2011-01-28 06:49:47 -06:00
-export([create_table/1, next_counter/1, dirty_next_counter/1]).
2011-02-02 16:57:58 -06:00
-record(id_counter, {name, next_value = 0}).
2011-01-28 06:49:47 -06:00
%% Create the table structure for Mnesia
create_table(Opts) ->
mnesia:create_table(id_counter, Opts ++
[{attributes, record_info(fields, id_counter)}]).
%% Get the next id for a given name
next_counter(Name) ->
Rec = case mnesia:read({id_counter, Name}) of
[] -> #id_counter{name=Name, next_value=0};
[Val] -> Val
NextRec = Rec#id_counter{next_value = Rec#id_counter.next_value+ 1},
ok = mnesia:write(NextRec),
%% Get the next id for a given name
dirty_next_counter(Name) ->
mnesia:dirty_update_counter(id_counter, Name, 1) - 1.