35 lines
898 B
Executable File
35 lines
898 B
Executable File
package com.jdbernard.pit.swing
import com.jdbernard.pit.Category
import com.jdbernard.pit.Filter
import com.jdbernard.pit.Issue
import com.jdbernard.pit.Project
import com.jdbernard.pit.Status
import groovy.beans.Bindable
import java.awt.Font
import javax.swing.ImageIcon
class PITModel {
// filter for projects and classes
Filter filter = new Filter(categories: [],
status: [Status.NEW, Status.VALIDATION_REQUIRED])
def issueListRenderer
// map of category -> issue template
Map<Category, String> templates = [:]
String issueCSS = getClass().getResourceAsStream("/default-issue.css").text
Map<Category, ImageIcon> categoryIcons = [:]
Map<Category, ImageIcon> statusIcons = [:]
def newIssueDialogMVC
Map projectPanelMVCs = [:]
Map projectIdMap = [:]
@Bindable Font issueDetailFont = new Font(Font.MONOSPACED, Font.PLAIN, 10)