Centralized vs. decentralized


- one central list
- remote apps that sync with central?


- sync to URL(s)?

  - need a network protocol
  - HTTP?
  - SSL?

- group-wise sync?

  - establish master/slaves?
  - easier than coordinated group-update:::

    map each URL to synch -> the last time updated. 
    if (update_period):
      forall URLs: synch
    else if (incoming_update):
      forall (URLs older than incoming update): synch

- synch based on hash of updates?

  - need canonicalizer for text. Use XML?
  - hash algorithm:::

    SHA-1 of: 
        date (YYYYMMDDhhmmssSSS)

External Feeds

Item format
  - time started
  - name/description
  - notes
  - category?

Pull from

  - needs to be optional
  - standardized input format
    - easy to parse
    - no errors, false positives
    - restrictive.

  - flexible input format

    - matches regex's?
    - map groups to fields

Push to
  - optional
  - standardized output

    - cannot be flexible to match output medium

  - flexible input format

    - choose fields and format values