New 'Bugs' created are not correctly categorized. ================================================= Description ----------- If the user clicks *New Issue* and does not manually select *Bug* from the drop-down list, but instead leaves the default *Bug* selected, the actual issue bypasses the template generation phase and gets its category defaulted to *Task*. Implementation Notes -------------------- It looks like this is related to the default value of the category list in the *New Task* dialog. Solution -------- The values from the *NewIssueDialog* are publicly visible via fields on the model. The view has bound properties to update the model's fields whenever the appropriate gui field is updated. But when the dialog is shown initially, the view is reset programatically, not triggering the update to the model values. In the case of the first new issue since launching the program, the fields on the model are ``null`` or have their default initialized values. In subsequent issues, they hold whatever was there before. If the user never changed those values, they held their old values. The solution was to update the model as well as the view when showing the dialog. Resolution ---------- Date Created: 2010-04-20 Date Resolved: 2010-04-20 Delivery: 0022