Jonathan Bernard f86316c68f Continued implementation of extended attributes.
* Changed the `Issue` constructor to use an attribute map instead of an
  increasingly long parameter list. Of course we lose some control over required
* Added the Joda Time and SLF4J logging libraries.
* Implemented the `FileIssue` constructor for the new `Issue` refactor.
2011-11-05 08:44:47 -05:00

229 lines
7.5 KiB
Executable File

package com.jdbernard.pit.file
import com.jdbernard.pit.*
import org.junit.*
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals
class FileIssueTest {
def issues
File testDir
@Before void makeIssueFiles() {
File issueFile
issues = []
testDir = new File('testdir')
issueFile = new File(testDir, '0001fn1.rst')
"Add the killer feature to the killer app.\n" +
"=========================================\n\n" +
"Make our killer app shine!.")
issues << new FileIssue(issueFile)
issueFile = new File(testDir, '0002ts5.rst')
"Obtain donuts.\n" +
"==============\n\n" +
"The office is seriously lacking in sugary donuts.\n\n" +
"We must rectify this at once!")
issues << new FileIssue(issueFile)
@After void deleteIssueFiles() {
assert testDir.deleteDir()
@Test void testSetCategory() {
assertEquals issues[0].category, Category.FEATURE
assertEquals issues[1].category, Category.TASK
try {
issues[0].category = Category.TASK
issues[1].category = Category.BUG
} catch (Exception e) {
Assert.fail("An unexpected Exception occurred: "
+ e.getLocalizedMessage())
assertEquals issues[0].category, Category.TASK
assertEquals issues[1].category, Category.BUG
assertTrue new File(testDir, '0001tn1.rst').exists()
assertTrue new File(testDir, '0002bs5.rst').exists()
assertFalse new File(testDir, '0001fn1.rst').exists()
assertFalse new File(testDir, '0002ts5.rst').exists()
@Test void testSetCategoryFails() {
FileInputStream fin
try {
// get a lock to the file to prevent the rename
def issueFile = new File('0001fn1.rst')
fin = new FileInputStream(issueFile)
// try to set the category
issues[0].category = Category.TASK
// should throw IOE before here
} catch (IOException ioe) {
} catch (Exception e) {
Assert.fail("Unexpected exception: " + e.getLocalizedMessage())
} finally {
if (fin != null) fin.close()
@Test void testSetStatus() {
assertEquals issues[0].status, Status.NEW
assertEquals issues[1].status, Status.RESOLVED
try {
issues[0].status = Status.RESOLVED
issues[1].status = Status.REJECTED
} catch (Exception e) {
Assert.fail("An unexpected Exception occurred: "
+ e.getLocalizedMessage())
assertTrue new File(testDir, '0001fs1.rst').exists()
assertTrue new File(testDir, '0002tj5.rst').exists()
assertFalse new File(testDir, '0001fn1.rst').exists()
assertFalse new File(testDir, '0002ts5.rst').exists()
@Test void testSetStatusFails() {
FileInputStream fin
try {
// get a lock to the file to prevent the rename
def issueFile = new File('0001fn1.rst')
fin = new FileInputStream(issueFile)
// try to set the status
issues[0].status = Status.REJECTED
// should throw IOE before here
} catch (IOException ioe) {
} catch (Exception e) {
Assert.fail("Unexpected exception: " + e.getLocalizedMessage())
} finally {
if (fin != null) fin.close()
@Test void testSetPriority() {
assertEquals issues[0].priority, 1
assertEquals issues[1].priority, 5
try {
issues[0].priority = 2
issues[1].priority = 9
} catch (Exception e) {
Assert.fail("An unexpected Exception occurred: "
+ e.getLocalizedMessage())
assertEquals issues[0].priority, 2
assertEquals issues[1].priority, 9
assertTrue new File(testDir, '0001fn2.rst').exists()
assertTrue new File(testDir, '0002ts9.rst').exists()
assertFalse new File(testDir, '0001fn1.rst').exists()
assertFalse new File(testDir, '0002ts5.rst').exists()
@Test void testSetPriorityFails() {
FileInputStream fin
try {
// get a lock to the file to prevent the rename
def issueFile = new File('0001fn1.rst')
fin = new FileInputStream(issueFile)
// try to set the priority
issues[0].priority = 9
// should throw IOE before here
} catch (IOException ioe) {
} catch (Exception e) {
Assert.fail("Unexpected exception: " + e.getLocalizedMessage())
} finally {
if (fin != null) fin.close()
@Test void testConstruction() {
File issueFile = new File(testDir, '0001fn1.rst')
Issue issue = new FileIssue(issueFile)
assertEquals issue.id , "0001"
assertEquals issue.category , Category.FEATURE
assertEquals issue.status , Status.NEW
assertEquals issue.priority , 1
assertEquals issue.title , "Add the killer feature to the killer app."
assertEquals issue.text , "Make our killer app shine!."
assertEquals issue.source , issueFile
@Test void testSetTextFails() {
try {
// make the issue file un-writable
def issueFile = new File('0001fn1.rst')
if (issueFile.setReadOnly()) {
// try to write something
issues[0].text = "This should fail to be written."
// should throw IOE before here
} else {
println "Could not run testSetTextFails, unable to change " +
"the test isseu file's permissions."
} catch (IOException ioe) {
} catch (Exception e) {
Assert.fail("Unexpected exception: " + e.getLocalizedMessage())
@Test void testMakeFilename() {
assertEquals FileIssue.makeFilename('0001', Category.BUG,
Status.NEW, 5), '0001bn5.rst'
assertEquals FileIssue.makeFilename('0010', Category.FEATURE,
Status.REASSIGNED, 1), '0010fa1.rst'
assertEquals FileIssue.makeFilename('0002', Category.FEATURE,
Status.REJECTED, 3), '0002fj3.rst'
assertEquals FileIssue.makeFilename('0001', Category.BUG,
Status.RESOLVED, -2), '0001bs0.rst'
assertEquals FileIssue.makeFilename('0001', Category.TASK,
Status.VALIDATION_REQUIRED, 10) , '0001tv9.rst'
assertEquals FileIssue.makeFilename('00101', Category.BUG,
Status.NEW, 5), '00101bn5.rst'
try {
FileIssue.makeFilename('badid', Category.BUG, Status.NEW, 5)
assertTrue 'Issue.makeFilename() succeeded with bad id input.', false
} catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {}
try {
FileIssue.makeFilename('0002', null, Status.NEW, 5)
assertTrue 'Issue.makeFilename() succeeded given no Category.', false
} catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {}
try {
FileIssue.makeFilename('0002', Category.BUG, null, 5)
assertTrue 'Issue.makeFilename() succeeded given no Status.', false
} catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {}