* Major differences will be with `Issues`. The structure of issues will not be as tied to the original `FileIssue` implementation and will support arbitrary attributes. * Removed 2.6.x files and updated versioning properties. * Fixed a typo in pit-cli * Temporarily removed the invocation of pit-swing's build file until I have that sorted. It was not working.
38 lines
1.4 KiB
Executable File
38 lines
1.4 KiB
Executable File
<project name="Personal Issue Tracker" default="package">
<property file="version.properties"/>
<property environment="env"/>
<target name="clean">
<ant dir="libpit" target="clean" inheritAll="false"/>
<ant dir="pit-cli" target="clean" inheritAll="false"/>
<!-- <ant dir="pit-swing" target="clean" inheritAll="false"/> -->
<target name="libpit">
<ant dir="libpit" target="release" inheritAll="false"/>
<target name="pit-cli" depends="libpit">
<copy file="${libpit.jar}" todir="pit-cli/lib"/>
<ant dir="pit-cli" target="release" inheritAll="false"/>
<!-- <target name="pit-swing" depends="libpit">
<copy file="${libpit.jar}" todir="pit-swing/lib"/>
<ant dir="pit-swing" fork="true" target="package" inheritAll="false"/>
</target> -->
<!-- <target name="package" depends="libpit,pit-cli,pit-swing"> -->
<target name="package" depends="libpit,pit-cli">
<mkdir dir="release/lib"/>
<copy file="pit-cli/release/pit-clii-${application.version}.jar" todir="release"/>
<!-- <copy file="pit-swing/dist/jar/pit-swing.jar"
tofile="release/pit-swing-${application.version}.jar"/> -->
<copy file="libpit/release/pit-${application.version}.jar" todir="release/lib"/>