diff --git a/data.yaml b/data.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f820ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,1284 @@
+ Languages:
+ - Java
+ - C# (Boo, VB6, VB.NET)
+ - C
+ - JavaScript
+ - TypeScript
+ - Nim
+ - HTML5
+ - CSS3
+ - Erlang
+ - PHP
+ - XML (XSD, XPath)
+ - SOAP
+ - LaTeX
+ - Perl
+ - Ruby
+ - Bash Script
+ - Lisp
+ Freescale Semiconductor:
+ Positions:
+ June 2004 \- Oct 2004: Summer Intern / Contractor
+ Description: >
+ Notable accomplishments included:
+ - developing hardware diagnostics scripts
+ - schematic capture using Mentor Design Architect
+ - assisting lab technicians in circuit assembly
+ Tools \& Technologies:
+ - Perl
+ - Mentor Design Architect
+ Colleagues \& References:
+ - Michael Geroge
+ Gemalto:
+ Positions:
+ June 2005 \- August 2005: Summer Intern
+ September 2005 \- August 2010: Developer (Solutions and Special Projects)'
+ Description:
+ Responsible for finding solutions to new problems, developing custom
+ solutions for customer problems, and providing tools and support to other
+ development teams.
+ Projects:
+ Custom Card Procurement Service:
+ Short Description:
+ Designed a generic SOAP-based web service framework for secure
+ machine-to-machine procurement of smartcard-based credit cards.
+ Created custom services using this framework for multiple customers.
+ Description:
+ We desired to offer a machine-to-machine service that our customers
+ could integrate into their customer-service terminals. In their
+ applications the customer service agents could capture cardholder
+ details and submit an order for replacement cards. Using the web
+ services I created these orders would be directly routed to one of
+ our many manufacturing centers around the globe and a new card
+ created and shipped directly from the manufacturing center to the
+ cardholder. This allowed our customers to provide 24-hour turn-around
+ to their card holders with shipping anywhere in the world.
+ Using this service, a cardholder traveling for business who left or
+ lost their card on one leg of their trip could have a new card
+ printed and waiting for them at their destination.
+ Among the requirements was compliance with the WS-Interoperability
+ and WS-Security extensions to the SOAP standard. I worked alongside
+ customer engineers to document and define the service API, as well as
+ help them integrate our service into their applications.
+ During development of this framework and the related services I had
+ the opportunity to contribute a small amount of code to the Apache
+ Axis2 project addressing defects I encountered.
+ Tools \& Technologies:
+ - Java
+ - JCA
+ - SQL
+ - Apache Ant
+ - Apache Axis2
+ - Glassfish
+ - PKI
+ - SOAP
+ - WS-Security
+ - WS-Interoperability
+ - Mercurial
+ Responsibilities:
+ - Architecture
+ - Database Administration
+ - Backend Implementation
+ - Documentation
+ - Customer Engineering Support
+ Tags:
+ - Open-source contribution
+ Generic Report Generation Tool:
+ Short Description: Custom, in-house application used to define and
+ generate a wide range of reports required during the manufacturing
+ process, built around the JasperReports reporting engine (then only a
+ few years old).
+ Description:
+ In the process of supporting existing manufacturing centers, and
+ standing-up a new service bureau we found the need to have a single
+ solution for defining and generating reports. Ideally this solution
+ would be simple for our manufacturing centers to use, easy to
+ automate and embed into production processes, support reports in
+ multiple formats (PDF, XML, XLSX, etc.), and provide a relatively
+ simple interface for defining new reports. After researching
+ available options, we decided to build our own application around the
+ (then-young) JasperReports reporting engine.
+ I worked with my direct manager to architect the application, and was
+ the sole contributor to it's implementation. In addition to the
+ implementation of the GRGT application, I was responsible for
+ creating or converting the reports required to support existing
+ manufacturing processes. Finally I was responsible for internal
+ evangelism for the tool, training on-site personell in the daily use
+ of the tool and in the creation of reports, and production support.
+ Tools \& Technologies:
+ - Java
+ - Java Swing
+ - JDBC
+ - JasperReports
+ - Apache Ant
+ - SQL
+ - Database Administration
+ - Mercurial
+ U.S. E-Passport solution for the Government Printing Office (GPO):
+ Short Description:
+ Gemalto has been a primary supplier to the GPO since the inception of
+ the U.S. E-Passport. I was part of the initial team creating the
+ E-Passport technology as well as extending and customizing our usual
+ manufacturing process for the GPO's unique needs.
+ Description:
+ The manufacture of the E-Passport was a multi-stage process. Initial
+ manufacture and application programming was performed at Gemalto's
+ manufacturing facilities but final programming, personalization, and
+ manufacture were performed on-site at GPO facilities. To facilitate
+ this, Gemalto provided software and support for the GPO to complete
+ the final steps of manufacture and personalization.
+ I was responsible for designing the database schema required to store
+ the intermediate data about the manufacture process for each card,
+ providing production support for the database in manufacturing, and
+ creating high-performance tools and processes for extracting the data
+ from the manufacturing database into secured data files in the format
+ specified by the GPO for the purposes of auditing and import into
+ their manufacturing databases.
+ Tools \& Technologies:
+ - Java
+ - Java Swing
+ - JCA
+ - JDBC
+ - Oracle Database
+ - SQL
+ - Apache Ant
+ - Mercurial
+ Responsiblities:
+ - Database Administration
+ - Backend Implementation
+ - Performance Optimization
+ Cryptographic Service Implementation:
+ Short Description:
+ Built a service exposing cryptographic operations of a new hardware
+ security module securely via our proprietary protocol for
+ interoperation with our existing manufacturing engine.
+ Description:
+ We were exploring the use of the Luna PCM 2.2 hardware security
+ module by SafeNet for use in our development environments and
+ potential use in our manufacturing environments. In order to expose
+ the HSM's cryptographic services to our personalization engine
+ (Samarcande), we needed to create an interface to the HSM.
+ Tools \& Technologies:
+ - Java
+ - JCA
+ - JNDI
+ - BouncyCastle
+ - PKCS#11
+ - Mercurial
+ In-house Operations \& Tool Development:
+ Short Description:
+ As a member of the Solutions & Special Projects team I was personally
+ responsible for the operational infrastructure used in development by
+ our Banking and Telecommunications Personalization teams for North
+ America, and created several in-house development tools used by the
+ same.
+ Description:
+ In addition to the individual, special projects listed, the Solutions
+ and Special Projects team focused on supporting the Banking and
+ Telecommmunications Personalization teams for North America. In this
+ capacity, we created and maintained the in-house development
+ environments used by these teams. This included servers dedicated to
+ running Oracle databases, cryptographic servers containing hardware
+ security modules, and other more general-purpose servers required to
+ support the local development efforts and coordinate delivery of
+ software to manufacturing centers.
+ In addition to the operational responsibilities, I created a number
+ of custom, in-house tools for use by the developers in our
+ Personalization teams, including utilities for managing plugins to
+ our proprietary manufacturing engine, utilities for manipulating test
+ data with cryptographic primatives, debug tools exposing standard
+ cryptographic primatives used in our in-house standard library, and
+ other general utilities specific to the handling the common data
+ formats and workflows of our developers.
+ Tools \& Technologies:
+ - Visual Basic 6
+ - C/C++
+ - Java
+ - Java Swing
+ - JCA
+ - JDBC
+ - Oracle Database
+ - Apache Tomcat
+ - Apache httpd
+ - Red Hat Enterprise Linux
+ - Windows Server 2003
+ - Windows Servier 2008
+ - ISO 7816 (Smart Cards)
+ - ISO 14443 (Contactless IC Cards)
+ - EMV payment standard
+ - Mercurial
+ - Subversion
+ Responsibilities:
+ - Native Application Development
+ - Operations
+ Colleagues \& References:
+ - Mridul Sharma
+ - Shirley (Kusumawati) Lay
+ - Tze Yang Ng
+ - Richard Dollet
+ - William Tran
+ - Francois Radet
+ - Raghav Sundaravaradan
+ Tools \& Technologies:
+ - Windows
+ - Ubuntu Linux
+ QuantumDigital Inc.:
+ Positions:
+ August 2010 \- February 2012: Systems Developer
+ Description:
+ Responsible for supporting the legacy order and fullfilment systems and
+ migrating these systems to modern technology. Launched the company's
+ first mobile app.
+ Projects:
+ FoxPro to Java Bridge:
+ Short Description: Dynamic, runtime interface layer to expose FoxPro
+ tables to Java programs via JNI.
+ Tools \& Technologies:
+ - FoxPro
+ - Java
+ - JNI
+ Quantum Post Cards:
+ Short Description:
+ The starting point for QuantumDigital's migration from their legacy
+ FoxPro-based web application to a new web application written in PHP,
+ based on Magento.
+ Description:
+ QuantumDigital's primary backend was a monolithic FoxPro application
+ written almost two decades prior, leveraging a framework called West
+ Wind Web Connection. Over time the company had worked toward
+ modernizing some of the periphery business logic as well as setting
+ up database replication from their primary FoxPro tables into a MS
+ SQL instance.
+ Quantum Post Cards was the first large-scale migration of core
+ functionality away from Visual FoxPro towards PHP. As a systems
+ developer I participated in the architectural and design decisions
+ leading up to the new effort as well as the core implementation of
+ the new system.
+ Tools \& Technologies:
+ - PHP
+ - Magento
+ - MS SQL Server
+ - CSS2
+ - JavaScript
+ - JQuery
+ QCards Mobile App:
+ Short Description:
+ Developed the company's first mobile application enabling realtors to
+ create custom ad campaigns and postcards in the field using their
+ smartphones.
+ Description:
+ QCards was an effort to build a mobile app that would enable realtors
+ to create direct mail marketing campaigns from their phones while on
+ location at homes they represented. QCards allowed the realtor to
+ capture images of properties, set those images within a standardized
+ postcard template, define marketing campaign parameters using
+ existing business logic within Quantum's larger product offerings,
+ and submit an order.
+ In this role I was resonsible, with one coworker, for the
+ implmentation and testing of the mobile application. We initially
+ targeted iOS, then Android. In addition to the mobile development,
+ this required building out APIs in FoxPro to expose core business
+ functionality from the legacy codebase to the mobile application, as
+ well as implementing all of the associated logic for user
+ authentication, session management, etc.
+ Tools \& Technologies:
+ - Appcelerator Titanium SDK
+ - JavaScript
+ - jQuery
+ - iOS SDK
+ - Objective-C
+ - Android SDK
+ - Java
+ - Visual FoxPro
+ Colleagues \& References:
+ - Rory Derrick
+ - Dude Spellings
+ - Chris Anderson
+ HID Global:
+ Positions:
+ February 2012 \- September 2013: Staff Engineer
+ Description:
+ I was part of the team responsible for all software controlling and
+ supporting the production process, ranging from low-level machine control
+ and automation to server-oriented architecture that supplied production
+ software services such as key management, cryptographic services, and
+ configuration management.
+ I was brought onto this team at it's inception to help build out the
+ foundational infrastructure and software that would become the base of
+ HID's new approach to manufacturing control.
+ Projects:
+ Common Machine Control Framework:
+ Short Description:
+ Responsible for architecting and implemting a common framework for
+ production control. The goal was to create a modular platform that
+ could be used to marry common business and production logic with
+ machine-specific control and automation.
+ Description: >
+ HID had a wide range of different machines used in their production
+ processes and control software varied from machine to machine without
+ a unified approach. Control software being written in a variety of
+ languages (including C/C++, VisualBasic 6, and LabVIEW, among
+ others) made centralized support challenging and hampered efforts to
+ create a standardized process.
+ Our goal was to unify all of the machine control, creating a platform
+ that would allow us to create and leverage standardized modules for
+ common functionality such as:
+ - card programming
+ - access to standard services like cryptographic processing, key
+ management, order configuration, etc.
+ - physical personalization (printed graphics, etching, coating,
+ etc.)
+ To this end I designed and architected the common machine control
+ framework that provided a common base bridging machine-specific
+ control logic with the common modular library being written to
+ provide the standardized functionality of our platform.
+ As part of this architecture, the common framework provided a bridge
+ layer via C/C++ to allow communcation with machine control modules,
+ an embedded rich user interface layer built on HTML, CSS, and
+ JavaScript, and a plug-in architecture to simplify the inclusion of
+ standardized modules and services provided by the broader production
+ environment. The primary language of the framework itself was C#.
+ Tools \& Technologies:
+ - C#
+ - C/C++
+ - .NET
+ - HTML
+ - CSS
+ - JavaScript
+ - Backbone.js
+ Emperor Card Personalization Control:
+ Short Description:
+ Responsible for the initial implementation of the machine control
+ software for HID's new, custom-developed card personalization
+ machines from Emperor Tech. This was the first green-field
+ implementation using our new common machine control framework. This
+ required working with the Chinese vendor's technical staff to
+ properly implement the driver allowing HID's control software to
+ control the individual component elements of the hardware (motors,
+ vacuum grippers, etc.).
+ Description: >
+ HID partnered with Emperor Technologies in Chine to create a
+ purpose-built card personalization machine aimed at small-to-medium
+ production runs. The machine ran cards in batches of 50-100 (don't
+ remember exactly how many) and was intended to support rapid
+ transitioning from one order to the next, allowing manufacturing
+ personell to quickly run through a series of orders with minimal
+ re-configuration of the machine required.
+ Being a new machine, new control software was required. Emperor
+ Technologies supplied a low-level drive package that provided direct
+ access to the machine hardware. HID needed to create the software
+ that actually exercised the machine, coordinating all of the
+ individual hardware mechanisms (actuating motors, card grippers,
+ etc.) and providing the platform for the appropriate card programming
+ for each order.
+ I was the sole developer responsible for the end-to-end
+ implementation of the machine control software for the Emperor line
+ of production machines, leveraging the common machine control
+ framework. This was a particularly fun project as it required a truly
+ multi-threaded approach with soft real-time requirements. The Emperor
+ production machine has seven stations which operate and are
+ controlled in parallel, performing simultaneous actions:
+ - feed card in
+ - generic programming (application/batch-specific)
+ - card printing
+ - UV coating
+ - flip
+ - personalization programming (card-holder-specific)
+ - feed card to output
+ Our target goal was to produce one card per second, meaning each
+ station had to perform its function in less than a second. The
+ machine control software has to coordinate the actions (physical and
+ logical) of all stations, as well as track the progress and results
+ for each card throughout the process. In some cases we supported
+ double-sided printing and UV coating, meaning we had to coordinate
+ cards travelling in reverse direction as well as forward, to
+ accomodate moving back through the printing and coating stages after
+ being flipped.
+ Tools \& Technologies:
+ - C#
+ - .NET
+ - C/C++
+ - HTML
+ - JavaScript
+ - Backbone.js
+ - CSS
+ - Git
+ Common Card Programming Library:
+ Short Description:
+ In line with our goal of standardizing the manufacturing process, our
+ team was creating a standard library of functionality specific to
+ programming ISO 7816 and ISO 14443 cards, built around the .NET
+ platform, and targeting specifically the Boo language as a DSL for
+ smart card programming. As part of this effort I was responsible for
+ the implementation of standard operations involving card
+ communication and cryptographic operations.
+ Description:
+ ISO 7816 and ISO 14443 define the communication protocols used by
+ smart cards and readers. We built a standard library of functionality
+ to provided higher-level abstractions on top of the low-level
+ communication primitives defined in the ISO specs. In addition to
+ low-level bit manipulation-style logic used to create the protocol
+ data units (PDUs), we provided implementations of the common
+ cryptogrphic operations used in the communication protocol to
+ simplify the creation of card programming logic. We also included
+ bindings to our common environment configuration to expose, for
+ example, centralized HSM services, configuration management, and
+ end-to-end reporting to the runtime environment of our manufacturing
+ operations.
+ We exposed this standard library via a domain-specific language built
+ on top of the Boo language in the .NET ecosystem. This allowed us to
+ write code that adhered closely to the structure of the psuedo-code
+ one would write to perform the required operations when programming
+ or interacting with a smart card.
+ As part of the team which owned this standard library I was
+ personally responsible for implementing portions of the functionality
+ described above, particularly the authentication and handshake
+ mechanisms which allowed the reader and card to establish a secure
+ session, as defined in the ISO 7816 and ISO 14443 specifications.
+ Tools \& Technologies:
+ - Assymetric Cryptography
+ - Symmetric Cryptography
+ - C#
+ - Boo
+ - .NET
+ - ISO 7816
+ - ISO 14443
+ - Git
+ Card Programming \- Application and Personalization:
+ Short Description:
+ In addition to being responsible for the machine control software,
+ our team was responsible for the programming of the cards themselves,
+ both the code loaded as applications onto the cards themselves as
+ well as the code responsible for programming the cards with that
+ application code and configuring the card data for it's individual
+ owner.
+ Description: >
+ Personalization of smart cards typically involves two steps: the more
+ general application programming, and the card-holder specific
+ personalization. The application programming involves writing the
+ logic that will live in the card and perform the core card functions.
+ Card-holder specific personalization is the process of loading
+ personal identifying information into the application memory and
+ card-specific cryptographic key material, as well as potentiall
+ printing customer data onto the face or back of the card.
+ ISO 7816 and ISO 14443 define the communication protocols spoken by
+ the cards which must be used when programming in both steps.
+ Tools \& Technologies:
+ - ISO 7816
+ - ISO 14443
+ - Boo Language
+ - .NET
+ - C#
+ - Git
+ Colleagues \& References:
+ - Richard Dollet
+ 3M (contracted with Maxis Group):
+ Positions:
+ October 2013 \- October 2015: Software Engineer VI
+ Projects:
+ Next-generation Tolling Platform:
+ Short Description:
+ The next-generation tolling platform was a paradigm shift for 3M's
+ tolling business, moving away from devloping single-purpose solutions
+ towards a cloud-based, tolling-as-a-service model. I had a wide range
+ of responsibilities on this project, owning the architecture and
+ implementation of functionality across the entire stack from database
+ to front-end, serving as the team lead for the front-end developers,
+ and providing internal operational support for our development tools
+ and environment.
+ Description: >
+ The next-generation tolling platform was an initiative at 3M to
+ develop a cloud-native, multi-tenant, extensible software platform
+ pairing with newly developed tolling hardware. It was our goal to
+ create a system that could be used to support new RFPs and tolling
+ projects globally, moving away from a model where custom software was
+ required to be developed for each project with individual data
+ centers and operational environments. The desired end state would
+ require design and architecture of the physical systems but could
+ integrate directly into 3M's existing tolling platform.
+ I joined the team near to the beginning of the project. Our initial
+ task was to describe the system in detail sufficient for inclusion in
+ 3M's response to a current RFP for the state of Georgia's State Road
+ and Tollway Authority, which was to be our pilot project. Following
+ several weeks of technical writing and documentation, we began the
+ architecture and implementation of the platform.
+ My responsibilities on this project included:
+ - UI/UX team leadership. I providing the bulk of the front-end
+ implementation as well as directing and mentoring our two other
+ front-end developers.
+ - UI/UX design. I was the primary designer.
+ - DevOps. I managed the team's internal git server, our internal
+ maven and npm repositories, and the team's development environment
+ in AWS.
+ - Release management. I was responsible for defining our versioning
+ schema as well as building, versioning, and publishing our release
+ packages.
+ - Ownership of several of the core micro-serves, from architecture to
+ implementation. Specifically, I was responsible for the whole of
+ the Vehicle List Service (VLS), the Batch Processing Service (BPS),
+ and parts of both the Image Processing Service (IPS) and Lane Data
+ Administration Service (LDAS). This includes everything from the
+ REST API layer down to the database.
+ - Oversight and coordination of our offshore quality assurance team.
+ - Working with Georgia SRTA management and operations personell to
+ gather requirements for the initial product design and feedback on
+ iterations of the product as we were building it.
+ The core architecture was one of micro-services, where each component
+ service of the tolling software infrastructure would be broken out
+ into it's own horizontally-scalable service. Some examples:
+ - Vehicle List Service (VLS): This service was responsible for
+ managing the list of known vehicles and their associated data.
+ Key functions included the need to batch-import lists of tens
+ of millions of vehicles daily, the ability to quickly and
+ efficiently serve information about specific vehicle queries, and
+ the ability to publish updates to physical tolling endpoints.
+ - Image Processing Service (IPS): The IPS was a core component of
+ the overall solution which provided both automated and manual
+ review of toll point imagery. IPS provided a rich user interface
+ with purpose-built workflows for image review personell
+ responsible for identifying license plate and ownership
+ information in images where the automated system was unable to
+ identify the vehicle. IPS supported advanced queueing mechanisms
+ to support call-center-like operations, providing the ability to
+ evaluate the accuracy and efficiency of individual reviewers, the
+ ability to send sets of difficult images to multiple reviewers,
+ and the ability to tag and filter images according ti ad-hoc
+ metadata created by the reviewers. Using this, reviewers could
+ build up a set of images correlated to the same vehicle over
+ time.
+ - Lane Data Administration Service (LDAS): The LDAS was another
+ core component of the overall solution, tasked with aggregating
+ and organizing data provided by the individual toll points into a
+ coherent view of the system as a whole. In addition, it managed
+ the low-level communication with the toll point infrastructure.
+ LDAS had a sophisticated user interface that allowed tolling
+ operators to follow the aggregate flow of traffic through the
+ tollway in soft real time, including anomaly detection to alert
+ operations of exceptional conditions (wrong-way traffic, for
+ example). This interface also provided operators the ability to
+ manage the toll point infrastructure.
+ - Transaction Control Service (TCS): The TCS served as the single
+ source of truth for all transaction data. Transaction data was
+ the most important type of data managed by the system.
+ Originating from the LDAS, transaction data passed through most
+ of the other services in the solution, being enriched by data and
+ information provided by each service in turn. TCS was the
+ high-performance system of record for all transaction data.
+ - Batch Processing Service (BPS):
+ - File Store Service (FSS): This served as a distributed store of
+ arbitrary file data. This was built on many of the same
+ principles as AWS S3, and served as an abstraction on top of
+ multiple underlying storage systems (physical disk, AWS S3, and
+ database-backed blob storage).
+ - Naming Service: provided service discovery and canonical name
+ lookup.
+ Tools \& Technologies:
+ - AWS
+ - AWS EC2
+ - Apache Tomcat
+ - Backbone.js
+ - Bash
+ - CSS
+ - CentOS Linux
+ - Drools
+ - Elasticsearch
+ - Git
+ - HTML
+ - Hazelcast
+ - Hibernate
+ - J2EE
+ - JPA
+ - Java
+ - JavaScript
+ - LevelDB
+ - Oracle Database
+ - SQL
+ - XML
+ - XPath
+ - XSLT
+ - jQuery
+ Responsibilities:
+ - Architecture
+ - DevOps
+ - Full-stack Implementation
+ - Mentorship
+ - Requirements Gathering & Analysis
+ - Technical Leadership
+ - UI/UX Design
+ Internal Time-Reporting Tool:
+ Short Description:
+ As part of their effort to create a center of software excellence, 3M
+ designed their own time reporting tool that was then used across the
+ Motor Vehicle Systems and Solutions. For a few months I was given
+ technical ownership of the time reporting tool. In addition to
+ on-going maintenance and support, I refactored the application at a
+ foundational level, extending it to work transparently for multiple
+ divisions (originally there was no concept of work groups or
+ divisions). This enabled 3M to pusue cost-savings across multiple
+ division by replacing externally licensed software with this
+ internal tool.
+ Description:
+ Tools \& Technologies:
+ - CSS
+ - HTML
+ - JavaScript
+ - MS SQL Server
+ - SQL
+ - jQuery
+ Parking Software (ScanNet):
+ Short Description:
+ One of the projects that 3M inherited when it acquired Federal Signal
+ was their legacy parking lot management software, ScanNet. This was a
+ mature product more than 20 years old, made up of embedded control
+ software, server-side backend processing, and user-facing intrefaces,
+ with large-scale existing deployments at facilities rancing from
+ shopping centers to airports including a number of clients who were
+ still actively rolling out new deployments. As a part of those new
+ deployments there was functionality promised to clients that had not
+ yet been implemented. In addition to maintainence and support the
+ dev manager, my teammate, and I were responsible for addressing the
+ feature gaps between existing functionality and the promised
+ functionality. This allowed 3M to realize the revenue from contracts
+ that were contingent on delivery of promised functionality.
+ Tools \& Technologies:
+ - .NET
+ - C#
+ - C/C++
+ - MSBuild
+ - Power Builder
+ - Visual Basic 6
+ - x86 Assembly
+ Colleagues \& References:
+ - Ben Benson
+ - David Ferreira
+ - Anthony Barahona
+ - Glenn Dawson
+ Edgecase:
+ Positions:
+ November 2015 \& April 2017: Senior Software Engineer
+ Short Description:
+ Description:
+ Tools \& Technologies:
+ - AWS CloudFront
+ - AWS ElasticBeanstalk
+ - AWS Redshift
+ - AngularJS
+ - CSS3
+ - Elasticsearch
+ - Git
+ - HTML5
+ - JavaScript
+ - Node.js
+ - PostgreSQL
+ - Ruby
+ - Ubuntu Linux
+ - express.js
+ - macOS
+ - node.js
+ Colleagues \& References:
+ - Derrick Geeting
+ - Cameron Cooper
+ - Angell Tsang
+ - Jeffrey Dorrycott
+ - Ryan Moore
+ - Lee Goolsbee
+ - Michael Tran
+ SailPoint Inc:
+ Positions:
+ May 2017 \- March 2018: Senior Software Engineer
+ Tools \& Technologies:
+ - AWS DynamoDB
+ - AWS Kinesis
+ - Apache Flink
+ - CentOS Linux
+ - Docker
+ - Docker Compose
+ - Elasticsearch
+ - JAX-RS
+ - Java
+ - JavaScript
+ - MySQL
+ - SQL
+ Colleagues \& References:
+ - Joe DeVries
+ - Kameron Sween
+ - Trey Perry
+ - Rhutwij Tulankar
+ Fairway Technologies (now part of Accenture):
+ Positions:
+ April 2018 \- January 2020: Principal Consultant
+ January 2020 \- present: Assoc. Engineering Manager
+ Projects:
+ Cloudvirga:
+ Short Description:
+ Fairway partnered with Cloudvirga to deliver the next generation of
+ the their digital mortgage platform core product offering, built as
+ an Angular 6 application on top of their existing API backend. Given
+ the size of the team and account, we appointed two principal
+ engineers to lead this effort, myself and a colleague. While my
+ colleague was responsible for client-facing leadership and
+ communication, I was responsible for technical direction,
+ architecture, and leadership internally. In addition to my
+ responsibilities as the internal lead, I worked to build a close
+ relationship with the client's development team, working through the
+ challenges of growing their existing API approach to support the new
+ functionality designed for this next iteration of their product.
+ Description:
+ Tools \& Technologies:
+ - .NET
+ - AWS CloudFront
+ - AWS Route53
+ - AWS S3
+ - Angular
+ - C#
+ - CSS
+ - Elasticsearch
+ - HTML5
+ - JavaScript
+ - MS SQL Server
+ - SQL
+ - TypeScript
+ Responsibilities:
+ - Architecture
+ - Cloud Architecture
+ - DevOps
+ - Engineering Management
+ - Frontend Implementation
+ - Requirements Gathering & Analysis
+ - Team Composition
+ Cloudvirga ARRIVE:
+ Short Description:
+ After the initial effort to deliver their next-generation product,
+ Cloudvirga engaged the same team to help accelerate the development of
+ critical features in their existing product offering in order to meet
+ aggressive deadlines communicated to their clients. At this point I
+ was asked to become the overall delivery lead for the project. In
+ this capacity I worked closely with Cloudvirga's engineering
+ management to prioritize work and get it into the hands of our team.
+ We successfully delivered several major features ahead of schedule
+ allowing Cloudvirga to regain confidence with their clients who had
+ expressed concern at the anticipated schedule delay.
+ Description:
+ - Complex ASP.NET application straddling front and back.
+ - Complex existing backend database schema.
+ - Complex versioning schema as CV maintained multiple independant
+ branches of the code white-labeled for different clients with
+ differing feature sets.
+ - Aggressive timelines. Jumped immediately into fire-fighting
+ situations with CV engineering, helping them close several
+ high-visibility and high-priority defects the first week of
+ engagement. Continued to pick up new feature requirements, ramp up
+ on this complex environment and complete the first major feature
+ delivery inside of a month.
+ Tools \& Technologies:
+ - .NET
+ - C#
+ - jQuery
+ - HTML
+ - CSS
+ - SQL
+ - MS SQL Server
+ Responsibilities:
+ - Client Communications
+ - Delivery Lead
+ - Engineering Management
+ - Full-stack implementation
+ - Project Estimation (cost and timeline)
+ - Requirements Gathering & Analysis
+ Grant Country Principal Utility District:
+ Short Description:
+ Description:
+ Tools \& Technologies:
+ - Excel Power Query
+ - MS SQL Server
+ - PowerBI
+ - Microsoft Dynamics Great Plains
+ - Safe Software FME
+ Responsibilities:
+ - Database Architecture
+ - Requirements Gathering & Analysis
+ - Project Estimation (cost and timeline)
+ - Delivery Lead
+ - Reporting and Analysis
+ Smarter Balanced Tools for Teachers:
+ Short Description:
+ Tools for Teachers was
+ Description:
+ Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) had a successful
+ history of partnering with Fairway Technologies for development and
+ delivery of technology surrounding their core assessment products.
+ Tools \& Technologies:
+ - AWS CloudFront
+ - AWS S3
+ - AWS CodeBuild
+ - AWS Route53
+ - Terraform
+ - Angular
+ - TypeScript
+ - HTML5
+ - CSS3
+ - SCSS
+ - API Platform
+ - PHP
+ Responsibilities:
+ - Frontend Implementation
+ - Cloud Architecture
+ - DevOps
+ - Delivery Lead
+ - Requirements Gathering & Analysis
+ - Project Estimation (cost and timeline)
+ - Engineering Management
+ - Project Staffing
+ - Project Management
+ Chevron IAM Migration:
+ Short Description:
+ Description:
+ - Chevron wanted to migrate from Ping Federate onto Microsoft Azure
+ Enterprise Applications for SSO.
+ - Established a standard process and trained additional team members
+ in it's use.
+ - Migrated hundreds of applications within a six month period
+ (beating the deadline by three months).
+ - Worked with internal Chevron application owners (often
+ non-technical) and vendor support to perform the migration.
+ Tools \& Technologies:
+ - Azure Enterprise Applications
+ - PingFederate federation server
+ Responsibilities:
+ - Customer Service
+ - Requirements Gathering & Analysis
+ - Vendor Management
+ - IAM Consulting
+ - IT Operations
+ Tegra118 Unified Wealth Platform:
+ Short Description:
+ The Unified Wealth Platform (UWP) was a web-based software offering
+ for financial adviser and brokerages that allowed them to trade and
+ manage their customer's financial investments. Tegra was on their
+ second re-write of the front-end portions of the product when I
+ was brought in as the delivery lead for the project. It was again in
+ danger of failing due to unclear requirements, lack of architecture
+ and planning, undocumented APIs and system behavior,
+ overly-complicated backend systems, and unrealistic customer-facing
+ deadlines.
+ Through concerted effort, we were able to clarify the
+ requirements and align testing efforts to the documented
+ requirements, we were able to document large portions of the API,
+ adding strong typing to assist in correctness, and we put into place
+ fundamental architectural thinking. Along the way we navigated
+ competing stakeholder priorities, serious COVID disruptions, and
+ continual environmental disruptions. At the same time I had to build
+ a new team from the ground up as the client objected to plans of my
+ predecessor, requiring us to go back to the drawing board with regard
+ to staffing.
+ In the end we were able to work with the client stakeholders through
+ necessary schedule adjustments and coach their leadership through the
+ trade-offs that we were forced to make given the schedule. We
+ successfully transitioned the project from a waterfall-style,
+ plan-every-day release schedule and deliverables with predefined
+ release dates and scope to a more Agile method of rolling releases on
+ a regular cadence. Despite the unrealistic internal deadlines, we
+ were able to find a path to deliver almost all of the originally
+ promised functionality to the customer within the original customer
+ timeline, or with slight delays (on the order of weeks).
+ The successful delivery of this project was a direct result of the
+ continual, extraordinary effort put in by the team, and my efforts to
+ provide clarity and direction across all aspects of the product
+ development.
+ Description:
+ Tegra's main product has a heritage reaching back over forty years,
+ with the core of their product offering still running APL code on IBM
+ AIX mainframes. Over time they have built up layers on top of this
+ core and today offer their product as a SaaS-like web application
+ called the Unified Wealth Platform (UWP). A previous vendor built the
+ 1.0 version of the UWP, the latest version of their offering packaged
+ as a web application. Unfortunately Tegra found that version to
+ be very difficult to maintain and extend, and they decided to rebuild
+ the application with new designs, updated requirements, and explicit
+ quality targets. Their hope is to have a foundation on which they can
+ continue to build into the future.
+ Due to tight timelines and scope miscommunications, the project was
+ almost dead before it could get off the ground. Tegra initially
+ scoped the project as a rapid prototyping effort, making clickable
+ demoes of mockups in progress to allow business to iterate quickly on
+ different ideas. All of the architectural choices reflected this
+ preference for rapid turnaround and iteration (for example,
+ purposefully forgoing common UI components in favor of copy/paste and
+ tweak). At this point Tegra still expected to be able to refactor
+ their existing 1.0 codebase to match the designs and prototypes being
+ created.
+ In time it became apparant that they would not be able to use the 1.0
+ codebase as a foundation for the new designs. Hard delivery deadlines
+ had already been communicated to Tegra's customers. Due to this time
+ pressure, the decision was made to take the prototype codebase and
+ flesh it out into a propoer 2.0 release of the UWP.
+ The original team staffed did not have anyone with experience running
+ a large-scale, end-to-end product delivery effort like this and the
+ team quickly found themselves behind schedule and over-committed.
+ Tools \& Technologies:
+ - Angular 10
+ - Azure DevOps
+ - Figma
+ Responsibilities:
+ - Engineering Management
+ - Delivery Lead
+ - Frontend Implementation
+ - DevOps
+ - Requirement Gathering & Analysis
+ - Project Estimation
+ - Project Staffing
+ - Project Management
+ - Scrum Master
+ - Architecture
+ - Technical Writing
+ Colleagues \& References:
+ - Steve Mock
+ - Noah Heldman
+ - Ben Heebner
+ - Cullan Bittner
+ - Landon Lunsford
+ - Aaron Sleeper
+ - Ernie Munoz-Diaz
+ - Jeff Treuting
+ - Natasha Lopez
+ - Ryan Anderson
+ - Brandon Savage
+ - Shreedam Parikh
+ - Amy Thierry
+ - Nohemi Acosta
+ - Walton Yeung
+ - Jeff Getzin
+ - Shankar Ramachandran
+ - Jessica Müller
+ - Ashish Nageet
+ - Chia-Yen Wu
+ - Prashanti Dasari
+ - Jacob Sonsteng
+Other Projects:
+ UPCI Wall of Honor:
+ Short Description:
+ Description:
+ Tools \& Technologies:
+ - AWS Lambda
+ - AWS DynamoDB
+ - AWS CloudFront
+ - AWS S3
+ - AWS CodeBuild
+ - AWS API Gateway
+ - Vue.js
+ - HTML5
+ - CSS3
+ - SCSS
+ - TypeScript
+ - Bash
+ - Make
+ - Git
+ - Terraform
+ - Okta IAM
+ - Figma
+ Responsibilities:
+ - Graphic Design
+ - UI/UX Design
+ - Full-stack Implementation
+ - Cloud Architecture
+ - DevOps
+ - Database Administration
+ - Delivery Lead
+ - Project Management
+ - Requirements Gathering & Analysis
+ - Contract Negotiation
+ - Customer Service
+ - End-user Training
+ - Project Estimation (cost and timeline)
+ - Client Communications
+ StrawBoss Continuous Integration Server:
+ Short Description:
+ Description:
+ Tools \& Technologies:
+ - Nim
+ - Jester
+ - Docker
+ - Linux
+ - systemd
+ - Bash
+ - Make
+ VBS Suite:
+ Short Description:
+ Description:
+ Tools \& Technologies:
+ - Erlang
+ - JavaScript
+ - Backbone.js
+ - Mnesia
+ - HTML5
+ - CSS3
+ - SCSS
+ - JavaScript
+ - Backbone.js
+ - Bash
+ - Make
+ - Git
+ New Life Songs Database:
+ Short Description:
+ Description:
+ Tools \& Technologies:
+ - Groovy
+ - JavaScript
+ - AWS ElasticBeanstalk
+ - HTML5
+ - CSS3
+ - SCSS
+ - JavaScript
+ - Git
+ - Bash
+ - Make
+ - Figma
+ Responsibilities:
+ - UI/UX and Design
+ - Architecture
+ - Full-stack Implementation
+ - DevOps
+ - Database Administration
+ SermonLink.net:
+ Short Description:
+ Description:
+ Tools \& Technologies:
+ - Groovy
+ - JavaScript
+ - Backbone.js
+ - HTML
+ - CSS3
+ - SCSS
+ - PostgreSQL
+ - Git
+ - Bash
+ - Make
+ - Figma
+ Responsibilities:
+ - UI/UX and Design
+ - Architecture
+ - Full-stack Implementation
+ - DevOps
+ - Database Administration
+ Personal Measure:
+ Short Description:
+ Description:
+ Tools \& Technologies:
+ - Nim
+ - Jester
+ - Vue.js
+ - TypeScript
+ - HTML5
+ - CSS3
+ - SCSS
+ - PostgreSQL
+ - Git
+ - Bash
+ - Make
+ - Figma
+ Live Budget:
+ Short Description:
+ Description:
+ Tools \& Technologies:
diff --git a/html-interactive/index.html b/html-interactive/index.html
index 1aa43da..a9e5bbc 100644
--- a/html-interactive/index.html
+++ b/html-interactive/index.html
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
@@ -197,7 +204,7 @@
for the problem, and I continue to enjoy working with tools and
languages that build on the JVM and the Java ecosystem. I feel
very confident about my ability to immediately contribute in
- this language.
+ this language.
I am a Principal-level Software Engineer and Engineering Manager with
+ a deep background in product development from ideation to delivery.
I have a proven track record of leading high performance,
+ cross-functional product teams and I excel at creating clear
+ communication between all parties involved in product specification,
+ design, and delivery.
With my broad technical expertise drawn from a wide range of industry
+ experience, I am confident in my ability to guide engineering efforts
+ through challenging opportunities. I am still glad to roll up my sleeves
+ and put in the hard work personally to ensure that things get done.
In either a leadership role or as an individual contributor, I am
+ looking for an opportunity to work in an environment that provides the
+ autonomy for me and my team to do our best work. At this point in my
+ career I would like to be a part of building something—product or
+ organization—that will have longevity. I look forward to creating
+ high-quality, fit-for-purpose software solutions that will meet today's
+ business needs and stand the test of time.
Key Skills
Project Management
Requirement Gathering and Analysis
Estimation and Cost Analysis
Building Client & Customer Relationships
Technical Writing & Documentation
Product Planning & Prioritization
Team Building
Remote-Friendly Team Culture
High-Performance Team Culture
Growth-Focused Mentorship
Conflict Resolution
Technical Leadership
Agile Development Methodology
Operational Excellence
Automation of Standard Process
Core Technologies
Web Technologies
Accessibility (WCAG)
Cloud Architecture and Infrastructure
Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Microsoft Azure
Databases & Persistence
MS SQL Server
Front-End Frameworks & Libraries
Angular (1.x and 2+)
Development Tools
Version Control (Git, SVN, CVS, etc.)
Other Technologies
Applied Cryptography
Identity & Access Management
SmartCards (ISO 7816 & ISO 14443)
Work Experience
Platform & Product Engineering Services
+ Associate Engineering Manager
+ January 2020 - present
My work at Accenture has been an extension and expansion of the
+ work I was doing at Fairway prior to our acquisition. Through
+ Accenture I have been exposed to larger organizations and led larger
+ teams.
Key projects:
Universal Weath Platform (see above)
Enterprise IAM Migration
Sales Engineering Support
Fairway Technologies
+ Principal Consultant
+ April 2018 - January 2020
As a Principal Consultant I led a number of successful project
+ deliveries for our clients. The engagement lead role at Fairway was
+ the position ultimately responsible for all aspects of project
+ delivery including team leadership, timeline and budget estimation,
+ requirements gathering and documentation, system architecture and
+ design, and implementation.
Key projects:
Next-generation Digital Mortgage Platform (see above)
Public Utility District analytics and monitoring project
Digital Library(see above)
Sailpoint Inc.
+ Senior Software Engineer
+ May 2017 - March 2018
IdentityAI was a new initiative at Sailpoint to leverage the large
+ data sets of security events, activities, and information already
+ capptured by Sailpoint's existing product lines to feed a
+ machine-learning based system capable of automatically identifying
+ critical security issues, performing real-time anomaly detection, and
+ suggesting options for remediation before compromise. I was brought
+ onto the team near the beginning of the project and was responsible
+ for the architecture and implementation of several of the core
+ micro-services that made up the solution.
Edgecase Inc.
+ Senior Software Engineer
+ November 2015 - April 2017
Edgecase was building a B2B service providing product
+ attribution at scale enabling an Amazon-like shopping experience
+ for companies expanding into e-commerce. The engineering team at
+ Edgecase was responsible for all aspects of the technical
+ infrastructure, product development, and last-line technical
+ customer support. Because of the small size of the team, I was
+ responsible for all aspects of the product we were building.
Full-stack implementation
Requirements Gathering & Analysis
Technical Leadership
Key Technologies:
AWS (CloudFront, ElasticBeanstalk, RDS, Redshift)
Traffic Safety Systems Division
+ Software Engineer VI
+ October 2013 - October 2015
I joined 3M during their attempt to break into the market for
+ software solutions covering all aspects of transportation
+ infrastructure. With my ability to come up to speed quickly in
+ complicated environments, I was often moved between projects,
+ going where there was the greatest need for immediate impact.
+ Finally I was attached to the next-generation tolling effort as a
+ technical lead and architect.
Key projects:
Next-generation tolling platform (see above)
Kansas DMV Back-office
Internal time-reporting tool
HID Global
Personalization Infrastructure
+ Staff Engineer
+ February 2012 - September 2013
I was part of the team responsible for all software controlling and
+ supporting the production process, ranging from low-level machine control
+ and automation to server-oriented architecture that supplied production
+ software services such as key management, cryptographic services, and
+ configuration management.
I was brought onto this team near it's inception to help build out the
+ foundational infrastructure and software that would become the base of
+ HID's new approach to manufacturing control.
Key projects:
Common machine control framework
Emperor machine control implementation
SmartCard-programming standard library
+ Systems Developer
+ August 2010 - February 2012
Responsible for supporting the legacy order and fullfilment
+ systems and migrating these systems to modern technology.
+ Launched the company's first mobile app.
Key projects:
Quantum Post Cards
QCards Mobile
Solutions and Special Projects
+ Software Architect and Developer
+ June 2005 - August 2010
Responsible for finding solutions to new problems, developing
+ custom solutions for customer problems, and providing tools and
+ support to other development teams.
Key projects:
U.S. E-Passport Manufacturing (see above)
Custom Card Procurement Service
Internal Manufacturing Reporting Framework
Cryptographic Service Implementation
Freescale Semiconductor
Hardware/Software Development
+ Summer Intern / Contractor
+ June 2004 - October 2004
Select Projects
Unified Wealth Platform
Accenture - Financial Services Client
The Unified Wealth Platform (UWP) was a web-based software offering
+ for financial adviser and brokerages that allowed them to trade and
+ manage their customer's financial investments. Tegra was on their
+ second re-write of the front-end portions of the product when I was
+ brought in as the delivery lead for the project. It was again in danger
+ of failing due to unclear requirements, lack of architecture and
+ planning, undocumented APIs and system behavior, overly-complicated
+ backend systems, and unrealistic customer-facing deadlines.
Through concerted effort, we were able to clarify the requirements
+ and align testing efforts to the documented requirements, we were able
+ to document large portions of the API, adding strong typing to assist
+ in correctness, and we put into place fundamental architectural
+ thinking. Along the way we navigated competing stakeholder priorities,
+ serious COVID disruptions, and continual environmental disruptions. At
+ the same time I had to build a new team from the ground up as the
+ client objected to plans of my predecessor, requiring us to go back to
+ the drawing board with regard to staffing.
In the end we were able to work with the client stakeholders through
+ necessary schedule adjustments and coach their leadership through the
+ trade-offs that we were forced to make given the schedule. We
+ successfully transitioned the project from a waterfall-style,
+ plan-every-day release schedule and deliverables with predefined
+ release dates and scope to a more Agile method of rolling releases on a
+ regular cadence. Despite the unrealistic internal deadlines, we were
+ able to find a path to deliver almost all of the originally promised
+ functionality to the customer within the original customer timeline, or
+ with slight delays (on the order of weeks).
The successful delivery of this project was a direct result of the
+ continual, extraordinary effort put in by the team, and my efforts to
+ provide clarity and direction across all aspects of the product
+ development.
Engineering Management
Customer Relationship
Project Management
Estimation and Cost Analysis
Requirements Gathering & Analysis
Frontend Implementation
Team Building and Composition
Project Staffing
Technical Writing
Key Technologies:
Angular 10
Azure DevOps
Kendo UI for Angular
C# (.NET)
Digital Mortgage Platform
Fairway - Mortgage Lender
Fairway was brought in to deliver the next generation of the
+ client's core product offering (a web-based mortgage application
+ platform). As a follow-on to that delivery, the client engaged our
+ team to help accelerate the development of critical features in their
+ existing product offering in order to meet aggressive deadlines
+ communicated to their clients. As the overall delivery lead I worked
+ closely with the client's engineering management to prioritize work
+ and get it into the hands of our team. Our delivery of functionality
+ ahead of scheduled allowedour client to regain confidence with their
+ customers who had expressed concern at the anticipated schedule
+ delay.
Engineering Management
Customer Relationship
Cloud Architecture
Requirements Gathering & Analysis
Full-stack Implementation
Team Building and Composition
Project Staffing
Project Management
Key Technologies:
MS SQL Server
Select Projects (continued)
Digital Library
Fairway - Education Organization
The Digital Library project was a green-field redesign of an
+ existing product our client provided to their teachers based on
+ feedback they had gathered. I was the delivery lead for this project,
+ managing a cross-functional team including a UI/UX designer, QA
+ engineers, a project manager, and several developers. Though the
+ client product owner we worked with had no prior experience in
+ product development, we were able to establish an effective Agile
+ process for gathering requirements, prioritizing work, and gathering
+ feedback.
Shortly after beginning the project in earnest we realized that a
+ majority of the assumptions the client had made about the backend
+ system in place were incorrect, leading to a complete invalidation of
+ the original project timeline. We were able to work with the client's
+ product owner and technical teams to identify the backend gaps,
+ provide guidance on a new project plan, and provide implementation
+ support from our team.
We delivered this project on time and on budget according to the
+ revised project plan.
Engineering Management
Customer Relationship
Cloud Architecture
Requirements Gathering & Analysis
Full-stack Implementation
Team Building and Composition
Project Staffing
Key Technologies:
Angular 8+
API Platform
Next-Generation Tolling Platform
The next-generation tolling platform was a paradigm shift for 3M's
+ tolling business, moving away from devloping single-purpose solutions
+ towards a cloud-based, tolling-as-a-service model. I had a wide range
+ of responsibilities on this project, owning the architecture and
+ implementation of functionality across the entire stack from database
+ to front-end, serving as the team lead for the front-end developers,
+ and providing internal operational support for our development tools
+ and environment.
Full-stack Implementation
Technical Leadership
Requirements Gathering & Analysis
Technical Writing
UI/UX Design
Key Technologies:
CentOS Linux
Java J2EE
U.S. E-Passport Manufacturing
Gemalto has been a primary supplier to the GPO since the inception
+ of the U.S. E-Passport. I was part of the initial team creating the
+ E-Passport technology as well as extending and customizing our usual
+ manufacturing process for the GPO's unique needs.
Database Administration & Schema Design
Backend Implementation
Performance Optmization
Key Technologies:
Java Cryptography Architecture (JCA)
Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)
Oracle Database
ISO 14443 Smart Cards
University of Texas at Austin
100+ hours completed towards a B.S. in Computer Science
available on request.
diff --git a/resume.tex b/resume.tex
index 2b8f9f5..cd7470a 100644
--- a/resume.tex
+++ b/resume.tex
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
\item Performing DevOps responsibilities wrt. our deployed environments on
\item Direct implementation of the web-based application that is the gateway
- to our primary product,
+ to our primary product,
\item Mentoring junior devs and being responsible for overall code
@@ -112,10 +112,10 @@
\item Maintaining a very old (20+ years) facility management product still
- in regular use by customers. This was a unique challenge as the project
- integrates components written in over 8 different languages, C being the
- most common, and C\# .NET being the most recent. It also required expertise
- in embedded hardware control.
+ in regular use by customers (ScanNet). This was a unique challenge as the
+ project integrates components written in over 8 different languages, C
+ being the most common, and C\# .NET being the most recent. It also
+ required expertise in embedded hardware control.
\textbf{Staff Engineer} \hfill \textbf{February 2012 -- September 2013}\\
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@
FoxPro table files.
\item Creating several tools to reduce the time spent managing support
requests made of the development team.
- \item Participating in the planning and design of the next generation
+ \item Participating in the planning and design of the next generation
of the core order placement and fulfillment software
(see \texttt{http://quantumpostcards.com}).
\item Designing and developing the companies first mobile application, with
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@
\item Developing hardware diagnostics scripts pertaining to Intel 31154 PCI
bridge chip, DDR memory test.
\item Performing schematic capture activities using Mentor's Design
- Architect. Assistance helped to accelerate and beat schedule requirements.
+ Architect. Assistance helped to accelerate and beat schedule requirements.
\item Designing high quality schematic symbols for use by the hardware
design community.
\item Misc. endeavors - Assisting lab technicians in customer shipments.
@@ -234,12 +234,12 @@
% Referees
-% \section{\mysidestyle Referees}
+% \section{\mysidestyle Referees}
% {\sl Available on request.}
-%\section{\mysidestyle Referees}
+%\section{\mysidestyle Referees}
%\textbf{Ben Benson} & \textbf{Mridul Sharma} \\
@@ -266,4 +266,3 @@
diff --git a/resume2.tex b/resume2.tex
index 7b5ade0..90a2848 100644
--- a/resume2.tex
+++ b/resume2.tex
@@ -43,10 +43,10 @@
ASP.NET, JSF, Ruby on Rails \\
\textsl{In-browser}: Angular 1, React.js, Backbone.js, jQuery,\\
\textsl{Data Processing}: Amazon Kinesis, Apache Flink
\textbf{Web Technologies}\\
\textbf{Development \& Testing Tools}\\
Git, Gradle, Apache Ant and Gant, Apache Ivy, Apache Maven, Jenkins,
JUnit (xUnit, EUnit), Cucumber
@@ -60,11 +60,11 @@
\textsl{RDBMS}: SQL, PostgreSQL, AWS RDS, MS SqlServer, Oracle, MySQL, HSQLDB, SqlLite \\
- \textsl{NoSQL}: AWS DynamoDB, MongoDB, AWS Redshift, Mnesia, LevelDB, CouchDB,
+ \textsl{NoSQL}: AWS DynamoDB, MongoDB, AWS Redshift, Mnesia, LevelDB, CouchDB,
\textbf{IDEs \& Environments}\\
VI(m), Eclipse, VisualStudio, NetBeans
% Professional Experience
\section{\mysidestyle Professional\\Experience}
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@
\item Performing DevOps responsibilities wrt. our deployed environments on
\item Direct implementation of the web-based product that is the gateway to
- our primary product.
+ our primary product.
\item Mentoring junior devs and being responsible for overall code
@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@
\item Developing a Java library to interface directly with legacy
FoxPro table files.
\item Automation of common support requests fielded by the development team.
- \item Participating in the planning and design of the next generation
+ \item Participating in the planning and design of the next generation
of the core order placement and fulfillment software (see
\item Developing the company's first mobile application
@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@
\textbf{Summer Intern / Contractor} \hfill \textbf{June 2004 -- Oct 2004}\\
\textbf{Freescale Semiconductor (Hardware/Software Development)}, Austin, TX \\
Notable accomplishments included: developing hardware diagnostics scripts,
- schematic capture using Mentor Degisn Architect, assisting lab technicians.
+ schematic capture using Mentor Degisn Architect, assisting lab technicians.
% Ongoing Personal Development
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@
church's yearly Vacation Bible School. This tool was used over a ten-year
period primarily by non-technical volunteers and received praise for its
ease-of-use and for increasing productivity.
Over it's lifetime the tool evolved from a desktop-based application
coordinating with a centrally-managed database to it's current SaaS
architecture: a single-page web application written primarily in React.js
@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@
% References
- \section{\mysidestyle References}
+ \section{\mysidestyle References}
\textbf{Ben Benson} & \textbf{Cameron Cooper} \\
@@ -283,4 +283,3 @@