%______________________________________________________________________________ % @brief LaTeX2e Resume for Jonathan Bernard \documentclass[margin,line]{resume} \newenvironment{resplist}{ \begin{list}{\small $\bullet$}{% \setlength{\itemsep}{0in} \setlength{\parsep}{0in} \setlength{\parskip}{0in} \setlength{\topsep}{0in} \setlength{\partopsep}{0in} \setlength{\leftmargin}{0.2in}}}{\end{list}} %______________________________________________________________________________ \begin{document} \name{\Large Jonathan Bernard} \begin{resume} %__________________________________________________________________________ % Contact Information \section{\mysidestyle Contact\\Information} 7703 Windrush Drive \hfill phone : +1 512 777 1602\\ Austin, TX, 78729 \hfill e-mail: jdbernard@gmail.com %__________________________________________________________________________ % Summary of Qualifications \section{\mysidestyle Summary of Qualifications} \textbf{General Devlopment}\\ Java (J2EE, J2SE, Swing), Groovy, XML, XSD, \LaTeX, C/C++, Erlang, C\#, .NET, Visual Basic, Perl, Lisp \textbf{Cryptography}\\ Experienced applying asymmetric and symmetric cryptography to build secure systems. Familiar with key management, common crypto systems, common algorithms, and the application of security to the other technologies listed. \textbf{Web Application Devlopment}\\ SOAP, WSDL, PHP, (X)HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Backbone.js, Grails, Erlang OTP, AJAX, jQuery, Apache Tomcat, Apache \texttt{httpd} \textbf{Database Systems and Development}\\ \textsl{RDBMS}: SQL, JDBC, Oracle, MySQL, HSQLDB, SqlLite, MS SqlServer\\ \textsl{NoSQL}: CouchDB, MongoDB, Mnesia \textbf{Development Tools}\\ VI(m), NetBeans, Eclipse, VisualStudio, Apache Ant and Gant, Apache Ivy, Apache Maven, Gradle \textbf{Systems (Use and Administration)}\\ Linux (\textit{esp. Ubuntu, Debian, and Red Hat distros.}), Windows (\textit{all versions}), BASH Script %__________________________________________________________________________ % Professional Experience \section{\mysidestyle Professional\\Experience} \textbf{Systems Developer} \hfill \textbf{August 2010 -- present}\\ \textbf{QuantumDigital Inc.}, Austin, TX \\ Responsible for supporting the legacy order and fulfillment systems and migrating these systems to modern technology. Some acheivments: \begin{resplist} \item Developing a Java library to interface directly with legacy FoxPro table files. \item Creating several tools to reduce the time spent managing support requests made of the development team. \item Participating in the planning and design of the next generation of the core order placement and fulfillment software. \item Designing and developing the company's first mobile application with one other coworker. \end{resplist} \textbf{Software Architect and Developer} \hfill \textbf{June 2005 -- August 2010}\\ \textbf{Gemalto Inc. (Solutions and Special Projects)}, Austin, TX \\ Responsible for finding solutions to new problems, developing custom customer solutions, and providing tools and support to other development teams. Some specific tasks in this position included: \begin{resplist} \item Designing a generic SOAP-based Web Service framework for secure online order placement and implementing custom services using this framework for multiple customers. Among the requirements was compliance with the WS-Interoperability standard and security according to the WS-Security standard. \item Setup and maintainence of in-house database, cryptographic, and general-purpose servers, including the implementation of a custom, hardware based cryptographic server. \item Designing and developing generic, extensible database reporting software used in production environments worldwide. \item Performing trainings for coworkers locally and internationally on topics ranging from industry best-practice to expertise with solutions developed in-house. \item Participating in the design and leading the implementation of the production database systems used in the manufacture of the U.S. E-Passport. \item Developing several tools used in-house by personalization engineers. \end{resplist} \vspace{30mm} \textbf{Summer Intern / Contractor} \hfill \textbf{June 2004 -- Oct 2004}\\ \textbf{Freescale Semiconductor (Hardware/Software Development)}, Austin, TX \\ Notable accomplishments included: \begin{resplist} \item Developing hardware diagnostics scripts pertaining to Intel 31154 PCI bridge chip, DDR memory test. \item Performing schematic capture activities using Mentor’s Design Architect. Assistance helped to accelerate and beat schedule requirements. \item Designing high quality schematic symbols for use by the hardware design community. \item Misc. endeavors - Assisting lab technicians in customer shipments. \end{resplist} %__________________________________________________________________________ % Ongoing Personal Development \section{\mysidestyle Personal Development} Software engineering continues to be a passion of mine that extends beyond the work I have done for employers over the years. Some of my favorite projects have been: \begin{resplist} \item Creating a system to manage the logistics of a church's Vacation Bible School. This tool has been used for several years primarily by non-technical volunteers and has received praise for its ease-of-use and for increasing productivity. \item Developing a new documentation tool, \texttt{jlp}, to apply the principles of Literate Programming with the abilities of modern-day documentation tools (like \texttt{javadoc}). This allows code and documentation to be effectively co-located in source files. \end{resplist} %__________________________________________________________________________ % Education \section{\mysidestyle Education} \textbf{University of Texas at Austin}, Austin, TX\\ 100+ hours completed towards a B.S. in Computer Science %__________________________________________________________________________ % Referees % \section{\mysidestyle Referees} % {\sl Available on request.} %______________________________________________________________________________ \section{\mysidestyle Referees} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{6cm}p{6cm}} \textbf{Mridul Sharma} & \textbf{Shirley Kusumawati} \\ Regional Engineering Manager & Solutions and Special Projects Leader\\ Personalization and Services & Personalization and Services \\ Gemalto Inc., Austin, TX & Gemalto Inc., Austin, TX \\ \end{tabular} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{6cm}p{6cm}} \textbf{Rodney Shaw} & \textbf{Bisirat Amanuel} \\ Pastor & Personlization Engineer \\ New Life United Pentecostal Church & Personaliation and Services \\ Austin, TX & Gemalto Inc, Austin, TX \\ \end{tabular}\\ \newline \hspace*{1in} \textit{contact information available on request} %______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ \end{resume} \end{document} %______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ % EOF