Refactored Issues/Projects in to abstract classes with further implementations.
ALl tests passing. Ran into some frustrationg aspects of Groovy
This commit is contained in:
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
<formatter type="brief" usefile="false" />
<fileset dir="${build.dir}/tests">
<include name="**/*.class"/>
<include name="**/*Test.class"/>
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
#Thu Feb 18 12:01:49 CST 2010
#Sat Feb 20 22:25:08 CST 2010
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
package com.jdbernard.pit
import java.lang.IllegalArgumentException as IAE
public class FileIssue extends Issue {
File source
FileIssue(File file) {
/* I do not like this construction, but groovy automatically
* calls obj.setProperty(...) when you type = ...
* There is an exception for fields accessed withing the class
* that defines them, it does not catt eh setter/getter, but
* this exception does not extend to subclasses accessing member
* variables of their parent class. So instead of using Issue's
* default constructor and setting the id, category, and priority
* fields here, we have to let Issue's constructor initialize
* those values.*/
super(( =~ /(\d+)([bcft])(\d).*/)[0][1],
Category.toCategory(( =~ /(\d+)([bcft])(\d).*/)[0][2]),
( =~ /(\d+)([bcft])(\d).*/)[0][3].toInteger())
//def matcher = =~ /(\d{4})([bftc])(\d).*/
/*if (!matcher) return null
id = matcher[0][1]
category = Category.toCategory(matcher[0][2])
priority = matcher[0][3].toInteger()*/
this.source = file
file.withReader { title = it.readLine() }
text = file.text
void setCategory(Category c) {
source.renameTo(new File(source.canonicalFile.parentFile, getFilename()))
void setPriority(int p) {
source.renameTo(new File(source.canonicalFile.parentFile, getFilename()))
String getFilename() { return makeFilename(id, category, priority) }
static boolean isValidFilename(String name) {
return name ==~ /(\d+)([bcft])(\d).*/
static String makeFilename(String id, Category category, int priority) {
// bounds check priority
priority = Math.min(9, Math.max(0, priority))
//check for valid values of cateogry and id
if (category == null)
throw new IAE("Category must be non-null.")
if (!(id ==~ /\d+/))
throw new IAE( "'${id}' is not a legal value for id.")
return id + category.symbol + priority + ".rst";
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
package com.jdbernard.pit
class FileProject extends Project {
File source
FileProject(File dir) {
if (!dir.isDirectory())
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"${} is not a directory.")
this.source = dir
dir.eachFile { child ->
// add sub projects
if (child.isDirectory()) {
if ( ==~ /\d{4}/) return // just an issue folder
// otherwise build and add to list
projects[(] = new FileProject(child)
} else if (child.isFile()) {
def issue
// if exception, then not an issue
try { issue = new FileIssue(child) } catch (all) { return }
issues[(] = issue
public void rename(String newName) {
|||| = newName
public void setName(String name) {
source.renameTo(new File(source.canonicalFile.parentFile, name))
public FileIssue createNewIssue(Map options) {
if (!options) options = [:]
if (!options.category) options.category = Category.TASK
if (!options.priority) options.priority = 5
if (!options.text) options.text = "Default issue title.\n" +
String id
if (issues.size() == 0) id = '0000'
else {
id = (issues.values().max { }).id
id = (id.toInteger() + 1).toString().padLeft(id.length(), '0')
def issueFile = new File(source, FileIssue.makeFilename(id, options.category, options.priority))
assert !issueFile.exists()
return new FileIssue(issueFile)
String toString() { return name }
@ -4,62 +4,26 @@ import java.lang.IllegalArgumentException as IAE
public class Issue {
final String id
String id
Category category
int priority
String title
String text
File source
Issue(File file) {
def matcher = =~ /(\d{4})([bftc])(\d).*/
if (!matcher) return null
this.source = file
id = matcher[0][1]
category = Category.toCategory(matcher[0][2])
priority = matcher[0][3].toInteger()
file.withReader { title = it.readLine() }
text = file.text
Issue(String id, Category c = Category.TASK, int p = 9) {
|||| = id
this.category = c
this.priority = p
void setCategory(Category c) {
if (category == null)
if (c == null)
throw new IAE("Category cannot be null.")
this.category = c
source.renameTo(new File(source.canonicalFile.parentFile, getFilename()))
void setPriority(int p) {
// bounds check priority
priority = Math.min(9, Math.max(0, priority))
source.renameTo(new File(source.canonicalFile.parentFile, getFilename()))
String getFilename() { return makeFilename(id, category, priority) }
static String makeFilename(String id, Category category, int priority) {
// bounds check priority
priority = Math.min(9, Math.max(0, priority))
//check for valid values of cateogry and id
if (category == null)
throw new IAE("Category must be non-null.")
if (!(/\d+/ ==~ id))
throw new IAE( "'${id}' is not a legal value for id.")
return id + category.symbol + priority + ".rst";
void setPriority(int p) { priority = Math.min(9, Math.max(0, p)) }
String toString() { return "${id}(${priority}): ${category} ${title}" }
@ -1,45 +1,12 @@
package com.jdbernard.pit
class Project {
public abstract class Project {
String name
Map<String, Issue> issues = [:]
Map<String, Project> projects = [:]
File source
Project(File dir) {
if (!dir.isDirectory())
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"${} is not a directory.")
this.source = dir
|||| =
dir.eachFile { child ->
// add sub projects
if (child.isDirectory()) {
if ( ==~ /\d{4}/) return // just an issue folder
// otherwise build and add to list
projects[(] = new Project(child)
} else if (child.isFile()) {
def issue
// if exception, then not an issue
try { issue = new Issue(child) } catch (all) { return }
issues[(] = issue
public void rename(String newName) {
|||| = newName
source.renameTo(new File(source.canonicalFile.parentFile, newName))
public void setName(String name) { rename(name) }
Project(String name) { = name }
public void eachIssue(Filter filter = null, Closure c) {
def sorter = filter?.issueSorter ?: Filter.defaultIssueSorter
@ -55,46 +22,8 @@ class Project {
/*public void each(Filter filter = null, Closure c) {
def is = filter?.issueSorter ?: Filter.defaultIssueSorter
def ps = filter?.projectSorter ?: Filter.defaultProjectSorter
for (issue in issues.values().sort(is)) {
if (filter && !filter.accept(issue))
for (project in projects.values().sort(ps)) {
if (filter && !filter.accept(project))
public Issue createNewIssue(Map options) {
if (!options.category) options.category = Category.TASK
if (!options.priority) options.priority = 5
if (!options.text) options.text = "Default issue title.\n" +
String id
if (issues.size() == 0) id = '0000'
else {
id = (issues.values().max { }).id
id = (id.toInteger() + 1).toString().padLeft(id.length(), '0')
def issueFile = new File(source, Issue.makeFilename(id, options.category, options.priority))
assert !issueFile.exists()
return new Issue(issueFile)
String toString() { return name }
public abstract Issue createNewIssue(Map options)
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
public package com.jdbernard.pit
package com.jdbernard.pit
import org.junit.Test
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import static com.jdbernard.pit.Category.toCategory
class CategoryTest {
@Test testToCategory() {
@Test void testToCategory() {
assertEquals toCategory("BUG"), Category.BUG
assertEquals toCategory("FEATURE"), Category.FEATURE
@ -16,21 +16,21 @@ class CategoryTest {
assertEquals toCategory("bug"), Category.BUG
assertEquals toCategory("feature"), Category.FEATURE
assertEquals toCategory("task"), Category.TASk
assertEquals toCategory("task"), Category.TASK
assertEquals toCategory("closed"), Category.CLOSED
assertEquals toCategory("b"), Category.BUG
assertEquals toCategory("f"), Category.FEATURE
assertEquals toCategory("t"), Category.TASk
assertEquals toCategory("t"), Category.TASK
assertEquals toCategory("c"), Category.CLOSED
@Test testGetSymbol() {
@Test void testGetSymbol() {
assertEquals Category.BUG.symbol, "b"
assertEquals Category.CLOSED.symbol "c"
assertEquals Category.FEATURE.symbol "f"
assertEquals Category.TASK.symbol "t"
assertEquals Category.CLOSED.symbol, "c"
assertEquals Category.FEATURE.symbol, "f"
assertEquals Category.TASK.symbol, "t"
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals
class IssueTest {
class FileIssueTest {
def issues
File testDir
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ class IssueTest {
"Add the killer feature to the killer app.\n" +
"=========================================\n\n" +
"Make our killer app shine!.")
issues << new Issue(issueFile)
issues << new FileIssue(issueFile)
issueFile = new File(testDir, '0002t5.rst')
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ class IssueTest {
"==============\n\n" +
"The office is seriously lacking in sugary donuts.\n\n" +
"We must rectify this at once!")
issues << new Issue(issueFile)
issues << new FileIssue(issueFile)
@After void deleteIssueFiles() {
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ class IssueTest {
@Test void testConstruction() {
File issueFile = new File(testDir, '0001f1.rst')
Issue issue = new Issue(issueFile)
Issue issue = new FileIssue(issueFile)
assertEquals , "0001"
assertEquals issue.category , Category.FEATURE
@ -86,20 +86,20 @@ class IssueTest {
@Test void testMakeFilename() {
assertEquals Issue.makeFilename('0001', Category.BUG, 5) , '0001b5.rst'
assertEquals Issue.makeFilename('0010', Category.FEATURE, 1), '0010f1.rst'
assertEquals Issue.makeFilename('0002', Category.CLOSED, 3) , '0002c3.rst'
assertEquals Issue.makeFilename('0001', Category.BUG, -2) , '0001b0.rst'
assertEquals Issue.makeFilename('0001', Category.TASK, 10) , '0001t9.rst'
assertEquals Issue.makeFilename('00101', Category.BUG, 5) , '00101b5.rst'
assertEquals FileIssue.makeFilename('0001', Category.BUG, 5) , '0001b5.rst'
assertEquals FileIssue.makeFilename('0010', Category.FEATURE, 1), '0010f1.rst'
assertEquals FileIssue.makeFilename('0002', Category.CLOSED, 3) , '0002c3.rst'
assertEquals FileIssue.makeFilename('0001', Category.BUG, -2) , '0001b0.rst'
assertEquals FileIssue.makeFilename('0001', Category.TASK, 10) , '0001t9.rst'
assertEquals FileIssue.makeFilename('00101', Category.BUG, 5) , '00101b5.rst'
try {
Issue.makeFilename('badid', Category.BUG, 5)
FileIssue.makeFilename('badid', Category.BUG, 5)
assertTrue 'Issue.makeFilename() succeeded with bad id input.', false
} catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {}
try {
Issue.makeFilename('0002', null, 5)
FileIssue.makeFilename('0002', null, 5)
assertTrue 'Issue.makeFilename() succeeded given no Category.', false
} catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {}
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue
class ProjectTest {
class FileProjectTest {
File testDir
Project rootProj
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ class ProjectTest {
subDir = new File(testDir, 'emptyproj')
rootProj = new Project(testDir)
rootProj = new FileProject(testDir)
@After void deleteTestProjects() {
@ -80,11 +80,11 @@ class ProjectTest {
@Test void testConstruction() {
Project proj = new Project(testDir)
Project proj = new FileProject(testDir)
assertEquals, 'testdir'
assertEquals proj.issues.size(), 3
assertEquals proj.projects.size(), 1
assertEquals proj.projects.size(), 2
// Issue construction in general is under test in IssueTest
// just check that the issues actually exists
@ -110,13 +110,14 @@ class ProjectTest {
'Zippners are not zippning.'
assertNotNull proj.projects.emptyproj
assertEquals proj.projects.emptyproj.size(), 0
assertEquals proj.projects.emptyproj.issues.size(), 0
assertEquals proj.projects.emptyproj.projects.size(), 0
@Test void testRename() {
assert == 'testdir'
|||| = 'renamedTestDir'
assertEquals, 'renamedTestDir'
assertTrue new File('renamedTestDir').exists()
@ -146,23 +147,4 @@ class ProjectTest {
/*@Test void testEachIssue() {
def expectedList = [rootProj.issues['0001'],
rootProj.issues['0002'], rootProj.issues['0003']]
// sort using default ordering (ids ascending)
def actualList = []
rootProj.eachIssue { actualList << it }
assertArrayEquals expectedList, actualList
// sort using reverse ordering (ids descending)
expectedList = expectedList.reverse()
actualList = []
new Filter(issueSorter: { -( }))
{ actualList << it }
@ -1,11 +1,96 @@
package com.jdbernard.pit
import org.junit.Test
import org.junit.Before
import org.junit.After
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse
class FilterTest {
@Test void emptyTest() {
Project proj
@Before void setUpIssues() {
proj = new MockProject('proj1')
def issue = new Issue( '0000', Category.TASK, 5)
proj.issues['0000'] = issue
issue = new Issue('0001', Category.BUG, 3)
proj.issues['0001'] = issue
issue = new Issue('0002', Category.CLOSED, 9)
proj.issues['0002'] = issue
issue = new Issue('0003', Category.FEATURE, 0)
proj.issues['0003'] = issue
def subProj = new MockProject('subproj1')
proj.projects['subproj1'] = subProj
subProj = new MockProject('subproj2')
proj.projects['subproj2'] = subProj
@Test void testDefaultFilter() {
Filter f = new Filter()
proj.issues.values().each { assertTrue f.accept(it) }
proj.projects.values().each { assertTrue f.accept(it) }
@Test void testPriorityIssueFilter() {
Filter f = new Filter(priority: 9)
proj.eachIssue { assertTrue f.accept(it) }
f.priority = 6
assertTrue f.accept(proj.issues['0000'])
assertTrue f.accept(proj.issues['0001'])
assertFalse f.accept(proj.issues['0002'])
assertTrue f.accept(proj.issues['0003'])
f.priority = 5
assertTrue f.accept(proj.issues['0000'])
assertTrue f.accept(proj.issues['0001'])
assertFalse f.accept(proj.issues['0002'])
assertTrue f.accept(proj.issues['0003'])
f.priority = 0
assertFalse f.accept(proj.issues['0000'])
assertFalse f.accept(proj.issues['0001'])
assertFalse f.accept(proj.issues['0002'])
assertTrue f.accept(proj.issues['0003'])
@Test void testCategoryFilter() {
Filter f = new Filter(categories:
[Category.BUG, Category.FEATURE, Category.TASK])
assertTrue f.accept(proj.issues['0000'])
assertTrue f.accept(proj.issues['0001'])
assertFalse f.accept(proj.issues['0002'])
assertTrue f.accept(proj.issues['0003'])
f.categories = [ Category.CLOSED ]
assertFalse f.accept(proj.issues['0000'])
assertFalse f.accept(proj.issues['0001'])
assertTrue f.accept(proj.issues['0002'])
assertFalse f.accept(proj.issues['0003'])
f.categories = [ Category.BUG, Category.FEATURE ]
assertFalse f.accept(proj.issues['0000'])
assertTrue f.accept(proj.issues['0001'])
assertFalse f.accept(proj.issues['0002'])
assertTrue f.accept(proj.issues['0003'])
@Test void testProjectFilter() {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
package com.jdbernard.pit
class MockProject extends Project {
public MockProject(String name) { super(name) }
public Issue createNewIssue(Map options) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException()
Reference in New Issue
Block a user