Features, bugfixes, things that need to be done. TimeStamper Development Create a display that shows a full week. Show a full month. Allow the GUI actions of the component to be enabled/disabled programatically. For example, add setZoomAllowed(boolean allowed) function to enable/disable the ability to zoom with the mouse. The user is able to click and drag on the timeline displayed and the timeline follows the mouse. Allow the user to select no marker in the DayTimelineDisplay by clicking in a region of the display that is not covered by an activity. When the user clicks and drags, the ui should zoom to the region the user covered in the vertical access. For example, if the display shows a full day and the user clicks in 9:00 and drags to 13:00, the ui should refresh to put 9:00 at the top, 13:00 at the bottom, and re-scale the rest in between. When you make changes to the DayTimelineDisplay, for example, those changes need to be propogated through the tool back to the main display.