Finished version 2.1.

Updated .gitignore, excluding vim temp filesn and build directories.
Promoted version number in
Switched to SLF4J for logging from LOG4J.
Switched to jdb-util SmartConfig for configuration from  java.util.Properties
Added plugin architecture:
    * Plugins implement com.jdbernard.timestamper.gui.plugin.TimestamperPlugin
    * Provides five hooks into the application:
        - onStartup: called as the aaplication is starting.
        - onExit: called as the application is exiting.
        - onTimelineLoad: called when the application loads a timeline.
        - onNewTask: called when the user creates a new task.
        - onDeleteTask: called when the user deletes a task.
    * Plugins must be on the classpath to be enabled.
    * A new timestamperrc property allows the user to specify a plugin
      directory. That directory and any JAR files in it will be added to the
      classpath used to load plugins. This property is 'plugin.dir' and may
      contain the path, If no directory exists at that path, one will be
      created. The default path is './plugins'.
    * A new timestamperrc property allows the user to specify which plugins
      to load when the application is started: 'plugin.classes'. It expects
      a comma-seperated list of plugin class names. The default value is
    * Two default plugins have been created:
        - 'com.jdbernard.timestamper.gui.plugin.HookLogger'. This plugin logs
          an info message every time one of the plugin hooks is called.
        - 'com.jdbernard.timestamper.gui.plugin.XMPPStatusUpdater'. This
          plugin updates a user's XMPP (Jabber) presence with their current
          task each time a new task is entered.
Various other changes on TimeStamperMainController:
    * Timeline loading is now broken out into a load() closure.
    * Plugin hooks described above added at appropriate places.
    * Added a general wrapPluginCall method to catch any exceptions from a
      plugin call and sanitize the return value.
    * The exitGracefully closure now hides the GUI before starting its shutdown
      sequence so the user and the OS are less likely to assume the app has
    * Added the functionality for the 'persistOnUpdate' feature (introduced on
      TimelineProperties, below).
Removed the automatically generated logging functions, traceIfEnabled and
  debugIfEnabled--which were redundant and pointless overhead.
Added check box menu option on TimeStamperMainView for the 'persistOnUpdate'
Changes on TimelineProperties:
    * Switched to using SmartConfig and renamed several properties:
        - remote.timeline.<name>.push -> remote.timeline.<name>.push?
        - remote.timeline.<name>.pull -> remote.timeline.<name>.pull?
        - remote.timeline.<name>.save-on-exit -> remote.timeline.<name>.syncOnExit?
        - remote.timeline.<name>.update-interval -> remote.timeline.<name>.updateInterval
    * Added a feature, 'persistOnUpdate'. If set to true, this signals the
      application that it should persist the Timeline on each update.
    * Added a property 'timeline.persistOnUpdate?'.
This commit is contained in:
Jonathan Bernard 2011-01-22 20:45:08 -06:00
parent c964730f03
commit d08d054fbe
24 changed files with 319 additions and 120 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -1 +1,5 @@

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#Do not edit app.griffon.* properties, they may change automatically. DO NOT put application configuration in here, it is not the right place!
#Sun, 11 Apr 2010 16:00:38 +0200
#Thu Apr 01 22:28:40 CDT 2010

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import org.apache.log4j.Logger
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
onNewInstance = { klass, type, instance ->
instance.metaClass.logger = Logger.getLogger(
instance.metaClass.logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
package com.jdbernard.timestamper
import com.jdbernard.util.SmartConfig
import com.jdbernard.timestamper.core.TimelineMarker
import com.jdbernard.timestamper.core.TimelineProperties
@ -8,15 +9,16 @@ class TimeStamperMainController {
def model
def view
def thisMVC
def syncTimers = [:]
void mvcGroupInit(Map args) {
def configFile
logger.traceIfEnabled {"Initializing TimeStamperMain MVC..."}
logger.trace("Initializing TimeStamperMain MVC...")
def thisMVC = ['model': model, 'view': view, 'controller': this]
thisMVC = ['model': model, 'view': view, 'controller': this]
model.notesDialogMVC = buildMVCGroup('NotesDialog', 'notesDialog',
'mainMVC': thisMVC)
@ -25,40 +27,74 @@ class TimeStamperMainController {
'punchcardDialog', 'mainMVC': thisMVC)
// load application properties
Properties prop = new Properties()
String userHomeDir = System.getProperty('user.home')
configFile = new File(userHomeDir, ".timestamperrc")
if (!configFile.exists()) configFile.createNewFile()
logger.traceIfEnabled { "Reading configuration from "
+ "'${}'"}
logger.trace("Reading configuration from {}", configFile.canonicalPath)
try { configFile.withInputStream { prop.load(it) } }
catch (IOException ioe) {
logger.error('Unable to load configuration', ioe)
model.config = prop
model.config = new SmartConfig(configFile)
// load the last used timeline file
String lastUsed = model.config.getProperty('lastUsed', null)
if (lastUsed == null) {
String lastUsed = model.config.lastUsed
if (lastUsed == "") {
lastUsed = ''
model.config.setProperty('lastUsed', lastUsed)
logger.traceIfEnabled {"Reading Timeline properties from '${lastUsed}'"}
// load the plugin directory
File pluginDir = model.config.getProperty("pluginDir", new File("plugins"))
if (!pluginDir.exists()) pluginDir.mkdirs()
model.timelinePropertiesFile = new File(lastUsed)
if (!model.timelinePropertiesFile.exists())
logger.trace("Adding plugin classpath: '{}'", pluginDir.canonicalPath)
def pluginLoader = new GroovyClassLoader(this.class.classLoader)
pluginDir.eachFileMatch(/.*\.jar/) { jarfile ->
pluginLoader.addURL(jarfile.toURI().toURL()) }
// instantiate plugins
model.config."plugin.classes".split(',').each { className -> try {
if (className.trim() == "") return
def pluginClass = pluginLoader.loadClass(className)
model.plugins <<pluginClass.newInstance()
logger.trace("Loaded plugin: {}", className)
} catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
logger.warn("Unable to load plugin ${className}: " +
"class not found.", cnfe)
} catch (Throwable t) {
logger.warn("Unable to load plugin ${className}.", t)
} }
// run plugin startup hookd
model.plugins.each { plugin ->
wrapPluginCall { plugin.onStartup(thisMVC) } }
logger.trace("Reading Timeline properties from '{}'", lastUsed)
load(new File(lastUsed))
def wrapPluginCall(Closure c) {
try { c() } catch (Throwable t) {
logger.warn("Plugin threw an exception in ${functionName} " +
"when passed ${param}:", t)
return false
def load = { File propertiesFile ->
// pass through plugins
propertiesFile = model.plugins.inject(propertiesFile) { file, plugin ->
// call plugin
def ret = wrapPluginCall { plugin.onTimelineLoad(thisMVC, file) }
// if the plugin call succeeded, pass the result, else pass
// the last one
ret ? ret : file
try {
model.config.setProperty('lastUsed', propertiesFile.canonicalPath)
model.config.lastUsed = propertiesFile.canonicalPath
} catch (IOException ioe) { logger.error(ioe) }
// load the properties file
@ -77,34 +113,55 @@ class TimeStamperMainController {
def exitGracefully = { evt = null ->
logger.traceIfEnabled {"Exiting gracefully."}
// hide the frame immediately
view.frame.visible = false
logger.trace("Exiting gracefully.")
// save config
logger.debugIfEnabled("Config: ${model.config}")
logger.debugIfEnabled("Storing config to file: ${model.configFile.path}")
try { model.configFile.withOutputStream { out ->, null) } }
catch (IOException ioe) {
logger.error("Unable to save the configuration file", ioe)
logger.debug("Config: {}", model.config)
// save timeline and properties
logger.traceIfEnabled {"Completed graceful shutdown."}
// call plugin exit hooks
model.plugins.each { plugin ->
wrapPluginCall { plugin.onExit(thisMVC) } }
logger.trace("Completed graceful shutdown.")
def newTask = { mark, notes = "No comments.", timestamp = new Date() ->
TimelineMarker tm = new TimelineMarker(timestamp, mark, notes)
// pass through the plugins
tm = model.plugins.inject(tm) { marker, plugin ->
def ret = wrapPluginCall { plugin.onNewTask(thisMVC, marker) }
ret ? ret : marker
model.currentMarker = model.timeline.getLastMarker(new Date())
// auto-persist if enabled
if (model.timelineProperties.persistOnUpdate)
def deleteTask = { marker ->
// pass through the plugins
model.plugins.each { plugin ->
wrapPluginCall { plugin.onDeleteTask(thisMVC, marker) } }
model.currentMarker = model.timeline.getLastMarker(new Date())
// auto-persist if enabled
if (model.timelineProperties.persistOnUpdate)

View File

@ -19,21 +19,6 @@
import groovy.swing.SwingBuilder
import griffon.util.GriffonPlatformHelper
import org.apache.log4j.Logger
SwingBuilder.lookAndFeel('system', 'nimbus', ['metal', [boldFonts: false]])
Logger.metaClass.traceIfEnabled = { Closure c, Throwable t = null ->
if (delegate.isTraceEnabled()) {
if (t != null) delegate.trace(, t)
else delegate.trace(
Logger.metaClass.debugIfEnabled = { Closure c, Throwable t = null ->
if (delegate.isDebugEnabled()) {
if (t != null) delegate.debug(, t)
else delegate.debug(

View File

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import groovy.beans.Bindable
import java.awt.Point
import java.awt.Rectangle
import java.util.Properties
import com.jdbernard.util.SmartConfig
import com.jdbernard.timestamper.core.Timeline
import com.jdbernard.timestamper.core.TimelineMarker
import com.jdbernard.timestamper.core.TimelineProperties
@ -12,8 +13,9 @@ class TimeStamperMainModel {
@Bindable TimelineMarker currentMarker
@Bindable Timeline timeline
@Bindable TimelineProperties timelineProperties
Properties config
File timelinePropertiesFile
SmartConfig config
List plugins = []
def notesDialogMVC
def punchcardDialogMVC

View File

@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
log4j.rootLogger=info, stdout, fileout
# set up stdout
log4j.appender.stdout.layout.ConversionPattern=[%t] %-5p - %m%n
# set up fileout
log4j.appender.fileout.layout.ConversionPattern=%5p [%t] - %m%n

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
import ch.qos.logback.classic.encoder.PatternLayoutEncoder
import ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender
import ch.qos.logback.core.FileAppender
import static ch.qos.logback.classic.Level.*
appender("CONSOLE", ConsoleAppender) {
encoder(PatternLayoutEncoder) {
pattern = "%level - %msg%n"
appender("FILE", FileAppender) {
encoder(PatternLayoutEncoder) {
pattern = "%date %level %logger - %msg%n"
root(WARN, ["CONSOLE"])
logger("com.jdbernard.*", TRACE, ["FILE"], false)

View File

@ -6,5 +6,5 @@ dialog = dialog(new JDialog(model.mainMVC.view.frame),
title: 'Error Messages...',
modal: false) {
logger.traceIfEnabled { "Building LogDialog view." }
logger.trace( "Building LogDialog view." )

View File

@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ dialog = dialog(new JDialog(model.mainMVC.view.frame),
return p
} else return dialog.location })
) {
logger.traceIfEnabled {'Building NotesDialog GUI'}
logger.trace('Building NotesDialog GUI')
border:lineBorder(color: Color.BLACK, thickness:1, parent:true),
layout: new MigLayout('insets 10 10 10 10, fill')

View File

@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ dialog = dialog(new JDialog(model.mainMVC.view.frame),
return p
} else return dialog.location })
) {
logger.traceIfEnabled {'Building PunchcardDialog GUI'}
logger.trace('Building PunchcardDialog GUI')
border:lineBorder(color: Color.BLACK, thickness:1, parent:true),
layout: new MigLayout('fill, insets 10 10 10 10',

View File

@ -90,6 +90,11 @@ optionsMenu = popupMenu() {
if (fileDialog.showOpenDialog(frame) ==
controller.load(fileDialog.selectedFile) })
checkBoxMenuItem(text: 'Save on update?',
selected: bind(source: model, sourceProperty: 'timelineProperties',
sourceValue: { model.timelineProperties?.persistOnUpdate }),
actionPerformed: {
model.timelineProperties.persistOnUpdate = it.source.selected })
aboutMenuItem = checkBoxMenuItem(text: 'About...',
actionPerformed: { aboutDialog.visible = aboutMenuItem.selected })
@ -107,7 +112,7 @@ frame = application(title:'TimeStamper',
componentMoved: { evt -> model.absoluteLocation = frame.location }
) {
logger.traceIfEnabled {'Building TimeStamperMain GUI'}
logger.trace('Building TimeStamperMain GUI')
border:lineBorder(color:Color.BLACK, thickness:1, parent:true),
layout: new MigLayout('insets 0 5 0 0, fill','', '[]0[]0[]'),

lib/jdb-util-1.1.jar Normal file

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

lib/logback-core-0.9.26.jar Normal file

Binary file not shown.

lib/slf4j-api-1.6.1.jar Normal file

Binary file not shown.

lib/smack.jar Normal file

Binary file not shown.

lib/smackx-jingle.jar Normal file

Binary file not shown.

lib/smackx.jar Normal file

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -1,20 +1,15 @@
package com.jdbernard.timestamper.core;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import com.jdbernard.util.SmartConfig;
* Represents a Timeline configuration. A configuration has one primary, or
@ -25,19 +20,22 @@ import java.util.regex.Pattern;
* <tr><th>Property</th><th>Description</th></tr>
* <tr><td><code>timeline.uri</code></td><td>The URI of the primary (local)
* timeline</td></tr>
* <tr><td><code>timeline.persistOnUpdate?</code></td><td><code>true</code> to
* persist the local timeline when a new event is entered,
* <code>false</code> to disable.</td></tr>
* <tr><td><code>remote.timeline.</code><i>name</i><code>.uri</code></td>
* <td>The URI for the <i>name</i> remote timeline.</td></tr>
* <tr><td><code>remote.timeline.</code><i>name</i><code>.push</code></td>
* <tr><td><code>remote.timeline.</code><i>name</i><code>.push?</code></td>
* <td><code>true</code> to enable pushing updates to the <i>name</i>
* remote timeline, <code>false</code> to disable.</td></tr>
* <tr><td><code>remote.timeline.</code><i>name</i><code>.pull</code></td>
* <tr><td><code>remote.timeline.</code><i>name</i><code>.pull?</code></td>
* <td><code>true</code> to enable pulling updates from the <i>name</i>
* remote timeline, <code>false</code> to disable.</td></tr>
* <tr><td><code>remote.timeline.</code><i>name</i><code>.save-on-exit</code>
* <tr><td><code>remote.timeline.</code><i>name</i><code>.syncOnExit?</code>
* </td><td><code>true</code> to force sync the <i>name</i> remote
* timeline on exit.</td></tr>
* <tr><td><code>remote.timeline.</code><i>name</i>
* <code>.update-interval</code></td><td>The time in milliseconds between
* <code>.updateInterval</code></td><td>The time in milliseconds between
* synching the <i>name</i> remote timeline.</td></tr></table>
* @author Jonathan Bernard ({@literal})
* @see com.jdbernard.timestamper.core.Timeline
@ -47,14 +45,17 @@ import java.util.regex.Pattern;
public class TimelineProperties {
public static final String LOCAL_TIMELINE_URI = "timeline.uri";
public static final String LOCAL_TIMELINE_PERSIST_ON_UPDATE = "timeline.persistOnUpdate?";
public static final String REMOTE_TIMELINE_BASE = "remote.timeline.";
private static final Pattern remoteTimelinePropPattern =
Pattern.compile("\\Q" + REMOTE_TIMELINE_BASE + "\\E([^\\s\\.=]+?)[\\.=].*");
private SmartConfig config;
private Timeline timeline;
private TimelineSource timelineSource;
private LinkedList<SyncTarget> syncTargets = new LinkedList<SyncTarget>();
private boolean persistOnUpdate;
* Create new TimelineProperties, using default values. This will create
@ -65,43 +66,39 @@ public class TimelineProperties {
public TimelineProperties() {
File propertyFile = new File("");
Properties config = new Properties();
config = new SmartConfig(propertyFile);
File timelineFile = new File("timeline.default.txt");
URI timelineURI = timelineFile.toURI();
timeline = new Timeline();
timelineSource = TimelineSourceFactory.newInstance(timelineURI);
persistOnUpdate = true;
try { timelineSource.persist(timeline); }
catch (IOException ioe) {
config.setProperty(LOCAL_TIMELINE_URI, timelineURI.toString());
try { FileOutputStream(propertyFile), ""); }
catch (IOException ioe) {
config.setProperty(LOCAL_TIMELINE_URI, timelineURI);
config.setProperty(LOCAL_TIMELINE_PERSIST_ON_UPDATE, persistOnUpdate);
* Load TimelineProperties from an InputStream.
* @param is
public TimelineProperties(InputStream is) throws IOException {
public TimelineProperties(File propFile) throws IOException {
String strURI;
URI timelineURI;
Properties config = new Properties();
try {
config.load(new InputStreamReader(is));
} catch (IOException ioe) {
config = new SmartConfig(propFile);
// load persist on update information
persistOnUpdate = (Boolean) config.getProperty(
// load local timeline
strURI = config.getProperty(LOCAL_TIMELINE_URI, "");
strURI = (String) config.getProperty(LOCAL_TIMELINE_URI, "");
if ("".equals(strURI)) {
File defaultTimelineFile = new File("timeline.default.txt");
try {
@ -123,6 +120,9 @@ public class TimelineProperties {
timeline =;
// search keys for remote timeline entries
// TODO: this code will add a new sync object for every remote target
// property, regardless of whether the SyncTarget for that remote URI
// already exists
for (Object keyObj : config.keySet()) {
if (!(keyObj instanceof String)) continue;
@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ public class TimelineProperties {
stName =;
remoteBase = REMOTE_TIMELINE_BASE + stName;
strURI = config.getProperty(remoteBase + ".uri", "");
strURI = (String) config.getProperty(remoteBase + ".uri", "");
try { timelineURI = new URI(strURI); }
catch (URISyntaxException urise) { /* TODO */ }
@ -147,44 +147,32 @@ public class TimelineProperties {
// check for synch options
config.getProperty(remoteBase + ".pull", "true")));
config.getProperty(remoteBase + ".push", "true")));
config.getProperty(remoteBase + ".sync-on-exit", "true")));
config.getProperty(remoteBase + ".update-interval",
"1800000"))); // thirty minutes
remoteBase + ".pull?", true));
remoteBase + ".push?", true));
remoteBase + ".syncOnExit?", true));
remoteBase + ".updateInterval", 1800000l)); // thirty minutes
public void save(OutputStream os) throws IOException {
Properties config = new Properties();
public void save() throws IOException {
config.setProperty(LOCAL_TIMELINE_PERSIST_ON_UPDATE, persistOnUpdate);
config.setProperty(LOCAL_TIMELINE_URI, timelineSource.getURI());
for (SyncTarget st : syncTargets) {
String remoteBase = REMOTE_TIMELINE_BASE + st.getName();
config.setProperty(remoteBase + ".uri",
config.setProperty(remoteBase + ".pull",
config.setProperty(remoteBase + ".push",
config.setProperty(remoteBase + ".sync-on-exit",
config.setProperty(remoteBase + ".update-interval",
try {, "");
} catch (IOException ioe) {
config.setProperty(remoteBase + ".uri", st.getSource().getURI());
config.setProperty(remoteBase + ".pull?", st.getPullEnabled());
config.setProperty(remoteBase + ".push?", st.getPushEnabled());
config.setProperty(remoteBase + ".syncOnExit?", st.getSyncOnExit());
config.setProperty(remoteBase + ".updateInterval",
@ -197,4 +185,11 @@ public class TimelineProperties {
public TimelineSource getTimelineSource() { return timelineSource; }
public Collection<SyncTarget> getSyncTargets() { return syncTargets; }
public boolean getPersistOnUpdate() { return persistOnUpdate; }
public void setPersistOnUpdate(boolean persistOnUpdate) {
this.persistOnUpdate = persistOnUpdate;
if (persistOnUpdate) try { save(); } catch (IOException ioe) {}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
package com.jdbernard.timestamper.gui.plugin
import com.jdbernard.timestamper.core.TimelineMarker
import org.slf4j.Logger
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
public class HookLogger implements TimestamperPlugin {
private Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass())
public void onStartup(Map mvc) {"HookLogger: onStartup() called.")
public void onExit(Map mvc) {"HookLogger: onExit() called.")
public File onTimelineLoad(Map mvc, File file) {"HookLogger: onTimelineLoad() called with ${file.canonicalPath}")
public TimelineMarker onNewTask(Map mvc, TimelineMarker tm) {"HookLogger: onNewTask() called with ${tm}")
public void onDeleteTask(Map mvc, TimelineMarker tm) {"HookLogger: onDeleteTask() called with ${tm}")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
package com.jdbernard.timestamper.gui.plugin;
import java.util.Map;
import com.jdbernard.timestamper.core.TimelineMarker;
public interface TimestamperPlugin {
* Called before the GUI loads a new timeline properties file. This method
* allows you to perform an action before a timeline properties file is
* loaded, or to change the file that will be loaded by returning a new
* File object.
* @param mainMVC Map of the model, view, and controller objects for the
* timestamper main GUI.
* @param propertyFile The file that will be loaded.
* @return The property file to load (often the same as the one passed in)
File onTimelineLoad(Map<String, Object> mainMVC, File propertyFile);
* Called after the GUI is initialized but before it is displayed.
* @param mainMVC map of the model, view, and controller objects for the
* timestamper main GUI.
void onStartup(Map<String, Object> mainMVC);
* Called before the GUI exits. This is a best-attempt call, since the OS
* may force-terminate the application before it has a chance to be called.
* Long-running operations should not be performed in this call, as some
* OSes may impatiently terminate the application if it thinks it has hung.
* @param mainMVC map of the model, view, and controller objects for the
* timestamper main GUI.
void onExit(Map<String, Object> mainMVC);
* Called before the GUI adds a new marker to the timeline.
* This allows you to perform some action when a new marker is created,
* modify the marker, or return an entirely new marker.
* @param mainMVC map of the model, view, and controller objects for the
* timestamper main GUI.
* @param newMarker The new TimelineMarker to be added to the timeline.
* @return The timeline marker to add to the timeline (often the same
* marker passed in).
TimelineMarker onNewTask(Map<String, Object> mainMVC, TimelineMarker newMarker);
* Called before the GUI deletes a marker from the timeline.
* @param mainMVC map of the model, view, and controller objects for the
* timestamper main GUI.
* @param marker The TimelineMarker to be deleted.
void onDeleteTask(Map<String, Object> mainMVC, TimelineMarker marker);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
package com.jdbernard.timestamper.gui.plugin
import com.jdbernard.timestamper.core.TimelineMarker
import org.jivesoftware.smack.ConnectionConfiguration
import org.jivesoftware.smack.XMPPConnection
import org.jivesoftware.smack.packet.Presence
import org.slf4j.Logger
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
public class XMPPStatusUpdater implements TimestamperPlugin {
XMPPConnection conn
private Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass())
public void onStartup(Map mainMVC) {
logger.trace("Starting XMPPStatusUpdater plugin")
String server = mainMVC.model.config."xmpp.server"
int port = mainMVC.model.config.getProperty("xmpp.port", 5222)
String username = mainMVC.model.config."xmpp.username"
String password = mainMVC.model.config."xmpp.password"
try {
conn = new XMPPConnection(new ConnectionConfiguration(server, port))
conn.login(username, password, "timestamper-xmpp-plugin")
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Unable to initialize XMPPUpdater.", e)
conn = null
public void onExit(Map mainMVC) {
logger.trace("Stopping XMPPStatusUpdater plugin")
try { conn.disconnect() } catch (Exception e) {}
public File onTimelineLoad(Map mainMVC, File propFile) {}
public TimelineMarker onNewTask(Map mainMVC, TimelineMarker newTask) {
if (!conn) {"XMPPStatusUpdater is not initialized, " +
"skipping onNewTask()")
return newTask
logger.trace("Setting XMPP presence based on new task: {}", newTask)
conn.sendPacket(new Presence(Presence.Type.available, newTask.mark,
0, Presence.Mode.available))
public void onDeleteTask(Map mainMVC, TimelineMarker task) {}