385 lines
12 KiB
385 lines
12 KiB
## Personal Issue Tracker
## ======================
import cliutils, docopt, json, logging, options, os, ospaths, sequtils,
tables, terminal, times, unicode, uuids
import strutils except capitalize, toUpper, toLower
import pitpkg/private/libpit
export libpit
CliContext = ref object
autoList, triggerPtk: bool
tasksDir*: string
contexts*: TableRef[string, string]
issues*: TableRef[IssueState, seq[Issue]]
termWidth*: int
proc initContext(args: Table[string, Value]): CliContext =
let pitrcLocations = @[
if args["--config"]: $args["--config"] else: "",
".pitrc", $getEnv("PITRC"), $getEnv("HOME") & "/.pitrc"]
var pitrcFilename: string =
foldl(pitrcLocations, if len(a) > 0: a elif existsFile(b): b else: "")
if not existsFile(pitrcFilename):
warn "pit: could not find .pitrc file: " & pitrcFilename
if isNilOrWhitespace(pitrcFilename):
pitrcFilename = $getEnv("HOME") & "/.pitrc"
var cfgFile: File
cfgFile = open(pitrcFilename, fmWrite)
cfgFile.write("{\"tasksDir\": \"/path/to/tasks\"}")
except: warn "pit: could not write default .pitrc to " & pitrcFilename
finally: close(cfgFile)
var cfgJson: JsonNode
try: cfgJson = parseFile(pitrcFilename)
except: raise newException(IOError,
"unable to read config file: " & pitrcFilename &
"\x0D\x0A" & getCurrentExceptionMsg())
let cfg = CombinedConfig(docopt: args, json: cfgJson)
result = CliContext(
autoList: cfgJson.getOrDefault("autoList").getBool(false),
contexts: newTable[string,string](),
issues: newTable[IssueState, seq[Issue]](),
tasksDir: cfg.getVal("tasks-dir", ""),
termWidth: parseInt(cfg.getVal("term-width", "80")),
triggerPtk: cfgJson.getOrDefault("triggerPtk").getBool(false))
if cfgJson.hasKey("contexts"):
for k, v in cfgJson["contexts"]:
result.contexts[k] = v.getStr()
if isNilOrWhitespace(result.tasksDir):
raise newException(Exception, "no tasks directory configured")
if not existsDir(result.tasksDir):
raise newException(Exception, "cannot find tasks dir: " & result.tasksDir)
proc getIssueContextDisplayName(ctx: CliContext, context: string): string =
if not ctx.contexts.hasKey(context):
if context.isNilOrWhitespace: return "<default>"
else: return context.capitalize()
return ctx.contexts[context]
proc writeIssue(ctx: CliContext, issue: Issue, width: int, indent = "",
verbose = false, topPadded = false) =
var showDetails = not issue.details.isNilOrWhitespace and verbose
if showDetails and not topPadded: stdout.writeLine("")
# Wrap and write the summary.
var wrappedSummary = (" ".repeat(5) & issue.summary).wordWrap(width - 2).indent(2 + indent.len)
wrappedSummary = wrappedSummary[(6 + indent.len)..^1]
stdout.setForegroundColor(fgBlack, true)
stdout.write(indent & ($issue.id)[0..<6])
stdout.setForegroundColor(fgCyan, false)
if issue.tags.len > 0:
stdout.setForegroundColor(fgGreen, false)
let tagsStr = "(" & issue.tags.join(",") & ")"
if (wrappedSummary.splitLines[^1].len + tagsStr.len + 1) < (width - 2):
stdout.writeLine(" " & tagsStr)
stdout.writeLine("\n" & indent & " " & tagsStr)
else: stdout.writeLine("")
if issue.hasProp("pending"):
let startIdx = "Pending: ".len
var pendingText = issue["pending"].wordWrap(width - startIdx - 2)
pendingText = ("Pending: " & pendingText[startIdx..^1]).indent(indent.len + 2)
if showDetails: stdout.writeLine(issue.details.indent(indent.len + 2))
proc writeSection(ctx: CliContext, issues: seq[Issue], state: IssueState,
indent = "", verbose = false) =
let innerWidth = ctx.termWidth - (indent.len * 2)
stdout.setForegroundColor(fgBlue, true)
stdout.writeLine(indent & ".".repeat(innerWidth))
let issuesByContext = issues.groupBy("context")
var topPadded = true
if issues.len > 5 and issuesByContext.len > 1:
for context, ctxIssues in issuesByContext:
topPadded = true
stdout.setForegroundColor(fgYellow, false)
stdout.writeLine(indent & ctx.getIssueContextDisplayName(context) & ":")
for i in ctxIssues:
ctx.writeIssue(i, innerWidth - 2, indent & " ", verbose, topPadded)
topPadded = not i.details.isNilOrWhitespace and verbose
if not topPadded: stdout.writeLine("")
for i in issues:
ctx.writeIssue(i, innerWidth, indent, verbose, topPadded)
topPadded = not i.details.isNilOrWhitespace and verbose
proc loadIssues(ctx: CliContext, state: IssueState) =
ctx.issues[state] = loadIssues(ctx.tasksDir / $state)
proc loadAllIssues(ctx: CliContext) =
ctx.issues = newTable[IssueState, seq[Issue]]()
for state in IssueState: ctx.loadIssues(state)
proc filterIssues(ctx: CliContext, filter: IssueFilter) =
for state, issueList in ctx.issues:
ctx.issues[state] = issueList.filter(filter)
proc parsePropertiesOption(propsOpt: string): TableRef[string, string] =
result = newTable[string, string]()
for propText in propsOpt.split(";"):
let pair = propText.split(":", 1)
if pair.len == 1: result[pair[0]] = "true"
else: result[pair[0]] = pair[1]
proc sameDay(a, b: DateTime): bool =
result = a.year == b.year and a.yearday == b.yearday
proc writeHeader(ctx: CliContext, header: string) =
stdout.setForegroundColor(fgRed, true)
proc edit(issue: Issue) =
# Write format comments (to help when editing)
writeFile(issue.filepath, toStorageFormat(issue, true))
let editor =
if existsEnv("EDITOR"): getEnv("EDITOR")
else: "vi"
discard os.execShellCmd(editor & " " & issue.filepath & " </dev/tty >/dev/tty")
# Try to parse the newly-edited issue to make sure it was successful.
let editedIssue = loadIssue(issue.filepath)
fatal "pit: updated issue is invalid (ignoring edits): \n\t" &
proc list(ctx: CliContext, filter: Option[IssueFilter], state: Option[IssueState], today, future, verbose: bool) =
if state.isSome:
if filter.isSome: ctx.filterIssues(filter.get)
ctx.writeSection(ctx.issues[state.get], state.get, "", verbose)
if filter.isSome: ctx.filterIssues(filter.get)
let indent = if today and future: " " else: ""
# Today's items
if today:
if future: ctx.writeHeader("Today")
for s in [Current, TodoToday]:
if ctx.issues.hasKey(s) and ctx.issues[s].len > 0:
ctx.writeSection(ctx.issues[s], s, indent, verbose)
if ctx.issues.hasKey(Done):
let doneIssues = ctx.issues[Done].filterIt(
it.hasProp("completed") and
sameDay(getTime().local, it.getDateTime("completed")))
if doneIssues.len > 0:
ctx.writeSection(doneIssues, Done, indent, verbose)
# Future items
if future:
if today: ctx.writeHeader("Future")
for s in [Pending, Todo]:
if ctx.issues.hasKey(s) and ctx.issues[s].len > 0:
ctx.writeSection(ctx.issues[s], s, indent, verbose)
when isMainModule:
let doc = """
pit ( new | add) <summary> [<state>] [options]
pit list [<listable>] [options]
pit ( start | done | pending | do-today | todo | suspend ) <id>...
pit edit <id>
pit ( delete | rm ) <id>...
-h, --help Print this usage information.
-p, --properties <props> Specify properties. Formatted as "key:val;key:val"
When used with the list command this option applies
a filter to the issues listed, only allowing those
which have all of the given properties.
-c, --context <ctxName> Shorthand for '-p context:<ctxName>'
-t, --tags <tags> Specify tags for an issue.
-T, --today Limit to today's issues.
-F, --future Limit to future issues.
-v, --verbose Show issue details when listing issues.
-y, --yes Automatically answer "yes" to any prompts.
-C, --config <cfgFile> Location of the config file (defaults to $HOME/.pitrc)
-E, --echo-args Echo arguments (for debug purposes).
--tasks-dir Path to the tasks directory (defaults to the value
configured in the .pitrc file)
--term-width Manually set the terminal width to use.
# Parse arguments
let args = docopt(doc, version = "pit 4.0.6")
if args["--echo-args"]: stderr.writeLine($args)
if args["--help"]:
let ctx = initContext(args)
# Create our tasks directory structure if needed
for s in IssueState:
if not existsDir(ctx.tasksDir / $s):
(ctx.tasksDir / $s).createDir
var propertiesOption = none(TableRef[string,string])
if args["--properties"] or args["--context"]:
var props =
if args["--properties"]: parsePropertiesOption($args["--properties"])
else: newTable[string,string]()
if args["--context"]: props["context"] = $args["--context"]
propertiesOption = some(props)
## Actual command runners
if args["new"] or args["add"]:
let state =
if args["<state>"]: parseEnum[IssueState]($args["<state>"])
else: TodoToday
var issue = Issue(
id: genUUID(),
summary: $args["<summary>"],
properties: propertiesOption.get(newTable[string,string]()),
if args["--tags"]: ($args["tags"]).split(",").mapIt(it.strip)
else: newSeq[string]())
ctx.tasksDir.store(issue, state)
elif args["edit"]:
let issueId = $args["<id>"]
elif args["start"] or args["do-today"] or args["done"] or
args["pending"] or args["todo"] or args["suspend"]:
var targetState: IssueState
if args["done"]: targetState = Done
elif args["do-today"]: targetState = TodoToday
elif args["pending"]: targetState = Todo
elif args["start"]: targetState = Current
elif args["todo"]: targetState = Todo
elif args["suspend"]: targetState = Dormant
for id in @(args["<id>"]):
ctx.tasksDir.loadIssueById(id).changeState(ctx.tasksDir, targetState)
if ctx.triggerPtk:
if targetState == Current:
let issue = ctx.tasksDir.loadIssueById($(args["<id>"][0]))
var cmd = "ptk start "
if issue.tags.len > 0: cmd &= "-g \"" & issue.tags.join(",") & "\""
cmd &= " \"" & issue.summary & "\""
discard execShellCmd(cmd)
elif targetState == Done: discard execShellCmd("ptk stop")
elif args["delete"] or args["rm"]:
for id in @(args["<id>"]):
let issue = ctx.tasksDir.loadIssueById(id)
if not args["--yes"]:
stderr.write("Delete '" & issue.summary & "' (y/n)? ")
if not "yes".startsWith(stdin.readLine.toLower):
elif args["list"]:
let filter = initFilter()
var filterOption = none(IssueFilter)
if propertiesOption.isSome:
filter.properties = propertiesOption.get
filterOption = some(filter)
var stateOption = none(IssueState)
var issueIdOption = none(string)
if args["<listable>"]:
try: stateOption = some(parseEnum[IssueState]($args["<listable>"]))
except: issueIdOption = some($args["<listable>"])
# List a specific issue
if issueIdOption.isSome:
let issue = ctx.tasksDir.loadIssueById(issueIdOption.get)
ctx.writeIssue(issue, ctx.termWidth, "", true, true)
# List all issues
let showBoth = args["--today"] == args["--future"]
ctx.list(filterOption, stateOption, showBoth or args["--today"],
showBoth or args["--future"],
if ctx.autoList and not args["list"]:
ctx.list(none(IssueFilter), none(IssueState), true, true, false)
fatal "pit: " & getCurrentExceptionMsg()
#raise getCurrentException()