Created timestamper module to start the application. Added cookie-based authentication to ts_api. Added utility methods to ts_api: * make_json_400/1 and make_json_400/1 * make_json_401/1 and make_json_401/2 * parse_json_body/1 reads a JSON object from a HTTP request body. Implemented ts_api_session module to manage api user sessions. Fixed ts_entry:list* methods to be 0-indexed. Removed the ts_json:ejson_to_record/1 implementation for ts_user records. Decided that ts_user records are never trusted from the client, manipulation of fields such as pwd, username will be restricted to app pages. Changed the password hashing algorithm. Now uses SHA1(pwd + 256bit salt). Want to use bcrypt, investingating cross-platform bcrypt implementation. Fixed yaws.conf config file.
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%-export([create_table/1, new/1, update/1, lookup/1, list/2]).
create_table(TableOpts) ->
TableOpts ++ [{attributes, record_info(fields, ts_user)},
{type, ordered_set}]).
new(UR = #ts_user{}) ->
case mnesia:dirty_read(ts_user, UR#ts_user.username) of
[ExistingRecord] -> {error, {record_exists, ExistingRecord}};
[] -> mnesia:dirty_write(hash_input_record(UR))
update(UR = #ts_user{}) ->
case mnesia:dirty_read(ts_user, UR#ts_user.username) of
[] -> no_record;
[_Record] -> mnesia:dirty_write(hash_input_record(UR))
lookup(Username) ->
case mnesia:dirty_read(ts_user, Username) of
[] -> no_record;
[User] -> User
list(Start, Length) -> ts_common:list(ts_user, Start, Length).
hash_input_record(User=#ts_user{}) ->
% create a new User record
Salt = generate_salt(),
HashedPwd = hash_pwd(User#ts_user.pwd, Salt),
User#ts_user{pwd = HashedPwd, pwd_salt = Salt}.
generate_salt() -> crypto:rand_bytes(36).
hash_pwd(Password, Salt) -> crypto:sha(Password ++ Salt).
check_credentials(Username, Password) ->
User = lookup(Username),
HashedInput = hash_pwd(Password, User#ts_user.pwd_salt),
HashedInput == User#ts_user.pwd.