From 59440d2c9df6b7f9f4b99b3e824e64d5f79fce83 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonathan Bernard <>
Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2022 15:01:07 -0600
Subject: [PATCH] Remove unused, old copies of usage and outline text.

 src/online-help.txt | 93 ---------------------------------------------
 src/usage.txt       | 62 ------------------------------
 2 files changed, 155 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 src/online-help.txt
 delete mode 100644 src/usage.txt

diff --git a/src/online-help.txt b/src/online-help.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 663289e..0000000
--- a/src/online-help.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-Issue States:
-  PIT organizes issues around their state, which is one of:
-    current     - issues actively being worked
-    todo-today  - issues planned for today
-    pending     - issues that are blocked by some third-party
-    done        - issues that have been completely resolved
-    todo        - issues that need to be done in the future
-    dormant     - issues that are low-priority, to be tracked, but hidden
-                  by default
-Issue Properties:
-  PIT supports adding arbitrary properties to any issue to track any metadata
-  about the issue the user may wish. There are several properties that have
-  special behavior attached to them. They are:
-    created
-      If present, expected to be an ISO 8601-formatted date that represents the
-      time when the issue was created.
-    completed
-      If present, expected to be an ISO 8601-formatted date that represents the
-      time when the issue moved to the "done" state.  PIT will add this
-      property automatically when you use the "done" command, and can filter on
-      this value.
-    context
-      Allows issues to be organized into contexts. The -c option is short-hand
-      for '-p context:<context-name>' and the 'list contexts' command will show
-      all values of 'context' set in existing issues.
-    delegated-to
-      When an issue now belongs to someone else, but needs to be monitored for
-      completion, this allows you to keep the issue in its current state but
-      note how it has been delegated. When present PIT will prepend this value
-      to the issue summary with an accent color.
-    hide-until
-      When present, expected to be an ISO 8601-formatted date and used to
-      supress the display of the issue until on or after the given date.
-    pending
-      When an issue is blocked by a third party, this property can be used to
-      capture details about the dependency When present PIT will display this
-      value after the issue summary.
-    recurrence
-      When an issue is moved to the "done" state, if the issue has a valid
-      "recurrence" property, PIT will create a new issue and set the
-      "hide-until" property for that new issue depending on the recurrence
-      definition.
-      A valid recurrence value has a time value and optionally has an source
-      issue ID. For example:
-        every 5 days, 10a544
-      The first word, "every", is expected to be either "every" or "after".
-      The second portion is expected to be a time period. Supported time units
-      are "hour", "day", "week", "month", an "year", along with the plural
-      forms (e.g. "5 days", "8 hours", etc.).
-      The final portion is the source issue ID. This is optional. When a source
-      issue ID is given, the new issue is created as a clone of the given
-      issue. When not given, the issue being closed is used for cloning.
-      The "every" and "after" keywords allow the user to choose whether the new
-      issue is created based on the creation time ("every") or the completion
-      time ("after") of the issue being closed based.
-      Examples:
-        every day
-        every 2 days
-        after 2 days
-        every week
-        after 12 hours
-        every 2 weeks, 10a544
-    tags
-      If present, expected to be a comma-delimited list of text tags. The -g
-      option is a short-hand for '-p tags:<tags-value>'.
diff --git a/src/usage.txt b/src/usage.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 20d0633..0000000
--- a/src/usage.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-const USAGE* ="""\
-  pit ( new | add) <summary> [<state>] [options]
-  pit list contexts [options]
-  pit list [<stateOrId>...] [options]
-  pit ( start | done | pending | todo-today | todo | suspend ) <id>... [options]
-  pit edit <ref>... [options]
-  pit tag <id>... [options]
-  pit untag <id>... [options]
-  pit reorder <state> [options]
-  pit delegate <id> <delegated-to>
-  pit hide-until <id> <date> [options]
-  pit ( delete | rm ) <id>... [options]
-  pit add-binary-property <id> <propName> <propSource> [options]
-  pit get-binary-property <id> <propName> <propDest> [options]
-  pit help
-  -h, --help                Print this usage and help information.
-  -p, --properties <props>  Specify properties. Formatted as "key:val;key:val"
-                            When used with the list command this option applies
-                            a filter to the issues listed, only allowing those
-                            which have all of the given properties.
-  -c, --context <ctxName>   Shorthand for '-p context:<ctxName>'
-  -g, --tags <tags>         Specify tags for an issue.
-  -T, --today               Limit to today's issues.
-  -F, --future              Limit to future issues.
-  -H, --show-hidden         Show all matching issues, ignoring any 'hide-until'
-                            properties set.
-  -m, --match <pattern>     Limit to issues whose summaries match the given
-                            pattern (PCRE regex supported).
-  -M, --match-all <pat>     Limit to the issues whose summaries or details
-                            match the given pattern (PCRE regex supported).
-  -v, --verbose             Show issue details when listing issues.
-  -q, --quiet               Suppress verbose output.
-  -y, --yes                 Automatically answer "yes" to any prompts.
-  -C, --config <cfgFile>    Location of the config file (defaults to $HOME/.pitrc)
-  -E, --echo-args           Echo arguments (for debug purposes).
-  -d, --tasks-dir           Path to the tasks directory (defaults to the value
-                            configured in the .pitrc file)
-  --term-width <width>      Manually set the terminal width to use.
-  --ptk                     Enable PTK integration for this command.
-  --debug                   Enable debug-level log output.