diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 6169d30..fb81760 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/pit-cli/.gitignore b/pit-cli/.gitignore
deleted file mode 100644
index 90dc57c..0000000
--- a/pit-cli/.gitignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/pit-cli/lib/compile/jar/joda-time-2.0.jar b/pit-cli/lib/compile/jar/joda-time-2.0.jar
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..169a7a4
Binary files /dev/null and b/pit-cli/lib/compile/jar/joda-time-2.0.jar differ
diff --git a/pit-cli/lib/runtime/jar/joda-time-2.0.jar b/pit-cli/lib/runtime/jar/joda-time-2.0.jar
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..169a7a4
Binary files /dev/null and b/pit-cli/lib/runtime/jar/joda-time-2.0.jar differ
diff --git a/pit-cli/project.properties b/pit-cli/project.properties
index 5798ad6..e77bdfd 100755
--- a/pit-cli/project.properties
+++ b/pit-cli/project.properties
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-#Tue, 22 Nov 2011 14:40:19 -0600
+#Wed, 07 Dec 2011 17:57:54 -0600
diff --git a/pit-cli/resources/main/logback.groovy b/pit-cli/resources/main/logback.groovy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/pit-cli/src/main/com/jdbernard/pit/PersonalIssueTrackerCLI.groovy b/pit-cli/src/main/com/jdbernard/pit/PersonalIssueTrackerCLI.groovy
index 6574b49..79e89c2 100644
--- a/pit-cli/src/main/com/jdbernard/pit/PersonalIssueTrackerCLI.groovy
+++ b/pit-cli/src/main/com/jdbernard/pit/PersonalIssueTrackerCLI.groovy
@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ package com.jdbernard.pit
import com.jdbernard.pit.file.*
+import org.joda.time.DateMidnight
import static java.lang.Math.max
import static java.lang.Math.min
@@ -36,12 +38,41 @@ cli.C(argName: 'new-category', longOpt: 'set-category', args: 1,
cli.S(argName: 'new-status', longOpt: 'set-status', args: 1,
required: false, 'Modify the status of the selected issues.')
cli.n(longOpt: 'new-issue', 'Create a new issue.')
+cli.o(longOpt: 'order', argName: 'order', args: 1, required: false,
+ 'Order (sort) the results by the given properties. Provide a comma-' +
+ 'seperated list of property names to sort by in order of importance. The' +
+ ' basic properties (id, category, status, and priority) can be given' +
+ ' using their one-letter forms (i,c,s,p) for brevity. For example:' +
+ ' "-o Due,p,c" would sort first by the extended property "Due", then for' +
+ ' items that have the same "Due" value it would sort by priority, then' +
+ ' by category.')
cli.d(longOpt: 'dir', argName: 'dir', args: 1, required: false,
as the base directory (defaults to current directory).')
+cli.D(longOpt: 'daily-list', 'Print a Daily Task list based on issue Due and' +
+ ' Reminder properties.')
+cli._(longOpt: 'dl-scheduled', 'Show scheduled tasks in the daily list (all' +
+ ' are shown by default).')
+cli._(longOpt: 'dl-due', 'Show due tasks in the daily list (all are shown by' +
+ ' default).')
+cli._(longOpt: 'dl-reminder', 'Show upcoming tasks in the daily list (all ' +
+ ' are shown by default).')
+cli._(longOpt: 'dl-open', 'Show open tasks in the daily list (all are shown ' +
+ ' by default).')
+cli._(longOpt: 'dl-hide-scheduled', 'Hide scheduled tasks in the daily list' +
+ ' (all are shown by default).')
+cli._(longOpt: 'dl-hide-due', 'Show due tasks in the daily list (all are' +
+ ' shown by default).')
+cli._(longOpt: 'dl-hide-reminder', 'Show upcoming tasks in the daily list' +
+ ' (all are shown by default).')
+cli._(longOpt: 'dl-hide-open', 'Show open tasks in the daily list (all are' +
+ ' shown by default).')
cli._(longOpt: 'version', 'Display PIT version information.')
-// -------- parse CLI options -------- //
-def VERSION = "3.0.0"
+// =================================== //
+// ======== Parse CLI Options ======== //
+// =================================== //
+def VERSION = "3.1.0"
def opts = cli.parse(args)
def issuedb = [:]
def workingDir = new File('.')
@@ -96,7 +127,7 @@ try { selectOpts.status =
selectOpts.status.collect { Status.toStatus(it) } }
catch (Exception e) {
println "Invalid status option: '-s ${e.localizedMessage}'."
- println "Valid options are: \b${Status.values().join(', ')}"
+ print "Valid options are: \n${Status.values().join(', ')}"
println " (abbreviations are accepted.)"
System.exit(1) }
@@ -115,6 +146,17 @@ if (opts.r) { selectOpts.projects =
// read and parse the ids filter
if (opts.i) { selectOpts.ids = opts.i.split(/[,\s]/).asType(List.class) }
+// read and parse sort criteria
+if (opts.o) {
+ def sortProps = opts.o.split(',')
+ selectOpts.issueSorter = sortProps.collect { prop ->
+ switch (prop) {
+ case ~/^i$/: return { issue -> issue.id }
+ case ~/^p$/: return { issue -> issue.priority }
+ case ~/^s$/: return { issue -> issue.status }
+ case ~/^c$/: return { issue -> issue.category }
+ default: return { issue -> issue[prop] } }}}
// TODO: accept projects value from input
// read and parse the category to assign
@@ -152,7 +194,11 @@ if (opts.d) {
return -1 } }
def EOL = System.getProperty('line.separator')
-// -------- Actions -------- //
+// ========================= //
+// ======== Actions ======== //
+// ========================= //
// list version information first
if (opts.version) {
@@ -191,7 +237,104 @@ if (opts.l) {
// print all projects
issuedb.eachProject(filter) { printProject(it, "") } }
-// new issues third
+// daily list second
+else if (opts.D) {
+ // Parse daily list specific display options
+ def visibleSections = []
+ def suppressedSections
+ // Parse the additive options first.
+ if (opts.'dl-scheduled') { visibleSections << 'scheduled' }
+ if (opts.'dl-due') { visibleSections << 'due' }
+ if (opts.'dl-reminder') { visibleSections << 'reminder' }
+ if (opts.'dl-open') { visibleSections << 'open' }
+ // If the user did not add any sections assume they want them all.
+ if (visibleSections.size() == 0) {
+ visibleSections = ['scheduled', 'due', 'reminder', 'open'] }
+ // Now go through the negative options.
+ if (opts.'dl-hide-scheduled') { visibleSections -= 'scheduled' }
+ if (opts.'dl-hide-due') { visibleSections -= 'due' }
+ if (opts.'dl-hide-reminder') { visibleSections -= 'reminder' }
+ if (opts.'dl-hide-open') { visibleSections -= 'open' }
+ // If the user did not specifically ask for a status filter, we want a
+ // different filter for the default when we are doing a daily list.
+ if (!opts.s) { filter.status = [Status.NEW, Status.VALIDATION_REQUIRED] }
+ // If the user did not give a specific sorting order, define our own.
+ if (!opts.o) { filter.issueSorter = [ {it.due}, {it.priority}, {it.id} ] }
+ // Get our issues
+ def allIssues = issuedb.getAllIssues(filter)
+ // Set up our time interval.
+ def today = new DateMidnight()
+ def tomorrow = today.plusDays(1)
+ def scheduledToday = []
+ def dueToday = []
+ def reminderToday = []
+ def notDueOrReminder = []
+ def printIssue = { issue ->
+ if (issue.due) println "${issue.due.toString('EEE, MM/dd')} -- ${issue}"
+ else println " -- ${issue}" }
+ // Sort the issues into seperate lists based on their due dates and
+ // reminders.
+ allIssues.each { issue ->
+ // Find the issues that are scheduled for today.
+ if (issue.scheduled && issue.scheduled < tomorrow) {
+ scheduledToday << issue }
+ // Find the issues that are due today or are past due.
+ else if (issue.due && issue.due < tomorrow) { dueToday << issue }
+ // Find the issues that are not yet due but have a reminder for today or
+ // days past.
+ else if (issue.reminder && issue.reminder < tomorrow) {
+ reminderToday << issue }
+ // All the others (not due and no reminder).
+ else notDueOrReminder << issue }
+ // Print the issues
+ if (visibleSections.contains('scheduled') && scheduledToday.size() > 0) {
+ println "Tasks Scheduled for Today"
+ println "-------------------------"
+ scheduledToday.each { printIssue(it) }
+ println "" }
+ if (visibleSections.contains('due') && dueToday.size() > 0) {
+ println "Tasks Due Today"
+ println "---------------"
+ dueToday.each { printIssue(it) }
+ println ""}
+ if (visibleSections.contains('reminder') && reminderToday.size() > 0) {
+ println "Upcoming Tasks"
+ println "--------------"
+ reminderToday.each { printIssue(it) }
+ println ""}
+ if (visibleSections.contains('open') && notDueOrReminder.size() > 0) {
+ println "Other Open Issues"
+ println "-----------------"
+ notDueOrReminder.each { printIssue(it) }
+ println "" }}
+// new issues fourth
else if (opts.n) {
def cat, priority
String text = ""
@@ -243,7 +386,7 @@ else {
it.priority = assignOpts.priority
println "[${it}] -- set priority to ${assignOpts.priority}"}
- // change third
+ // change category
else if (opts.C) issuedb.walkProject(filter) {
it.category = assignOpts.cat
println "[${it}] -- set category to ${assignOpts.category}"}
@@ -251,5 +394,4 @@ else {
// change status
else if (opts.S) issuedb.walkProject(filter) {
it.status = assignOpts.status
- println "[${it}] -- set status to ${assignOpts.status}"}
+ println "[${it}] -- set status to ${assignOpts.status}"} }}