
- Generate day seperators
- Fix UI for tasks with a duration a day or longer
- Fix hover UI for user menu
- Fix hover UI for timeline menu
- Test (implement?) timeline selection
- Add UI for timeline creation
- Change the UI for editing the start-time. Use a date-picker (custom jQuery
  UI theme?)
- Fix UI for timestamp edits which change the order of events in the timeline.
- Create a light, alternating background for entries
- Add hover-enabled icons for editing entries/showing notes
- Create tooltips.
- Create a realtime tick-tock for the duration of the current item.
- Mobile version of the app.
- Refactor code, seperate out reusable bits for mobile version.
- Automatic code-highlighting (Highlight.js)

- Add UI for note-taking
- Add Markdown converter for notes.
- Fix the duration bug when adding new events. Need to set the nextModel for
  the previously 'current' timestamp and set the nextModel of the new timestamp
  to 'null'