Reorganized into classes. Implemented generic filtering.

This commit is contained in:
Jonathan Bernard 2010-02-12 10:04:51 -06:00
parent 249c1b39c4
commit ddc34722c8
8 changed files with 145 additions and 59 deletions

issue-tracker/0001f5.rst → issue-tracker/0001c5.rst Normal file → Executable file
View File

issue-tracker/0005t1.rst Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
Add unit tests for LIST operation
Add unit tests for listing issues with no filter.

issue-tracker/0006t1.rst Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
Add unit tests for the PRIORITY filter
Add unit tests covering the priority selection criteria of the filter.

issue-tracker/0007t1.rst Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
Add unit tests for the CATEGORIES filter
Add unit tests covering the categories filter criteria.

issue-tracker/0008t1.rst Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
Add unit tests for the PROJECTS filter
Add unit tests covering the projects filter criteria.

issue-tracker/0009t1.rst Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
Add unit tests for the RECURSE filter
Add unit tests covering the subprojects filter criteria.

issue-tracker/0010t1.rst Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
Add unit tests for the VERBOSE option
Add unit tests covering the verbose option

pit.groovy Normal file → Executable file
View File

@ -32,14 +32,23 @@ if (opts.c) categories = opts.c.split(/[,\s]/)
categories = categories.collect { Category.toCategory(it) } categories = categories.collect { Category.toCategory(it) }
// build issue list // build issue list
issuedb = buildDB(new File('.'), issuedb = new Project(new File('.'),
'categories': categories, new Filter('categories': categories,
'priority': (opts.p ? opts.p.toInteger() : 9), 'priority': (opts.p ? opts.p.toInteger() : 9),
'projects': (opts.r ? opts.r.toLowerCase().split(/[,\s]/).asType(List.class) : false), 'projects': (opts.r ? opts.r.toLowerCase().split(/[,\s]/).asType(List.class) : []),
'ids': (opts.i ? opts.i.split(/[,\s]/).asType(List.class) : false), 'ids': (opts.i ? opts.i.split(/[,\s]/).asType(List.class) : []),
'recurse': (opts.s || !opts.S)) 'acceptProjects': (opts.s || !opts.S)))
listDB(issuedb, 'verbose': opts.v) // list first
if (opts.l) issuedb.list('verbose': opts.v)
// change priority second
//else if (opts.cp)
// change category third
//else if (
// new entry last
enum Category { enum Category {
@ -54,70 +63,123 @@ enum Category {
} }
} }
def buildDB(Map options, File dir) { class Project {
if (!options.priority) options.priority = 9
def newdb = ['projects':[:], 'issues':[:], 'name':] String name
Map<String, Issue> issues = [:]
Map<String, Project> projects = [:]
dir.eachFile { child -> Project(File dir, Filter filter = null) {
dir.eachFile { child ->
// add sub projects // add sub projects
if (child.isDirectory()) { if (child.isDirectory()) {
if ( ==~ /\d{4}/ || // just an issue folder if ( ==~ /\d{4}/ || // just an issue folder
!options.recurse || // we are not looking at subprojects (filter && !filter.accept(
(options.projects && // not in the list of sub return
// otherwise build and add to list
projects[(] = new Project(child, filter)
} else if (child.isFile()) {
def issue
// if exception, then not an issue
try { issue = new Issue(child) } catch (all) { return }
if (filter && !filter.accept(issue)) return
issues[(] = issue
public void eachIssue(Closure c) {
for (i in issues.values())
for (p in projects.values()) p.eachIssue(c)
public void each(Filter filter = null, Closure c) {
def is = filter?.issueSorter ?: { }
def ps = filter?.projectSorter ?: { }
for (issue in issues.values().sort(is)) {
if (filter && !filter.accept(issue))
return return
// otherwise build and add to list
newdb['projects'][(] = buildDB(options, child) }
} else if (child.isFile()) {
def issue = buildIssue(child)
if ( issue == null || // not an issue for (project in projects.values().sort(ps)) {
issue.priority > options.priority || // not above threshold if (filter && !filter.accept(project))
(options.categories && // not in list of cats
!options.categories.contains(issue.category)) ||
(options.ids &&
return return
newdb['issues'][(] = issue
} }
} }
return newdb public void list(Map options = [:]) {
} if (!options.offset) options.offset = ""
if (!options.verbose) options.verbose = false
def buildIssue(File file) { each(options.filter) {
def issue = [:] if (it instanceof Project) {
println "\n${options.offset}${}"
def matcher = =~ /(\d{4})([bftc])(\d).*/ println "${options.offset}${'-'.multiply(}"
if (!matcher) return null } else {
println "${options.offset}${}(${it.priority}): " + = matcher[0][1] "${it.category} ${it.title}"
issue.category = Category.toCategory(matcher[0][2]) if (options.verbose) println "\n${it.text}"
issue.priority = matcher[0][3].toInteger() }
file.withReader { issue.title = it.readLine() } }
issue.text = file.text }
return issue class Issue {
String id
def listDB(Map options, def issuedb) { Category category
if (!options.offset) options.offset = "" int priority
if (!options.verbose) options.verbose = false String title
String text
for (i in issuedb.issues.values()) {
println "${options.offset}${}(${i.priority}): ${i.category} ${i.title}" Issue(File file) {
if (options.verbose) println "\n${i.text}"
} def matcher = =~ /(\d{4})([bftc])(\d).*/
for (p in issuedb.projects.values()) { if (!matcher) return null
println ""
println "${options.offset}${}" id = matcher[0][1]
println "${options.offset}${'-'.multiply(}" category = Category.toCategory(matcher[0][2])
priority = matcher[0][3].toInteger()
listDB(p, 'offset': options.offset + " ", 'verbose': options.verbose)
file.withReader { title = it.readLine() }
text = file.text
class Filter {
List<Category> categories = null
List<String> projects = null
List<String> ids = null
int priority = 9
boolean acceptProjects = true
Closure projectSorter
Closure issueSorter
public boolean accept(Issue i) {
return (i.priority <= priority &&
(!categories || categories.contains(i.category)) &&
(!ids || ids.contains(
public boolean accept(Project p) {
return (acceptProjects &&
(!projects || projects.contains(
public boolean accept(String name) {
return (acceptProjects &&
(!projects || projects.contains(name)))
} }
} }