Added SSL, CORS support for the API.

This commit is contained in:
Jonathan Bernard 2013-09-21 17:19:13 +00:00
parent 1e05258381
commit 100ca8fd74
2 changed files with 109 additions and 51 deletions

View File

@ -40,8 +40,8 @@ dispatch_request(YArg, Session, [H|T]) ->
{_, "login"} -> do_login(YArg);
{_, "logout"} -> do_logout(YArg);
{"not_logged_in", _} -> make_json_401(YArg);
{"session_expired", _} -> make_json_401(YArg, [{error, "session expired"}]);
{not_logged_in, _} -> make_json_401(YArg);
{session_expired, _} -> make_json_401(YArg, [{error, "session expired"}]);
{_S, "app"} -> dispatch_app(YArg, Session, T);
{_S, "users"} -> dispatch_user(YArg, Session, T);
@ -57,6 +57,8 @@ dispatch_app(YArg, Session, Params) ->
case {HTTPMethod, Params} of
{'OPTIONS', ["user_summary", _]} -> make_CORS_options(YArg, "GET");
{'GET', ["user_summary", UsernameStr]} ->
case {Session#ts_api_session.username,
UsernameStr} of
@ -83,6 +85,7 @@ dispatch_user(YArg, Session, [Username]) ->
% compare to the logged-in user
case {HTTPMethod, Session#ts_api_session.username} of
{'OPTIONS', Username} -> make_CORS_options(YArg, "GET, PUT");
{'GET', Username} -> get_user(YArg, Username);
{'PUT', Username} -> put_user(YArg, Username);
@ -109,6 +112,7 @@ dispatch_timeline(YArg, [Username]) ->
HTTPMethod = (YArg#arg.req)#http_request.method,
case HTTPMethod of
'OPTIONS' -> make_CORS_options(YArg, "GET");
'GET' -> list_timelines(YArg, Username);
_Other -> make_json_405(YArg, [{see_docs, "/ts_api_doc/timelines.html"}])
@ -117,6 +121,7 @@ dispatch_timeline(YArg, [Username, TimelineId]) ->
HTTPMethod = (YArg#arg.req)#http_request.method,
case HTTPMethod of
'OPTIONS'-> make_CORS_options(YArg, "GET, PUT, DELETE");
'GET' -> get_timeline(YArg, Username, TimelineId);
'PUT' -> put_timeline(YArg, Username, TimelineId);
'DELETE' -> delete_timeline(YArg, Username, TimelineId);
@ -142,6 +147,7 @@ dispatch_entry(YArg, [Username, TimelineId]) ->
HTTPMethod = (YArg#arg.req)#http_request.method,
case HTTPMethod of
'OPTIONS' -> make_CORS_options(YArg, "GET, POST");
'GET' -> list_entries(YArg, Username, TimelineId);
'POST' -> post_entry(YArg, Username, TimelineId);
_Other -> make_json_405(YArg, [{see_docs, "/ts_api_doc/entries.html"}])
@ -152,6 +158,7 @@ dispatch_entry(YArg, [Username, TimelineId, UrlEntryId]) ->
HTTPMethod = (YArg#arg.req)#http_request.method,
case HTTPMethod of
'OPTIONS'-> make_CORS_options(YArg, "GET, PUT, DELETE");
'GET' -> get_entry(YArg, Username, TimelineId, EntryId);
'PUT' -> put_entry(YArg, Username, TimelineId, EntryId);
'DELETE' -> delete_entry(YArg, Username, TimelineId, EntryId);
@ -182,11 +189,13 @@ do_login(YArg) ->
true ->
{CookieVal, _Session} = ts_api_session:new(Username),
[{content, "application/json",
json:encode({struct, [{status, "ok"}]})},
{header, {set_cookie, io_lib:format(
"ts_api_session=~s; Path=/ts_api; httponly",
[{header, {set_cookie, io_lib:format(
"ts_api_session=~s; Path=/ts_api",
{header, ["Access-Control-Allow-Origin: ", get_origin_header(YArg)]},
{header, ["Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: ", "true"]},
{content, "application/json",
json:encode({struct, [{status, "ok"}]})}];
% they are not good
false -> make_json_401(YArg, [{error,
@ -200,7 +209,9 @@ do_logout(YArg) ->
Cookie = (YArg#arg.headers)#headers.cookie,
CookieVal = yaws_api:find_cookie_val("ts_api_session", Cookie),
{status, 200}.
[{status, 200},
{header, ["Access-Control-Allow-Origin: ", get_origin_header(YArg)]},
{header, ["Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: ", "true"]}].
get_user_summary(YArg, Username) ->
% find user record
@ -229,14 +240,11 @@ get_user_summary(YArg, Username) ->
% convert to JSON
JSONResp = json:encode({struct,
% write response out
make_json_200(YArg, {struct,
[{user, EJSONUser},
{timelines, EJSONTimelines}
% write response out
{content, "application/json", JSONResp}
get_user(YArg, Username) ->
@ -245,7 +253,7 @@ get_user(YArg, Username) ->
% no such user, barf
no_record -> make_json_404(YArg);
% found, return a 200 with the record
User -> make_json_200(YArg, User)
User -> make_json_200_record(YArg, User)
put_user(YArg, Username) ->
@ -265,7 +273,7 @@ put_user(YArg, Username) ->
{ok, UpdatedRec} = ts_user:update(UR, ExtData),
% return a 200
make_json_200(YArg, UpdatedRec).
make_json_200_record(YArg, UpdatedRec).
list_timelines(YArg, Username) ->
% pull out the POST data
@ -295,11 +303,8 @@ list_timelines(YArg, Username) ->
% convert to JSON and create resposne
JSONResponse = json:encode(EJSONTimelines),
% return response
{content, "application/json", JSONResponse}.
make_json_200(YArg, EJSONTimelines).
get_timeline(YArg, Username, TimelineId) ->
% look for timeline
@ -307,7 +312,7 @@ get_timeline(YArg, Username, TimelineId) ->
% no such timeline, return 404
no_record -> make_json_404(YArg, [{error, "no such timeline"}]);
% return the timeline data
Timeline -> make_json_200(YArg, Timeline)
Timeline -> make_json_200_record(YArg, Timeline)
put_timeline(YArg, Username, TimelineId) ->
@ -329,7 +334,7 @@ put_timeline(YArg, Username, TimelineId) ->
ts_timeline:write(TR, ExtData),
% return a 200
make_json_200(YArg, TR).
make_json_200_record(YArg, TR).
delete_timeline(_YArg, _Username, _TimelineId) -> {status, 405}.
@ -380,9 +385,7 @@ list_entries(YArg, Username, TimelineId) ->
JSONResponse = json:encode(EJSONEntries),
{content, "application/json", JSONResponse};
make_json_200(YArg, EJSONEntries);
% listing by table position
_Other ->
@ -416,9 +419,7 @@ list_entries(YArg, Username, TimelineId) ->
JSONResponse = json:encode(EJSONEntries),
{content, "application/json", JSONResponse}
make_json_200(YArg, EJSONEntries)
get_entry(YArg, Username, TimelineId, EntryId) ->
@ -426,7 +427,7 @@ get_entry(YArg, Username, TimelineId, EntryId) ->
% no such entry
no_record -> make_json_404(YArg, [{error, "no such entry"}]);
% return the entry data
Entry -> make_json_200(YArg, Entry)
Entry -> make_json_200_record(YArg, Entry)
post_entry(YArg, Username, TimelineId) ->
@ -446,7 +447,7 @@ post_entry(YArg, Username, TimelineId) ->
% record created
{ok, CreatedRecord} ->
[{status, 201}, make_json_200(YArg, CreatedRecord)];
[{status, 201}, make_json_200_record(YArg, CreatedRecord)];
OtherError ->
error_logger:error_report("Could not create entry: ~p", [OtherError]),
@ -467,7 +468,7 @@ put_entry(YArg, Username, TimelineId, EntryId) ->
ts_entry:write(ER, ExtData),
make_json_200(YArg, ER).
make_json_200_record(YArg, ER).
delete_entry(YArg, Username, TimelineId, EntryId) ->
@ -499,31 +500,65 @@ parse_json_body(YArg) ->
get_origin_header(YArg) ->
Headers = (YArg#arg.headers)#headers.other,
case lists:keyfind("Origin", 3, Headers) of
false -> "*";
{http_header, 0, "Origin", _, Origin} -> Origin;
_ -> make_json_500(YArg, "Unrecognized Origin header.")
make_CORS_options(YArg, AllowedMethods) ->
[{status, 200},
{header, ["Access-Control-Allow-Origin: ", get_origin_header(YArg)]},
{header, ["Access-Control-Allow-Methods: ", AllowedMethods]},
{header, ["Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: ", "true"]}].
make_CORS_options(_YArg, AllowedOrigins, AllowedMethods) ->
[{status, 200},
{header, ["Access-Control-Allow-Origin: ", AllowedOrigins]},
{header, ["Access-Control-Allow-Methods: ", AllowedMethods]},
{header, ["Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: ", "true"]}].
%% Create a JSON 200 response.
make_json_200(_YArg, Record) ->
make_json_200(YArg, EJSONResponse) ->
JSONResponse = json:encode(EJSONResponse),
[{content, "application/json", JSONResponse},
{header, ["Access-Control-Allow-Origin: ", get_origin_header(YArg)]},
{header, ["Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: ", "true"]}].
make_json_200_record(YArg, Record) ->
RecordExtData = ts_ext_data:get_properties(Record),
EJSON = ts_json:record_to_ejson(Record, RecordExtData),
JSONResponse = json:encode(EJSON),
{content, "application/json", JSONResponse}.
[{content, "application/json", JSONResponse},
{header, ["Access-Control-Allow-Origin: ", get_origin_header(YArg)]},
{header, ["Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: ", "true"]}].
make_json_400(YArg) -> make_json_400(YArg, []).
make_json_400(_YArg, Fields) ->
make_json_400(YArg, Fields) ->
F1 = case lists:keyfind(status, 1, Fields) of
false -> Fields ++ [{status, "bad request"}];
_Else -> Fields
[{status, 400}, {content, "application/json", json:encode({struct, F1})}].
[{status, 400}, {content, "application/json", json:encode({struct, F1})},
{header, ["Access-Control-Allow-Origin: ", get_origin_header(YArg)]},
{header, ["Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: ", "true"]}].
make_json_401(YArg) -> make_json_401(YArg, []).
make_json_401(_YArg, Fields) ->
make_json_401(YArg, Fields) ->
% add default status if not provided
F1 = case lists:keyfind(status, 1, Fields) of
false -> Fields ++ [{status, "unauthorized"}];
_Else -> Fields
[{status, 401}, {content, "application/json", json:encode({struct, F1})}].
[{status, 401},
{header, ["Access-Control-Allow-Origin: ", get_origin_header(YArg)]},
{header, ["Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: ", "true"]},
{content, "application/json", json:encode({struct, F1})}].
%% Create a JSON 404 response.
make_json_404(YArg) -> make_json_404(YArg, []).
@ -537,10 +572,12 @@ make_json_404(YArg, Fields) ->
% add the path they requested
F2 = F1 ++ [{path, element(2, (YArg#arg.req)#http_request.path)}],
[{status, 404}, {content, "application/json", json:encode({struct, F2})}].
[{status, 404}, {content, "application/json", json:encode({struct, F2})},
{header, ["Access-Control-Allow-Origin: ", get_origin_header(YArg)]},
{header, ["Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: ", "true"]}].
make_json_405(YArg) -> make_json_405(YArg, []).
make_json_405(_YArg, Fields) ->
make_json_405(YArg, Fields) ->
% add default status if not provided
F1 = case lists:keyfind(status, 1, Fields) of
false -> Fields ++ [{status, "method not allowed"}];
@ -550,15 +587,22 @@ make_json_405(_YArg, Fields) ->
% add the path they requested
% F2 = F1 ++ [{path, io_lib:format("~p", [(YArg#arg.req)#http_request.path])}],
[{status, 405}, {content, "application/json", json:encode({struct, F1})}].
[{status, 405}, {content, "application/json", json:encode({struct, F1})},
{header, ["Access-Control-Allow-Origin: ", get_origin_header(YArg)]},
{header, ["Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: ", "true"]}].
make_json_500(_YArg, Error) ->
make_json_500(YArg, Error) ->
io:format("Error: ~n~p", [Error]),
EJSON = {struct, [
{status, "internal server error"},
{error, lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~p", [Error]))}]},
[{status, 500}, {content, "application/json", json:encode(EJSON)}].
[{status, 500}, {content, "application/json", json:encode(EJSON)},
{header, ["Access-Control-Allow-Origin: ", get_origin_header(YArg)]},
{header, ["Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: ", "true"]}].
make_json_500(_YArg) ->
make_json_500(YArg) ->
EJSON = {struct, [
{status, "internal server error"}]},
[{status, 500}, {content, "application/json", json:encode(EJSON)}].
[{status, 500}, {content, "application/json", json:encode(EJSON)},
{header, ["Access-Control-Allow-Origin: ", get_origin_header(YArg)]},
{header, ["Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: ", "true"]}].

View File

@ -9,3 +9,17 @@ include_dir = /usr/local/var/yaws/
docroot = /usr/local/var/yaws/
appmods = ts_api
port = 443
listen =
docroot = /usr/local/var/yaws/
appmods = ts_api
dir_listings = false
keyfile = /usr/local/var/yaws/keys/
certfile = /usr/local/var/yaws/keys/
depth = 0