diff --git a/libpit/project.properties b/libpit/project.properties
index 4db4631..6daa108 100755
--- a/libpit/project.properties
+++ b/libpit/project.properties
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ build.dir=build
diff --git a/libpit/release/pit-2.6.0.jar b/libpit/release/pit-2.6.0.jar
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d2736d1
Binary files /dev/null and b/libpit/release/pit-2.6.0.jar differ
diff --git a/pit-cli/lib/pit-2.6.0.jar b/pit-cli/lib/pit-2.6.0.jar
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d2736d1
Binary files /dev/null and b/pit-cli/lib/pit-2.6.0.jar differ
diff --git a/pit-cli/project.properties b/pit-cli/project.properties
index 80a3582..249562d 100755
--- a/pit-cli/project.properties
+++ b/pit-cli/project.properties
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-#Sat Feb 27 03:01:15 CST 2010
+#Tue, 09 Aug 2011 17:21:28 -0500
diff --git a/pit-cli/release/pit-cli-2.1.0.jar b/pit-cli/release/pit-cli-2.1.0.jar
deleted file mode 100755
index 3fcfcaf..0000000
Binary files a/pit-cli/release/pit-cli-2.1.0.jar and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/pit-cli/release/pit-cli-2.6.0.jar b/pit-cli/release/pit-cli-2.6.0.jar
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..887c437
Binary files /dev/null and b/pit-cli/release/pit-cli-2.6.0.jar differ
diff --git a/pit-cli/src/com/jdbernard/pit/PersonalIssueTrackerCLI.groovy b/pit-cli/src/com/jdbernard/pit/PersonalIssueTrackerCLI.groovy
index 5e62168..86929b7 100644
--- a/pit-cli/src/com/jdbernard/pit/PersonalIssueTrackerCLI.groovy
+++ b/pit-cli/src/com/jdbernard/pit/PersonalIssueTrackerCLI.groovy
@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ import com.jdbernard.pit.file.*
import static java.lang.Math.max
import static java.lang.Math.min
+// -------- command-line interface specification -------- //
def cli = new CliBuilder(usage: 'pit-cli [options]')
cli.h(longOpt: 'help', 'Show help information.')
cli.v(longOpt: 'verbose', 'Show verbose task information')
@@ -14,8 +16,8 @@ cli.i(argName: 'id', longOpt: 'id', args: 1,
'Filter issues by id. Accepts a comma-delimited list.')
cli.c(argName: 'category', longOpt: 'category', args: 1,
'Filter issues by category (bug, feature, task). Accepts a '
- + 'comma-delimited list.')
-cli.t(argName: 'status', longOpt: 'status', args: 1,
+ + 'comma-delimited list. By default all categories are selected.')
+cli.s(argName: 'status', longOpt: 'status', args: 1,
'Filter issues by status (new, reassigned, rejected, resolved, ' +
cli.p(argName: 'priority', longOpt: 'priority', args: 1,
@@ -24,152 +26,225 @@ cli.p(argName: 'priority', longOpt: 'priority', args: 1,
cli.r(argName: 'project', longOpt: 'project', args: 1,
'Filter issues by project (relative to the current directory). Accepts a '
+ 'comma-delimited list.')
-cli.s(longOpt: 'show-subprojects',
+/*cli.s(longOpt: 'show-subprojects',
'Include sup projects in listing (default behaviour)')
-cli.S(longOpt: 'no-subprojects', 'Do not list subprojects.')
+cli.S(longOpt: 'no-subprojects', 'Do not list subprojects.')*/ // TODO: figure out better flags for these options.
cli.P(argName: 'new-priority', longOpt: 'set-priority', args: 1,
required: false, 'Modify the priority of the selected issues.')
cli.C(argName: 'new-category', longOpt: 'set-category', args: 1,
required: false, 'Modify the category of the selected issues.')
-cli.T(argName: 'new-status', longOpt: 'set-status', args: 1,
+cli.S(argName: 'new-status', longOpt: 'set-status', args: 1,
required: false, 'Modify the status of the selected issues.')
cli.n(longOpt: 'new-issue', 'Create a new issue.')
cli.d(longOpt: 'dir', argName: 'dir', args: 1, required: false,
as the base directory (defaults to current directory).')
+// -------- parse CLI options -------- //
def opts = cli.parse(args)
def issuedb = [:]
def workingDir = new File('.')
-if (!opts) System.exit(1) // better solution?
+// defaults for the issue filter/selector
+def selectOpts = [
+ categories: ['bug', 'feature', 'task'],
+ status: ['new', 'validation_required'],
+ priority: 9,
+ projects: [],
+ ids: [],
+ acceptProjects: true]
-if (opts.h) cli.usage()
+// defaults for changing properties of issue(s)
+def assignOpts = [
+ category: Category.TASK,
+ status: Status.NEW,
+ priority: 5,
+ text: "New issue."]
-def categories = ['bug','feature','task']
-if (opts.c) categories = opts.c.split(/[,\s]/)
-categories = categories.collect { Category.toCategory(it) }
+if (!opts) opts.l = true; // default to 'list'
-def statusList = ['new', 'validation_required']
-if (opts.t) statusList = opts.t.split(/[,\s]/)
-statusList = statusList.collect { Status.toStatus(it) }
+if (opts.h) {
+ cli.usage()
+ System.exit(0) }
+// read the category filter designation(s)
+if (opts.c) {
+ if (opts.c =~ /all/) {} // no-op, same as defaults
+ else { selectOpts.categories = opts.c.split(/[,\s]/) } }
+// parse the categories names into Category objects
+try { selectOpts.categories =
+ selectOpts.categories.collect { Category.toCategory(it) } }
+catch (Exception e) {
+ println "Invalid category option: '-c ${e.localizedMessage}'."
+ println "Valid options are: \n${Category.values().join(', ')}"
+ println " (abbreviations are accepted)."
+ System.exit(1) }
+// read the status filter designation(s)
+if (opts.s) {
+ // -s all
+ if (opts.s =~ /all/) selectOpts.status = ['new', 'reassigned', 'rejected',
+ 'resolved', 'validation_required']
+ // is
+ else selectOpts.status = opts.s.split(/[,\s]/) }
+// parse the statuses into Status objects
+try { selectOpts.status =
+ selectOpts.status.collect { Status.toStatus(it) } }
+catch (Exception e) {
+ println "Invalid status option: '-s ${e.localizedMessage}'."
+ println "Valid options are: \b${Status.values().join(', ')}"
+ println " (abbreviations are accepted.)"
+ System.exit(1) }
+// read and parse the priority filter
+if (opts.p) try {
+ selectOpts.priority = opts.p.toInteger() }
+catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
+ println "Not a valid priority value: '-p ${opts.p}'."
+ println "Valid values are: 0-9"
+ System.exit(1) }
+// read and parse the projects filter
+if (opts.r) { selectOpts.projects =
+ opts.r.toLowerCase().split(/[,\s]/).asType(List.class) }
+// read and parse the ids filter
+if (opts.i) { selectOpts.ids = opts.i.split(/[,\s]/).asType(List.class) }
+// TODO: accept projects value from input
+// read and parse the category to assign
+if (opts.C) try { assignOpts.category = Category.toCategory(opts.C) }
+catch (Exception e) {
+ println "Invalid category option: '-C ${e.localizedMessage}'."
+ println "Valid categories are: \n${Category.values().join(', ')}"
+ println " (abbreviations are accepted)."
+ System.exit(1) }
+// read and parse the status to assign
+if (opts.S) try { assignOpts.status = Status.toStatus(opts.S) }
+catch (Exception e) {
+ println "Invalid status option: '-S ${e.localizedMessage}'."
+ println "Valid stasus options are: \n{Status.values().join(', ')}"
+ println " (abbreviations are accepted)."
+ System.exit(1) }
+// read and parse the priority to assign
+if (opts.P) try {assignOpts.priority = opts.P.toInteger() }
+catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
+ println "Not a valid priority value: '-P ${opts.P}'."
+ println "Valid values are: 0-9"
+ System.exit(1) }
+// look for assignment text
+if (opts.getArgs().length > 0) {
+ assignOpts.text = opts.getArgs()[0] }
+// set the project working directory
if (opts.d) {
workingDir = new File(opts.d.trim())
if (!workingDir.exists()) {
println "Directory '${workingDir}' does not exist."
- return -1
- }
+ return -1 } }
def EOL = System.getProperty('line.separator')
// build issue list
issuedb = new FileProject(workingDir)
// build filter from options
-def filter = new Filter('categories': categories,
- 'status': statusList,
- 'priority': (opts.p ? opts.p.toInteger() : 9),
- 'projects': (opts.r ? opts.r.toLowerCase().split(/[,\s]/).asType(List.class) : []),
- 'ids': (opts.i ? opts.i.split(/[,\s]/).asType(List.class) : []),
- 'acceptProjects': (opts.s || !opts.S))
+def filter = new Filter(selectOpts)
// list first
if (opts.l) {
+ // local function (closure) to print a single issue
def printIssue = { issue, offset ->
println "${offset}${issue}"
if (opts.v) {
println ""
issue.text.eachLine { println "${offset} ${it}" }
- println ""
- }
- }
+ println "" } }
+ // local function (closure) to print a project and all visible subprojects
def printProject
printProject = { project, offset ->
println "\n${offset}${project.name}"
println "${offset}${'-'.multiply(project.name.length())}"
project.eachIssue(filter) { printIssue(it, offset) }
- project.eachProject(filter) { printProject(it, offset + " ") }
- }
+ project.eachProject(filter) { printProject(it, offset + " ") } }
+ // print all the issues in the root of this db
issuedb.eachIssue(filter) { printIssue(it, "") }
- issuedb.eachProject(filter) { printProject(it, "") }
+ // print all projects
+ issuedb.eachProject(filter) { printProject(it, "") } }
-// change priority second
-else if (opts.P) {
- def priority
- try { priority = max(0, min(9, opts.P.toInteger())) }
- catch (e) { println "Invalid priority: ${opts.P}"; return 1 }
- walkProject(issuedb, filter) { it.priority = priority }
-// change category third
-else if (opts.C) {
- def cat
- try { cat = Category.toCategory(opts.C) }
- catch (e) { println "Invalid category: ${opts.C}"; return 1 }
- walkProject(issuedb, filter) { it.category = cat }
-// change status fourth
-else if (opts.T) {
- def status
- try { status = Status.toStatus(opts.T) }
- catch (e) { println "Invalid status: ${opts.T}"; return 1 }
- walkProject(issuedb, filter) { it.status = status }
-// new entry last
+// new issues second
else if (opts.n) {
def cat, priority
String text = ""
Issue issue
def sin = System.in.newReader()
- while(true) {
- try {
- print "Category (bug, feature, task, closed): "
- cat = Category.toCategory(sin.readLine())
- break
- } catch (e) {
- println "Invalid category: " + e.getLocalizedMessage()
- println "Valid options are: \n${Category.values().join(', ')}\n " +
- "(abbreviations are accepted.)"
- }
- }
+ if (opts.C) { cat = assignOpts.category }
+ else while(true) {
+ try {
+ print "Category (bug, feature, task, closed): "
+ cat = Category.toCategory(sin.readLine())
+ break }
+ catch (e) {
+ println "Invalid category: " + e.getLocalizedMessage()
+ println "Valid options are: \n${Category.values().join(', ')}"
+ println " (abbreviations are accepted)." } }
- while (true) {
+ if (opts.P) { priority = assignOpts.priority }
+ else while (true) {
try {
print "Priority (0-9): "
priority = max(0, min(9, sin.readLine().toInteger()))
- break
- } catch (e) { println "Not a valid value." }
- }
+ break }
+ catch (e) { println "Not a valid value." } }
- println "Enter issue (use EOF or ^D to end): "
- try {
- sin.eachLine { line ->
- def m = line =~ /(.*)EOF.*/
- if (m) {
- text += m[0][1] + EOL
- sin.close()
- } else text += line + EOL
- }
- } catch (e) {}
+ if (opts.getArgs().length > 0) { text = assignOpts.text }
+ else {
+ println "Enter issue (use EOF): "
+ try {
+ def line = ""
+ while(true) {
+ line = sin.readLine()
+ if (line =~ /EOF/) break
+ text += line + EOL
+ } }
+ catch (e) {} }
issue = issuedb.createNewIssue(category: cat, priority: priority, text: text)
println "New issue created: "
- println issue
+ println issue }
+// last, changes to existing issues
+else {
+ // change priority
+ if (opts.P) walkProject(issuedb, filter) {
+ it.priority = assignOpts.priority
+ println "[${it}] -- set priority to ${assignOpts.priority}"}
+ // change third
+ else if (opts.C) walkProject(issuedb, filter) {
+ it.category = assignOpts.cat
+ println "[${it}] -- set category to ${assignOpts.category}"}
+ // change status
+ else if (opts.S) walkProject(issuedb, filter) {
+ it.status = assignOpts.status
+ println "[${it}] -- set status to ${assignOpts.status}"}
+// walk every issue and project in this project recursively and execute the
+// given closure on each issue that meets the filter criteria
def walkProject(Project p, Filter filter, Closure c) {
p.eachIssue(filter, c)
p.eachProject(filter) { walkProject(it, filter, c) }
-def printProject(Project project, String offset, Filter filter, boolean verbose = false) {
diff --git a/version.properties b/version.properties
index 9d9db1b..5d78337 100755
--- a/version.properties
+++ b/version.properties
@@ -1 +1 @@