WIP Support basic list options.

This commit is contained in:
Jonathan Bernard 2018-05-12 11:40:15 -05:00
parent 063a869b51
commit d86da67284
2 changed files with 51 additions and 31 deletions

View File

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ type
tasksDir*: string
contexts*: TableRef[string, string]
issues*: TableRef[IssueState, seq[Issue]]
termWidth*: int
cfg*: CombinedConfig
proc initContext(args: Table[string, Value]): CliContext =
@ -46,7 +47,8 @@ proc initContext(args: Table[string, Value]): CliContext =
cfg: cfg,
tasksDir: cfg.getVal("tasks-dir", ""),
contexts: newTable[string,string](),
issues: newTable[IssueState, seq[Issue]]())
issues: newTable[IssueState, seq[Issue]](),
termWidth: parseInt(cfg.getVal("term-width", "80")))
if cfgJson.hasKey("contexts"):
for k, v in cfgJson["contexts"]:
@ -75,7 +77,8 @@ proc formatIssue(ctx: CliContext, issue: Issue, state: IssueState,
if state == Pending and issue.properties.hasKey("pending"):
let startIdx = "Pending: ".len
var pendingText = issue["pending"].wordWrap(width - startIdx - 2).indent(startIdx)
var pendingText = issue["pending"].wordWrap(width - startIdx - 2)
pendingText = ("Pending: " & pendingText[startIdx..^1]).indent(indent.len + 2)
@ -84,16 +87,15 @@ proc formatIssue(ctx: CliContext, issue: Issue, state: IssueState,
return lines.join("\n")
proc formatSection(ctx: CliContext, issues: seq[Issue], state: IssueState,
width = 80, indent = " "): string =
let innerWidth = width - (indent.len * 2)
indent = ""): string =
let innerWidth = ctx.termWidth - (indent.len * 2)
var lines: seq[string] = @[]
lines.add(indent & ".".repeat(innerWidth))
var topPadded = true
var showDetails = false
let issuesByContext = issues.groupBy("context")
@ -116,16 +118,23 @@ proc formatSection(ctx: CliContext, issues: seq[Issue], state: IssueState,
return lines.join("\n")
proc loadIssues(ctx: CliContext, state: IssueState): seq[Issue] =
result = loadIssues(joinPath(ctx.tasksDir, $state))
proc loadIssues(ctx: CliContext, state: IssueState) =
ctx.issues[state] = loadIssues(joinPath(ctx.tasksDir, $state))
proc loadAllIssues(ctx: CliContext) =
for state in IssueState:
ctx.issues[state] = loadIssues(ctx, state)
for state in IssueState: ctx.loadIssues(state)
proc sameDay(a, b: DateTime): bool =
result = a.year == b.year and a.yearday == b.yearday
proc formatHeader(ctx: CliContext, header: string): string =
var lines: seq[string] = @[]
return lines.join("\n")
when isMainModule:
@ -146,9 +155,11 @@ Options:
-C, --config <cfgFile> Location of the config file (defaults to $HOME/.pitrc)
-h, --help Print this usage information.
-T, --today Limit to today's issues.
-F, --future Limit to future issues.
-E, --echo-args Echo arguments (for debug purposes).
--tasks-dir Path to the tasks directory (defaults to the value
configured in the .pitrc file)
--term-width Manually set the terminal width to use.
@ -169,33 +180,40 @@ Options:
## Actual command runners
if args["list"]:
# Specific state request
if args["<state>"]:
let state = parseEnum[IssueState]($args["<state>"])
echo ctx.formatSection(ctx.issues[state], state)
let showBoth = args["--today"] == args["--future"]
let indent = if showBoth: " " else: ""
let fullWidth = 80
let innerWidth = fullWidth - 4
# Today's items
echo '_'.repeat(fullWidth)
echo "Today".center(fullWidth)
echo '~'.repeat(fullWidth)
echo ""
if args["--today"] or showBoth:
if showBoth: echo ctx.formatHeader("Today")
for s in [Current, TodoToday]:
echo ctx.formatSection(ctx.issues[s], s)
if ctx.issues.hasKey(s) and ctx.issues[s].len > 0:
echo ctx.formatSection(ctx.issues[s], s, indent)
echo ctx.formatSection(
if ctx.issues.hasKey(Done):
let doneIssues = ctx.issues[Done].filterIt(
it.properties.hasKey("completed") and
sameDay(now, it.getDateTime("completed"))), Done)
sameDay(now, it.getDateTime("completed")))
if doneIssues.len > 0:
echo ctx.formatSection(doneIssues, Done, indent)
# Future items
echo '_'.repeat(fullWidth)
echo "Future".center(fullWidth)
echo '~'.repeat(fullWidth)
echo ""
if args["--future"] or showBoth:
if showBoth: echo ctx.formatHeader("Future")
for s in [Pending, Todo]:
echo ctx.formatSection(ctx.issues[s], s)
if ctx.issues.hasKey(s) and ctx.issues[s].len > 0:
echo ctx.formatSection(ctx.issues[s], s, indent)
fatal "pit: " & getCurrentExceptionMsg()

View File

@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ type
Todo = "todo"
const ISO8601Format* = "yyyy:MM:dd'T'HH:mm:sszzz"
const DONE_FOLDER_FORMAT* = "yyyy-MM"
let ISSUE_FILE_PATTERN = re"[A-Fa-f0-9]{8}-[A-Fa-f0-9]{4}-[A-Fa-f0-9]{4}-[A-Fa-f0-9]{4}-[A-Fa-f0-9]{12}\.txt"
proc displayName*(s: IssueState): string =