- Bug fix in ts_api:list_entries/3. Case statement matching on atoms but
input is a list (string).
- Bug fix in ts_api:put_entry/3. Was expecting the wrong result from
- Bug fix in ts_entry:list/4. Code crashed when the starting offset was
greater than the total number of elements. Now returns [].
- Fixed ts_json:encode_datetime/1 and ts_json:decode_datetime/1 to handle
millisecond values in the datetime string (per ISO standard).
- Broke out ``control-links`` style to a top-level class.
- Added showdown.js, a JS Markdown processor. Not hooked up to anything
yet but intend to display entry notes with Markdown.
- Added code for entry pagination. Loads the most recent 20 entries and
loads more upon demand in batches of 20.
- Fixed bug in login routine that kept the user edit fields from being
- Rewrote the loadEntries function to double for new entries and loading
more existing entries.
- Commented displayEntries. Also refactored into displayNewerEntries,
which pushed new entries on to the top of the stack, and
displayOlderEntries, which tags them onto the bottom.
- Implemented hidden notes field for new entry input.
- Implemented new entry creation.
- Created a helper function to ISO format a Date object.
- Expanded entry template to show control links (edit, show notes, del).
- Activated the 'load more entries' button.
- Fixed a bug in ts_api:list_timelines/2 and ts_api:list_entries/3, which
respond only to GET requests but were looking for POST data.
- Added documentation for ts.js.
- Changed ts_api:dispatch_user/3 to return information for the user currently,
authenticated if a valid session id is presented and no username is presented.
- Moved the generic styling of form > * elements to be specific to .bar > form.
- Added jQuery U 1.8.0.
- Created login dialog that will automatically load upon page load if the user
is not logged in.
- Added styling for jQuery UI login dialog.
- Implemented login functionality on the client page.
- Implemented functionality to load user and timeline records on the client
Created timestamper module to start the application.
Added cookie-based authentication to ts_api.
Added utility methods to ts_api:
* make_json_400/1 and make_json_400/1
* make_json_401/1 and make_json_401/2
* parse_json_body/1 reads a JSON object from a HTTP request body.
Implemented ts_api_session module to manage api user sessions.
Fixed ts_entry:list* methods to be 0-indexed.
Removed the ts_json:ejson_to_record/1 implementation for ts_user records.
Decided that ts_user records are never trusted from the client,
manipulation of fields such as pwd, username will be restricted to
app pages.
Changed the password hashing algorithm. Now uses SHA1(pwd + 256bit salt).
Want to use bcrypt, investingating cross-platform bcrypt implementation.
Fixed yaws.conf config file.
Implemented ts_api:list_timelines/2.
Adjusted ts_timeline:list/3 to be 0-indexed.
Changed ts_user password hash to use a random salt + SHA1
Added some skeleton testing code.
Created a utility function for OK results, ts_api:make_json_200/2
Created ts_common:new/1 and ts_common:update/1 to generalize record creation and update.
Refactored ts_timeline:new/1 and ts_timeline:update/1 to use the ts_common functions.
Implemented ts_json:record_to_ejson/1 and ts_json:ejson_to_record/1 for ts_user records.
Implemented ts_user module.
The id_counter module now includes the record directly in the source.
Fixed many typos and small syntax errors.
Added ts_api:dispatch_user/2 to handle different HTTP methods.
Added method placeholder stubs to ts_api.
Implemented ts_api:list_entries/3.
Added ts_user record and ts_user module.
Implemented ts_entry:list/4, the more generic guts of the other list functions.
Created ts_entry:list_asc/3 and ts_entry:list_desc/3.
Fixed ts_json:encode_datetime/1.