const PIT_VERSION* = "4.24.0" const USAGE* = """Usage: pit ( new | add) [] [options] pit list contexts [options] pit list [...] [options] pit ( start | done | pending | todo-today | todo | suspend ) ... [options] pit edit ... [options] pit tag ... [options] pit untag ... [options] pit reorder [options] pit delegate [options] pit hide-until [options] pit ( delete | rm ) ... [options] pit add-binary-property [options] pit get-binary-property [options] pit show-dupes pit help [options] Options: -h, --help Print this usage and help information. -p, --properties Specify properties. Formatted as "key:val;key:val" When used with the list command this option applies a filter to the issues listed, only allowing those which have all of the given properties. -P, --excl-properties When used with the list command, exclude issues that contain properties with the given value. This parameter is formatted the same as the --properties parameter: "key:val;key:val" -c, --context Shorthand for '-p context:' -C, --excl-context Don't show issues from the given context(s). Multiple contexts can be excluded using a ',' to separate names. For example: -C ctx1,ctx2 Shorthand for '-P context:' -g, --tags Specify tags for an issue. Tags are specified as a comma-delimited list. For example: -g tag1,tag2 -G, --excl-tags When used with the list command, exclude issues that contain any of the provided tags. Tags are specified as a comma-delimited list. For example: -G tag1,tag2 -T, --today Limit to today's issues. -F, --future Limit to future issues. -H, --show-hidden Show all matching issues, ignoring any 'hide-until' properties set. -m, --match Limit to issues whose summaries match the given pattern (PCRE regex supported). -M, --match-all Limit to the issues whose summaries or details match the given pattern (PCRE regex supported). -v, --verbose Show issue details when listing issues. -q, --quiet Suppress verbose output. -y, --yes Automatically answer "yes" to any prompts. --config Location of the config file (defaults to $HOME/.pitrc) -E, --echo-args Echo arguments (for debug purposes). -d, --tasks-dir Path to the tasks directory (defaults to the value configured in the .pitrc file) --term-width Manually set the terminal width to use. --ptk Enable PTK integration for this command. --debug Enable debug-level log output. """ const ONLINE_HELP* = """Issue States: PIT organizes issues around their state, which is one of: current - issues actively being worked todo-today - issues planned for today pending - issues that are blocked by some third-party done - issues that have been completely resolved todo - issues that need to be done in the future dormant - issues that are low-priority, to be tracked, but hidden by default Issue Properties: PIT supports adding arbitrary properties to any issue to track any metadata about the issue the user may wish. There are several properties that have special behavior attached to them. They are: created If present, expected to be an ISO 8601-formatted date that represents the time when the issue was created. E.g.: created: 2023-07-13T13:28:41-05:00 completed If present, expected to be an ISO 8601-formatted date that represents the time when the issue moved to the "done" state. PIT will add this property automatically when you use the "done" command, and can filter on this value. completed: 2023-04-27T11:52:28-05:00 context Allows issues to be organized into contexts. The -c option is short-hand for '-p context:' and the 'list contexts' command will show all values of 'context' set in existing issues. context: family delegated-to When an issue now belongs to someone else, but needs to be monitored for completion, this allows you to keep the issue in its current state but note how it has been delegated. When present PIT will prepend this value to the issue summary with an accent color. delegated-to: Bob Ross hide-until When present, expected to be an ISO 8601-formatted date and used to supress the display of the issue until on or after the given date. hide-until: 2024-01-01T13:45:00-05:00 pending When an issue is blocked by a third party, this property can be used to capture details about the dependency When present PIT will display this value after the issue summary. pending: Results of WCAG analysis. recurrence When an issue is moved to the "done" state, if the issue has a valid "recurrence" property, PIT will create a new issue and set the "hide-until" property for that new issue depending on the recurrence definition. A valid recurrence value has a time value and optionally has an source issue ID. For example: recurrence: every 5 days, 10a544 The first word, "every", is expected to be either "every" or "after". The second portion is expected to be a time period. Supported time units are "hour", "day", "week", "month", an "year", along with the plural forms (e.g. "5 days", "8 hours", etc.). The final portion is the source issue ID. This is optional. When a source issue ID is given, the new issue is created as a clone of the given issue. When not given, the issue being closed is used for cloning. The "every" and "after" keywords allow the user to choose whether the new issue is created based on the creation time ("every") or the completion time ("after") of the issue being closed based. Examples: every day every 2 days after 2 days every week after 12 hours every 2 weeks, 10a544 tags If present, expected to be a comma-delimited list of text tags. The -g option is a short-hand for '-p tags:'. """