
141 lines
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## Personal Issue Tracker API Interface
## ====================================
# **NOTE** This is currently not being built as it no longer works under Nim
# 2.x due to the inability to call system calls (invoke pit via cli) in a
# gc-safe manner. It should be rewritten to use the functionality exposed by
# libpit directly rather than calling the pit cli executable. Unfortunately
# this would require a non-trivial rewrite.
import asyncdispatch, cliutils, docopt, jester, json, logging, options, sequtils, strutils
import nre except toSeq
import pit/libpit
import pit/cliconstants
PitApiCfg* = object
apiKeys*: seq[string]
global*: PitConfig
port*: int
const TXT = "text/plain"
proc raiseEx(reason: string): void = raise newException(Exception, reason)
template halt(code: HttpCode,
headers: RawHeaders,
content: string): void =
## Immediately replies with the specified request. This means any further
## code will not be executed after calling this template in the current
## route.
bind TCActionSend, newHttpHeaders
result[0] = CallbackAction.TCActionSend
result[1] = code
result[2] = some(headers)
result[3] = content
result.matched = true
break allRoutes
template checkAuth(cfg: PitApiCfg) =
## Check this request for authentication and authorization information.
## If the request is not authorized, this template sets up the 401 response
## correctly. The calling context needs only to return from the route.
var authed {.inject.} = false
if not headers(request).hasKey("Authorization"):
raiseEx "No auth token."
let headerVal = headers(request)["Authorization"]
if not headerVal.startsWith("Bearer "):
raiseEx "Invalid Authentication type (only 'Bearer' is supported)."
if not cfg.apiKeys.contains(headerVal[7..^1]):
raiseEx "Invalid API key."
authed = true
stderr.writeLine "Auth failed: " & getCurrentExceptionMsg()
@{"Content-Type": TXT},
proc start*(cfg: PitApiCfg) =
var stopFuture = newFuture[void]()
port = Port(cfg.port)
appName = "/api"
get "/ping":
resp("pong", TXT)
get "/issues":
var args = queryParamsToCliArgs(request.params)
args = @["list"] & args
info "args: \n" & args.join(" ")
let execResult = execWithOutput("pit", ".", args)
if execResult[2] != 0: resp(Http500, stripAnsi($execResult[0] & "\n" & $execResult[1]), TXT)
else: resp(stripAnsi(execResult[0]), TXT)
post "/issues":
get "/issue/@issueId":
var args = queryParamsToCliArgs(request.params)
args = @["list", @"issueId"] & args
info "args: \n" & args.join(" ")
let execResult = execWithOutput("pit", ".", args)
if execResult[2] != 0: resp(Http500, stripAnsi($execResult[0] & "\n" & $execResult[1]), TXT)
else: resp(stripAnsi(execResult[0]), TXT)
proc loadApiConfig(args: Table[string, Value]): PitApiCfg =
let pitCfg = loadConfig(args)
let apiJson =
if pitCfg.cfg.json.hasKey("api"): pitCfg.cfg.json["api"]
else: newJObject()
let apiCfg = CombinedConfig(docopt: args, json: apiJson)
let apiKeysArray =
if apiJson.hasKey("apiKeys"): apiJson["apiKeys"]
else: newJArray()
result = PitApiCfg(
apiKeys: toSeq(apiKeysArray).mapIt(it.getStr),
global: pitCfg,
port: parseInt(apiCfg.getVal("port", "8123")))
when isMainModule:
let doc = """\
pit_api [options]
-c, --config <cfgFile> Path to the pit_api config file.
-d, --tasks-dir Path to the tasks directory.
-p, --port Port to listen on (defaults to 8123)
let args = docopt(doc, version = PIT_VERSION)
let apiCfg = loadApiConfig(args)