Move issue loading logic into the publicly-exposed library methods.

This commit is contained in:
Jonathan Bernard 2023-02-16 11:06:47 -06:00
parent ae4a943e82
commit ea9f8ea7ac
4 changed files with 27 additions and 23 deletions

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Package
version = "4.21.2"
version = "4.22.0"
author = "Jonathan Bernard"
description = "Personal issue tracker."
license = "MIT"

@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ type
cfg*: PitConfig
contexts*: TableRef[string, string]
defaultContext*: Option[string]
tasksDir*: string
issues*: TableRef[IssueState, seq[Issue]]
termWidth*: int
triggerPtk*, verbose*: bool
@ -43,7 +42,6 @@ proc initContext(args: Table[string, Value]): CliContext =
else: some(cliJson["defaultContext"].getStr()),
verbose: parseBool(cliCfg.getVal("verbose", "false")) and not args["--quiet"],
issues: newTable[IssueState, seq[Issue]](),
tasksDir: pitCfg.tasksDir,
termWidth: parseInt(cliCfg.getVal("termWidth", "80")),
triggerPtk: cliJson.getOrDefault("triggerPtk").getBool(false))
@ -169,15 +167,14 @@ proc formatSection(ctx: CliContext, issues: seq[Issue], state: IssueState,
else: result &= ctx.formatSectionIssueList(issues, innerWidth, indent, verbose)
proc loadIssues(ctx: CliContext, state: IssueState) =
ctx.issues[state] = loadIssues(ctx.tasksDir / $state)
ctx.issues[state] = loadIssues(ctx.cfg.tasksDir, state)
proc loadOpenIssues(ctx: CliContext) =
ctx.issues = newTable[IssueState, seq[Issue]]()
for state in [Current, TodoToday, Todo, Pending, Todo]: ctx.loadIssues(state)
proc loadAllIssues(ctx: CliContext) =
ctx.issues = newTable[IssueState, seq[Issue]]()
for state in IssueState: ctx.loadIssues(state)
ctx.issues = ctx.cfg.tasksDir.loadAllIssues()
proc filterIssues(ctx: CliContext, filter: IssueFilter) =
for state, issueList in ctx.issues:
@ -214,7 +211,7 @@ proc reorder(ctx: CliContext, state: IssueState) =
# load the issues to make sure the order file contains all issues in the state.
discard os.execShellCmd(EDITOR & " '" & (ctx.tasksDir / $state / "order.txt") & "' </dev/tty >/dev/tty")
discard os.execShellCmd(EDITOR & " '" & (ctx.cfg.tasksDir / $state / "order.txt") & "' </dev/tty >/dev/tty")
proc edit(issue: Issue) =
@ -380,7 +377,7 @@ when isMainModule:
if tagsOption.isSome: tagsOption.get
else: newSeq[string]()), state), state)
stdout.writeLine ctx.formatIssue(issue)
@ -400,7 +397,7 @@ when isMainModule:
for issue in ctx.issues[state]: edit(issue)
else: edit(ctx.tasksDir.loadIssueById(editRef))
else: edit(ctx.cfg.tasksDir.loadIssueById(editRef))
elif args["tag"]:
if tagsOption.isNone: raise newException(Exception, "no tags given")
@ -408,7 +405,7 @@ when isMainModule:
let newTags = tagsOption.get
for id in @(args["<id>"]):
var issue = ctx.tasksDir.loadIssueById(id)
var issue = ctx.cfg.tasksDir.loadIssueById(id)
issue.tags = deduplicate(issue.tags & newTags)
@ -418,7 +415,7 @@ when isMainModule:
else: @[]
for id in @(args["<id>"]):
var issue = ctx.tasksDir.loadIssueById(id)
var issue = ctx.cfg.tasksDir.loadIssueById(id)
if tagsToRemove.len > 0:
issue.tags = issue.tags.filter(
proc (tag: string): bool = not tagsToRemove.anyIt(it == tag))
@ -437,24 +434,24 @@ when isMainModule:
elif args["suspend"]: targetState = Dormant
for id in @(args["<id>"]):
var issue = ctx.tasksDir.loadIssueById(id)
var issue = ctx.cfg.tasksDir.loadIssueById(id)
if propertiesOption.isSome:
for k,v in propertiesOption.get:
issue[k] = v
if targetState == Done:
issue["completed"] = getTime().local.formatIso8601
if issue.hasProp("recurrence") and issue.getRecurrence.isSome:
let nextIssue = ctx.tasksDir.nextRecurrence(issue.getRecurrence.get, issue), Todo)
let nextIssue = ctx.cfg.tasksDir.nextRecurrence(issue.getRecurrence.get, issue), Todo)
info "created the next recurrence:"
stdout.writeLine ctx.formatIssue(nextIssue)
issue.changeState(ctx.tasksDir, targetState)
issue.changeState(ctx.cfg.tasksDir, targetState)
if ctx.triggerPtk or args["--ptk"]:
if targetState == Current:
let issue = ctx.tasksDir.loadIssueById($(args["<id>"][0]))
let issue = ctx.cfg.tasksDir.loadIssueById($(args["<id>"][0]))
var cmd = "ptk start"
if issue.tags.len > 0 or issue.hasProp("context"):
let tags = concat(
@ -471,14 +468,14 @@ when isMainModule:
elif args["hide-until"]:
let issue = ctx.tasksDir.loadIssueById($(args["<id>"]))
let issue = ctx.cfg.tasksDir.loadIssueById($(args["<id>"]))
issue.setDateTime("hide-until", parseDate($args["<date>"]))
elif args["delegate"]:
let issue = ctx.tasksDir.loadIssueById($(args["<id>"]))
let issue = ctx.cfg.tasksDir.loadIssueById($(args["<id>"]))
issue["delegated-to"] = $args["<delegated-to>"]
@ -486,7 +483,7 @@ when isMainModule:
elif args["delete"] or args["rm"]:
for id in @(args["<id>"]):
let issue = ctx.tasksDir.loadIssueById(id)
let issue = ctx.cfg.tasksDir.loadIssueById(id)
if not args["--yes"]:
stderr.write("Delete '" & issue.summary & "' (y/n)? ")
@ -569,7 +566,7 @@ when isMainModule:
# List a specific issue
elif issueIdsOption.isSome:
for issueId in issueIdsOption.get:
let issue = ctx.tasksDir.loadIssueById(issueId)
let issue = ctx.cfg.tasksDir.loadIssueById(issueId)
stdout.writeLine ctx.formatIssue(issue)
# List all issues
@ -585,7 +582,7 @@ when isMainModule:
verbose = ctx.verbose)
elif args["add-binary-property"]:
let issue = ctx.tasksDir.loadIssueById($(args["<id>"]))
let issue = ctx.cfg.tasksDir.loadIssueById($(args["<id>"]))
let propIn =
if $(args["<propSource>"]) == "-": stdin
@ -597,7 +594,7 @@ when isMainModule:
elif args["get-binary-property"]:
let issue = ctx.tasksDir.loadIssueById($(args["<id>"]))
let issue = ctx.cfg.tasksDir.loadIssueById($(args["<id>"]))
if not issue.hasProp($(args["<propName>"])):
raise newException(Exception,

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
const PIT_VERSION* = "4.21.2"
const PIT_VERSION* = "4.22.0"
const USAGE* = """Usage:
pit ( new | add) <summary> [<state>] [options]

@ -306,6 +306,13 @@ proc loadIssues*(path: string): seq[Issue] =
# Finally, save current order
proc loadIssues*(tasksDir: string, state: IssueState): seq[Issue] =
loadIssues(tasksDir / $state)
proc loadAllIssues*(tasksDir: string): TableRef[IssueState, seq[Issue]] =
result = newTable[IssueState, seq[Issue]]()
for state in IssueState: result[state] = tasksDir.loadIssues(state)
proc changeState*(issue: Issue, tasksDir: string, newState: IssueState) =
let oldFilepath = issue.filepath
if newState == Done: issue.setDateTime("completed", getTime().local)