
ok -> {status, 200};
Error ->
error_logger:error_report("Error occurred deleting entry record: ~p", [Error]),
make_json_500(YArg, Error)
% ============================== %
% ======== UTIL METHODS ======== %
% ============================== %
%% Convert one path element to an atom.
path_element_to_atom(PE) ->
list_to_atom(re:replace(PE, "\\s", "_", [{return, list}])).
parse_json_body(YArg) ->
case catch json:decode([], binary_to_list(YArg#arg.clidata)) of
{done, {ok, EJSON}, _} -> EJSON;
Error ->
% TODO: log error internally
error_logger:error_report("Error parsing JSON request body: ~p", [Error]),
%% Create a JSON 200 response.
make_json_200(_YArg, Record) ->
JSONResponse = json:encode(ts_json:record_to_ejson(Record)),
{content, "application/json", JSONResponse}.
make_json_400(YArg) -> make_json_400(YArg, []).
make_json_400(_YArg, Fields) ->
F1 = case lists:keyfind(status, 1, Fields) of
false -> Fields ++ [{status, "bad request"}];
_Else -> Fields
[{status, 400}, {content, "application/json", json:encode({struct, F1})}].
make_json_401(YArg) -> make_json_401(YArg, []).
make_json_401(_YArg, Fields) ->
% add default status if not provided
F1 = case lists:keyfind(status, 1, Fields) of
false -> Fields ++ [{status, "unauthorized"}];
_Else -> Fields
[{status, 401}, {content, "application/json", json:encode({struct, F1})}].
%% Create a JSON 404 response.
make_json_404(YArg) -> make_json_404(YArg, []).
make_json_404(YArg, Fields) ->
% add default status if not provided
F1 = case lists:keyfind(status, 1, Fields) of
false -> Fields ++ [{status, "not found"}];
_Else -> Fields
% add the path they requested
F2 = F1 ++ [{path, element(2, (YArg#arg.req)#http_request.path)}],
[{status, 404}, {content, "application/json", json:encode({struct, F2})}].
make_json_405(YArg) -> make_json_405(YArg, []).
make_json_405(YArg, Fields) ->
% add default status if not provided
F1 = case lists:keyfind(status, 1, Fields) of
false -> Fields ++ [{status, method_not_allowed}];
_Else -> Fields
% add the path they requested
F2 = F1 ++ [{path, (YArg#arg.req)#http_request.path}],
[{status, 405}, {content, "application/json", json:encode({struct, F2})}].
make_json_500(_YArg, Error) ->
EJSON = {struct, [
{status, "internal server error"},
{error, io_lib:format("~p", [Error])}]},
[{status, 500}, {content, "application/json", json:encode(EJSON)}].
make_json_500(_YArg) ->
EJSON = {struct, [
{status, "internal server error"}]},
[{status, 500}, {content, "application/json", json:encode(EJSON)}].