2011-05-03 12:00:27 -05:00
<!DOCTYPE html>
< html >
< head >
< title > TimeStamper - Simple Time Tracking< / title >
< link href = 'http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Arvo|Bentham|Cuprum|Cantarell|Geo|Josefin+Sans' rel = 'stylesheet' type = 'text/css' >
< link rel = "stylesheet" media = "screen" href = "css/ts-screen.css" type = "text/css" / >
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< body >
< div id = "top" >
< div id = "timeline" >
< span class = "timeline-desc" > Work-related activities.< / span >
< input class = "timeline-desc-input" type = "text" / >
< div class = "drop-menu" >
< div class = "timeline-id" > ( work )< / div >
< input class = "timeline-id-input" type = "text" / >
< ul class = "drop-menu-items" >
< li class = "timeline-link" > < a href = "#" > jdb-labs< / a > < / li >
< li class = "timeline-link" > < a href = "#" > personal< / a > < / li >
< li class = "timeline-link" > < a href = "#" > vbs-suite< / a > < / li >
< / ul >
< / div >
< / div >
< div id = "user" >
< div class = "fullname" > Jonathan Bernard< / div >
< input class = 'fullname-input' type = 'text' / >
< div class = 'drop-menu' >
< div class = "username" > - jdbernard< / div >
< ul class = "drop-menu-items" >
< li > < a href = "#" > logout< / a > < / li >
< li > < a href = "#" > user info< / a > < / li >
< / ul >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div id = "entry-list" >
2011-05-06 13:14:57 -05:00
< div class = "day-seperator" >
< h4 class = 'mark' > Today< / h4 >
< h5 class = 'timestamp' > start< / h5 >
< h5 class = 'duration' > duration< / h5 >
< / div >
2011-05-03 12:00:27 -05:00
< div id = "new-entry" >
< input id = "new-entry-input" class = "mark-input"
placeholder="Start a new task..." type="text" />
< / div >
< div id = "entries" >
< div class = "entry" >
2011-05-09 10:52:21 -05:00
< div class = "mark" > < img src = "img/round_delete_icon&16.png" class = "delete-icon" / > < span > ITHelp: Entering tickets.< / span > < img src = "img/notepad_2_icon&16.png" class = "notes-icon" / > < / div >
2011-05-03 12:00:27 -05:00
< input class = "mark-input" type = "text" / >
< div class = "timestamp" > 12:32< / div >
< input class = "timestamp-input" type = "text" / >
2011-05-06 13:14:57 -05:00
< div class = "duration" > 4< span class = "tick-tock" > hr < / span > 3< span class = "tick-tock" > m < / span > < / div >
2011-05-03 12:00:27 -05:00
< div class = "notes" > Some notes should go here, but they should be hidden by default< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "entry" >
2011-05-09 10:52:21 -05:00
< div class = "mark" > < img src = "img/round_delete_icon&16.png" class = "delete-icon" / > < span > ITHelp: Helping Steve wth WR Updates.< / span > < img src = "img/notepad_2_icon&16.png" class = "notes-icon" / > < / div >
2011-05-03 12:00:27 -05:00
< input class = "mark-input" type = "text" / >
< div class = "timestamp" > 9:56< / div >
< input class = "timestamp-input" type = "text" / >
2011-05-06 13:14:57 -05:00
< div class = "duration" > 1< span class = "tick-tock" > hr < / span > 15< span class = "tick-tock" > m < / span > < / div >
2011-05-03 12:00:27 -05:00
< div class = "notes" > Some notes should go here, but they should be hidden by default< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "entry" >
2011-05-09 10:52:21 -05:00
< div class = "mark" > < img src = "img/round_delete_icon&16.png" class = "delete-icon" / > < span > Email< / span > < img src = "img/notepad_2_icon&16.png" class = "notes-icon" / > < / div >
2011-05-03 12:00:27 -05:00
< input class = "mark-input" type = "text" / >
< div class = "timestamp" > 9:10< / div >
< input class = "timestamp-input" type = "text" / >
2011-05-06 13:14:57 -05:00
< div class = "duration" > 47< span class = "tick-tock" > m < / span > < / div >
2011-05-03 12:00:27 -05:00
< div class = "notes" > Some notes should go here, but they should be hidden by default< / div >
< / div >
2011-05-06 13:14:57 -05:00
< div class = "day-seperator" >
< h4 class = 'mark' > Yesterday< / h4 >
< h5 class = 'timestamp' > start< / h5 >
< h5 class = 'duration' > duration< / h5 >
< / div >
2011-05-03 12:00:27 -05:00
< div class = "entry" >
2011-05-09 10:52:21 -05:00
< div class = "mark" > < img src = "img/round_delete_icon&16.png" class = "delete-icon" / > < span > ITHelp: Working #7801.< / span > < img src = "img/notepad_2_icon&16.png" class = "notes-icon" / > < / div >
2011-05-03 12:00:27 -05:00
< input class = "mark-input" type = "text" / >
2011-05-06 13:14:57 -05:00
< div class = "timestamp" > 3:12 pm< / div >
2011-05-03 12:00:27 -05:00
< input class = "timestamp-input" type = "text" / >
2011-05-06 13:14:57 -05:00
< div class = "duration" > 12< span class = "tick-tock" > m < / span > < / div >
2011-05-03 12:00:27 -05:00
< div class = "notes" > Some notes should go here, but they should be hidden by default< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "entry" >
2011-05-09 10:52:21 -05:00
< div class = "mark" > < img src = "img/round_delete_icon&16.png" class = "delete-icon" / > < span > Lunch.< / span > < img src = "img/notepad_2_icon&16.png" class = "notes-icon" / > < / div >
2011-05-03 12:00:27 -05:00
< input class = "mark-input" type = "text" / >
2011-05-06 13:14:57 -05:00
< div class = "timestamp" > 11:47 am< / div >
2011-05-03 12:00:27 -05:00
< input class = "timestamp-input" type = "text" / >
2011-05-06 13:14:57 -05:00
< div class = "duration" > 3< span class = "tick-tock" > hr < / span > 25< span class = "tick-tock" > m < / span > < / div >
2011-05-03 12:00:27 -05:00
< div class = "notes" > Some notes should go here, but they should be hidden by default< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "entry" >
2011-05-09 10:52:21 -05:00
< div class = "mark" > < img src = "img/round_delete_icon&16.png" class = "delete-icon" / > < span > ITHelp: Entering tickets.< / span > < img src = "img/notepad_2_icon&16.png" class = "notes-icon" / > < / div >
2011-05-03 12:00:27 -05:00
< input class = "mark-input" type = "text" / >
2011-05-06 13:14:57 -05:00
< div class = "timestamp" > 9:20 am< / div >
2011-05-03 12:00:27 -05:00
< input class = "timestamp-input" type = "text" / >
2011-05-06 13:14:57 -05:00
< div class = "duration" > 2< span class = "tick-tock" > hr < / span > 27< span class = "tick-tock" > m < / span > < / div >
2011-05-03 12:00:27 -05:00
< div class = "notes" > Some notes should go here, but they should be hidden by default< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "entry" >
2011-05-09 10:52:21 -05:00
< div class = "mark" > < img src = "img/round_delete_icon&16.png" class = "delete-icon" / > < span > ITHelp: Reproducing #7796.< / span > < img src = "img/notepad_2_icon&16.png" class = "notes-icon" / > < / div >
2011-05-03 12:00:27 -05:00
< input class = "mark-input" type = "text" / >
2011-05-06 13:14:57 -05:00
< div class = "timestamp" > 9:11 am< / div >
2011-05-03 12:00:27 -05:00
< input class = "timestamp-input" type = "text" / >
2011-05-06 13:14:57 -05:00
< div class = "duration" > 9< span class = "tick-tock" > m < / span > < / div >
2011-05-03 12:00:27 -05:00
< div class = "notes" > Some notes should go here, but they should be hidden by default< / div >
< / div >
2011-05-06 13:14:57 -05:00
< div class = "day-seperator" >
< h4 class = 'mark' > Monday< / h4 >
< h5 class = 'timestamp' > start< / h5 >
< h5 class = 'duration' > duration< / h5 >
< / div >
2011-05-03 12:00:27 -05:00
< div class = "entry" >
2011-05-09 10:52:21 -05:00
< div class = "mark" > < img src = "img/round_delete_icon&16.png" class = "delete-icon" / > < span > ITHelp: Working #7733.< / span > < img src = "img/notepad_2_icon&16.png" class = "notes-icon" / > < / div >
2011-05-03 12:00:27 -05:00
< input class = "mark-input" type = "text" / >
< div class = "timestamp" > 16:41< / div >
< input class = "timestamp-input" type = "text" / >
2011-05-06 13:14:57 -05:00
< div class = "duration" > 1< span class = "tick-tock" > hr < / span > 8< span class = "tick-tock" > m < / span > < / div >
2011-05-03 12:00:27 -05:00
< div class = "notes" > Some notes should go here, but they should be hidden by default< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "entry" >
2011-05-09 10:52:21 -05:00
< div class = "mark" > < img src = "img/round_delete_icon&16.png" class = "delete-icon" / > < span > Zend Training: Building Security Into Your PHP Applications< / span > < img src = "img/notepad_2_icon&16.png" class = "notes-icon" / > < / div >
2011-05-03 12:00:27 -05:00
< input class = "mark-input" type = "text" / >
< div class = "timestamp" > 10:30< / div >
< input class = "timestamp-input" type = "text" / >
2011-05-06 13:14:57 -05:00
< div class = "duration" > 4< span class = "tick-tock" > hr < / span > 11< span class = "tick-tock" > m < / span > < / div >
2011-05-03 12:00:27 -05:00
< div class = "notes" > Some notes should go here, but they should be hidden by default< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "entry" >
2011-05-09 10:52:21 -05:00
< div class = "mark" > < img src = "img/round_delete_icon&16.png" class = "delete-icon" / > < span > ITHelp.< / span > < img src = "img/notepad_2_icon&16.png" class = "notes-icon" / > < / div >
2011-05-03 12:00:27 -05:00
< input class = "mark-input" type = "text" / >
< div class = "timestamp" > 8:40< / div >
< input class = "timestamp-input" type = "text" / >
2011-05-06 13:14:57 -05:00
< div class = "duration" > 1< span class = "tick-tock" > hr < / span > 50< span class = "tick-tock" > m < / span > < / div >
2011-05-03 12:00:27 -05:00
< div class = "notes" > Some notes should go here, but they should be hidden by default< / div >
< / div >
2011-05-06 13:14:57 -05:00
< div class = "day-seperator" >
< h4 class = 'mark' > Friday, April 29th< / h4 >
< h5 class = 'timestamp' > start< / h5 >
< h5 class = 'duration' > duration< / h5 >
< / div >
2011-05-03 12:00:27 -05:00
< div class = "entry" >
2011-05-09 10:52:21 -05:00
< div class = "mark" > < img src = "img/round_delete_icon&16.png" class = "delete-icon" / > < span > Training Steve: Databases and SQL< / span > < img src = "img/notepad_2_icon&16.png" class = "notes-icon" / > < / div >
2011-05-03 12:00:27 -05:00
< input class = "mark-input" type = "text" / >
< div class = "timestamp" > 16:09< / div >
< input class = "timestamp-input" type = "text" / >
2011-05-06 13:14:57 -05:00
< div class = "duration" > 55< span class = "tick-tock" > m < / span > < / div >
2011-05-03 12:00:27 -05:00
< div class = "notes" > Some notes should go here, but they should be hidden by default< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "entry" >
2011-05-09 10:52:21 -05:00
< div class = "mark" > < img src = "img/round_delete_icon&16.png" class = "delete-icon" / > < span > Preparing Instructional Material: Database Basics< / span > < img src = "img/notepad_2_icon&16.png" class = "notes-icon" / > < / div >
2011-05-03 12:00:27 -05:00
< input class = "mark-input" type = "text" / >
< div class = "timestamp" > 15:12< / div >
< input class = "timestamp-input" type = "text" / >
2011-05-06 13:14:57 -05:00
< div class = "duration" > 57< span class = "tick-tock" > m < / span > < / div >
2011-05-03 12:00:27 -05:00
< div class = "notes" > Some notes should go here, but they should be hidden by default< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "entry" >
2011-05-09 10:52:21 -05:00
< div class = "mark" > < img src = "img/round_delete_icon&16.png" class = "delete-icon" / > < span > ITHelp: Working #7729.< / span > < img src = "img/notepad_2_icon&16.png" class = "notes-icon" / > < / div >
2011-05-03 12:00:27 -05:00
< input class = "mark-input" type = "text" / >
< div class = "timestamp" > 15:09< / div >
< input class = "timestamp-input" type = "text" / >
2011-05-06 13:14:57 -05:00
< div class = "duration" > 3< span class = "tick-tock" > m < / span > < / div >
2011-05-03 12:00:27 -05:00
< div class = "notes" > Some notes should go here, but they should be hidden by default< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "entry" >
2011-05-09 10:52:21 -05:00
< div class = "mark" > < img src = "img/round_delete_icon&16.png" class = "delete-icon" / > < span > ITHelp.< / span > < img src = "img/notepad_2_icon&16.png" class = "notes-icon" / > < / div >
2011-05-03 12:00:27 -05:00
< input class = "mark-input" type = "text" / >
< div class = "timestamp" > 14:44< / div >
< input class = "timestamp-input" type = "text" / >
2011-05-06 13:14:57 -05:00
< div class = "duration" > 25< span class = "tick-tock" > m < / span > < / div >
2011-05-03 12:00:27 -05:00
< div class = "notes" > Some notes should go here, but they should be hidden by default< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "entry" >
2011-05-09 10:52:21 -05:00
< div class = "mark" > < img src = "img/round_delete_icon&16.png" class = "delete-icon" / > < span > ITHelp: Working #7728.< / span > < img src = "img/notepad_2_icon&16.png" class = "notes-icon" / > < / div >
2011-05-03 12:00:27 -05:00
< input class = "mark-input" type = "text" / >
< div class = "timestamp" > 14:41< / div >
< input class = "timestamp-input" type = "text" / >
2011-05-06 13:14:57 -05:00
< div class = "duration" > 3< span class = "tick-tock" > m < / span > < / div >
2011-05-03 12:00:27 -05:00
< div class = "notes" > Some notes should go here, but they should be hidden by default< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "entry" >
2011-05-09 10:52:21 -05:00
< div class = "mark" > < img src = "img/round_delete_icon&16.png" class = "delete-icon" / > < span > ITHelp.< / span > < img src = "img/notepad_2_icon&16.png" class = "notes-icon" / > < / div >
2011-05-03 12:00:27 -05:00
< input class = "mark-input" type = "text" / >
< div class = "timestamp" > 14:00< / div >
< input class = "timestamp-input" type = "text" / >
2011-05-06 13:14:57 -05:00
< div class = "duration" > 41< span class = "tick-tock" > m < / span > < / div >
2011-05-03 12:00:27 -05:00
< div class = "notes" > Some notes should go here, but they should be hidden by default< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "entry" >
2011-05-09 10:52:21 -05:00
< div class = "mark" > < img src = "img/round_delete_icon&16.png" class = "delete-icon" / > < span > Lunch.< / span > < img src = "img/notepad_2_icon&16.png" class = "notes-icon" / > < / div >
2011-05-03 12:00:27 -05:00
< input class = "mark-input" type = "text" / >
< div class = "timestamp" > 13:05< / div >
< input class = "timestamp-input" type = "text" / >
2011-05-06 13:14:57 -05:00
< div class = "duration" > 55< span class = "tick-tock" > m < / span > < / div >
2011-05-03 12:00:27 -05:00
< div class = "notes" > Some notes should go here, but they should be hidden by default< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "entry" >
2011-05-09 10:52:21 -05:00
< div class = "mark" > < img src = "img/round_delete_icon&16.png" class = "delete-icon" / > < span > ITHelp: Working #7725.< / span > < img src = "img/notepad_2_icon&16.png" class = "notes-icon" / > < / div >
2011-05-03 12:00:27 -05:00
< input class = "mark-input" type = "text" / >
< div class = "timestamp" > 12:40< / div >
< input class = "timestamp-input" type = "text" / >
2011-05-06 13:14:57 -05:00
< div class = "duration" > 20< span class = "tick-tock" > m < / span > < / div >
2011-05-03 12:00:27 -05:00
< div class = "notes" > Some notes should go here, but they should be hidden by default< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "entry" >
2011-05-09 10:52:21 -05:00
< div class = "mark" > < img src = "img/round_delete_icon&16.png" class = "delete-icon" / > < span > Zend Training: Building Security Into You PHP Applications.< / span > < img src = "img/notepad_2_icon&16.png" class = "notes-icon" / > < / div >
2011-05-03 12:00:27 -05:00
< input class = "mark-input" type = "text" / >
< div class = "timestamp" > 10:30< / div >
< input class = "timestamp-input" type = "text" / >
2011-05-06 13:14:57 -05:00
< div class = "duration" > 2< span class = "tick-tock" > hr < / span > 10< span class = "tick-tock" > m < / span > < / div >
2011-05-03 12:00:27 -05:00
< div class = "notes" > Some notes should go here, but they should be hidden by default< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "entry" >
2011-05-09 10:52:21 -05:00
< div class = "mark" > < img src = "img/round_delete_icon&16.png" class = "delete-icon" / > < span > Zend Training: Preparing for security training.< / span > < img src = "img/notepad_2_icon&16.png" class = "notes-icon" / > < / div >
2011-05-03 12:00:27 -05:00
< input class = "mark-input" type = "text" / >
< div class = "timestamp" > 09:25< / div >
< input class = "timestamp-input" type = "text" / >
2011-05-06 13:14:57 -05:00
< div class = "duration" > 1< span class = "tick-tock" > hr < / span > 5< span class = "tick-tock" > m < / span > < / div >
2011-05-03 12:00:27 -05:00
< div class = "notes" > Some notes should go here, but they should be hidden by default< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "entry" >
2011-05-09 10:52:21 -05:00
< div class = "mark" > < img src = "img/round_delete_icon&16.png" class = "delete-icon" / > < span > ITHelp: Working #7700.< / span > < img src = "img/notepad_2_icon&16.png" class = "notes-icon" / > < / div >
2011-05-03 12:00:27 -05:00
< input class = "mark-input" type = "text" / >
< div class = "timestamp" > 09:17< / div >
< input class = "timestamp-input" type = "text" / >
2011-05-06 13:14:57 -05:00
< div class = "duration" > 8< span class = "tick-tock" > m < / span > < / div >
2011-05-03 12:00:27 -05:00
< div class = "notes" > Some notes should go here, but they should be hidden by default< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "footer" >
Copyright 2011 < a href = "http://www.jdb-labs.com" > < span class = "logo" > JDB Labs< / span > LLC.< / a >
< / div >
< / body >
< / html >