Add the ability to filter by log level and namespace.

This commit is contained in:
Jonathan Bernard 2025-01-04 23:01:17 -06:00
parent 982680d972
commit 34add1a729
2 changed files with 65 additions and 28 deletions

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Package
version = "0.1.1"
version = "0.1.2"
author = "Jonathan Bernard"
description = "Small utility to pretty-print strucutured logs."
license = "MIT"
@ -10,5 +10,5 @@ bin = @["slfmt"]
# Dependencies
requires "nim >= 2.2.0"
requires @["nim >= 2.2.0", "docopt"]
requires "timeutils"

View File

@ -1,19 +1,34 @@
import std/[json, sequtils, streams, strutils, terminal, times]
import std/[json, options, sequtils, streams, strutils, terminal, times]
import timeutils
#import docopt
import docopt
const VERSION = "0.1.0"
from std/logging import Level
# const USAGE = """Usage:
# slfmt
# Options:
# -h, --help Print this usage and help information
const VERSION = "0.1.2"
const USAGE = """Usage:
slfmt [options]
-h, --help Print this usage and help information
-l, --log-level <lvl> Only show log events at or above this level
-n, --namespace <ns> Only show log events from this namespace
const fieldDisplayOrder = @[
"scope", "level", "ts", "code", "sid", "sub", "msg", "err", "stack", "method", "args"]
func parseLogLevel(s: string): Level =
case s.toUpper
of "DEBUG": result = Level.lvlDebug
of "INFO": result = Level.lvlInfo
of "NOTICE": result = Level.lvlNotice
of "WARN": result = Level.lvlWarn
of "ERROR": result = Level.lvlError
of "FATAL": result = Level.lvlFatal
else: result = Level.lvlAll
func decorate(
s: string,
fg = fgDefault,
@ -42,6 +57,8 @@ proc formatField(name: string, value: JsonNode): string =
of "err": strVal = decorate(value.getStr, fgRed)
of "msg": strVal = decorate(value.getStr, fgYellow)
of "stack": strVal = decorate(value.getStr, fgBlack, {styleBright})
if value.kind == JString: strVal = decorate(value.getStr)
else: strVal = pretty(value)
let valLines = splitLines(strVal)
@ -49,10 +66,7 @@ proc formatField(name: string, value: JsonNode): string =
result &= "\n" & valLines.mapIt(" " & it).join("\n") & "\n"
else: result &= strVal & "\n"
proc prettyPrintFormat(logLine: string): string =
var logJson = parseJson(logLine)
proc prettyPrintFormat(logJson: JsonNode): string =
result = '-'.repeat(terminalWidth()) & "\n"
# Print the known fields in order first
@ -66,14 +80,37 @@ proc prettyPrintFormat(logLine: string): string =
result &= "\n"
except ValueError, JsonParsingError:
result = logLine
proc parseLogLine(logLine: string): JsonNode =
result = parseJson(logLine)
when isMainModule:
let args = docopt(USAGE, version = VERSION)
let logLevel =
if args["--log-level"]: some(parseLogLevel($args["--log-level"]))
else: none[Level]()
let namespace =
if args["--namespace"]: some($args["--namespace"])
else: none[string]()
var line: string = ""
let sin = newFileStream(stdin)
while(sin.readLine(line)): stdout.writeLine(prettyPrintFormat(line))
let logJson = parseLogLine(line)
if logLevel.isSome and logJson.hasKey("level"):
let lvl = parseLogLevel(logJson["level"].getStr)
if lvl < logLevel.get: continue
if namespace.isSome and logJson.hasKey("scope"):
if not logJson["scope"].getStr.startsWith(namespace.get): continue
except ValueError, JsonParsingError:
stderr.writeLine("slfmt - FATAL: " & getCurrentExceptionMsg())