* Fixed a bug in the option parsing. When no options (or unknown options) where
presented it was not properly defaulting.
* Fixed a bug when incorrect options where given. Apache Commons CLI fails
entirely when it is unable to parse an option. This means we cannot get the
`--dir` option and we default to the program's working directory. When running
on Nailgun this is not the desired behavior and can cause pit to look through
a very deep file heirarchy to find issues.
* Major differences will be with `Issues`. The structure of issues will not be
as tied to the original `FileIssue` implementation and will support arbitrary
* Removed 2.6.x files and updated versioning properties.
* Fixed a typo in pit-cli
* Temporarily removed the invocation of pit-swing's build file until I have that
sorted. It was not working.
0013: Hide a new issue after a delay if does not match the viewing criteria.
0022: New 'Bugs' created are not correctly categorized.
0019: Add the ability to change the Issue text size.