Reorganize code into submodules.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,182 +1,17 @@
import docopt, json, osproc, posix, nre, streams, strtabs, tables, terminal, unicode
import os except sleep
import nre, terminal, strtabs, tables, unicode
import strutils except toUpper, toLower
import ./cliutilspkg/config
import ./cliutilspkg/daemonize
import ./cliutilspkg/procutil
export config
export daemonize
export procutil
CombinedConfig* = object
docopt*: Table[string, Value]
json*: JsonNode
TermColor = ForegroundColor or BackgroundColor
proc getVal*(cfg: CombinedConfig, key: string): string =
let argKey = "--" & key
let envKey = key.replace('-', '_').toUpper
let jsonKey = key.replace(re"(-\w)", proc (m: RegexMatch): string = ($m)[1..1].toUpper)
if cfg.docopt.contains(argKey) and cfg.docopt[argKey]: return $cfg.docopt[argKey]
elif existsEnv(envKey): return getEnv(envKey)
elif cfg.json.hasKey(jsonKey):
let node = cfg.json[jsonKey]
case node.kind
of JString: return node.getStr
of JInt: return $node.getInt
of JFloat: return $node.getFloat
of JBool: return $node.getBool
of JNull: return ""
of JObject: return $node
of JArray: return $node
else: raise newException(ValueError, "cannot find a configuration value for \"" & key & "\"")
proc getVal*(cfg: CombinedConfig, key, default: string): string =
try: return getVal(cfg, key)
except: return default
proc loadEnv*(): StringTableRef =
result = newStringTable()
for k, v in envPairs():
result[k] = v
## Process execution
type HandleProcMsgCB* = proc (outMsg: TaintedString,
errMsg: TaintedString, cmd: string): void
proc sendMsg*(h: HandleProcMsgCB, outMsg: TaintedString,
errMsg: TaintedString = "", cmd: string = ""): void =
if h != nil: h(outMsg, errMsg, cmd)
proc makeProcMsgHandler*(outSink, errSink: File, prefixCmd: bool = true): HandleProcMsgCB =
result = proc(outMsg, errMsg: TaintedString, cmd: string): void {.closure.} =
let prefix = if cmd.len == 0 or not prefixCmd: "" else: cmd & ": "
if outMsg.len > 0: outSink.writeLine(prefix & outMsg)
if errMsg.len > 0: errSink.writeLine(prefix & errMsg)
proc makeProcMsgHandler*(outSink, errSink: Stream, prefixCmd: bool = true): HandleProcMsgCB =
result = proc(outMsg, errMsg: TaintedString, cmd: string): void {.closure.} =
let prefix = if cmd.len == 0 or not prefixCmd: "" else: cmd & ": "
if outMsg.len > 0: outSink.writeLine(prefix & outMsg)
if errMsg.len > 0: errSink.writeLine(prefix & errMsg)
proc combineProcMsgHandlers*(a, b: HandleProcMsgCB): HandleProcMsgCB =
if a == nil: result = b
elif b == nil: result = a
result = proc(cmd: string, outMsg, errMsg: TaintedString): void =
a(cmd, outMsg, errMsg)
b(cmd, outMsg, errMsg)
proc waitFor*(p: Process, msgCB: HandleProcMsgCB, procCmd: string = ""): int =
var pout = outputStream(p)
var perr = errorStream(p)
var line = newStringOfCap(120).TaintedString
while true:
if pout.readLine(line):
msgCB.sendMsg(line, "", procCmd)
elif perr.readLine(line):
msgCB.sendMsg("", line, procCmd)
result = peekExitCode(p)
if result != -1: break
proc exec*(command: string, workingDir: string = "",
args: openArray[string] = [], env: StringTableRef = nil,
options: set[ProcessOption] = {poUsePath},
msgCB: HandleProcMsgCB = nil): int
{.tags: [ExecIOEffect, ReadIOEffect, RootEffect], gcsafe.} =
var p = startProcess(command, workingDir, args, env, options)
result = waitFor(p, msgCB, command)
proc execWithOutput*(command: string, workingDir:string = "",
args: openArray[string] = [], env: StringTableRef = nil,
options: set[ProcessOption] = {poUsePath},
msgCB: HandleProcMsgCB = nil):
tuple[output, error: TaintedString, exitCode: int] =
result = (TaintedString"", TaintedString"", -1)
var outSeq, errSeq: seq[TaintedString]
outSeq = @[]; errSeq = @[]
let outputCollector = combineProcMsgHandlers(msgCB,
proc(outMsg, errMsg: TaintedString, cmd: string): void {.closure.} =
if outMsg.len > 0: outSeq.add(outMsg)
if errMsg.len > 0: errSeq.add(errMsg))
result[2] = exec(command, workingDir, args, env, options, outputCollector)
result[0] = outSeq.join("\n")
result[1] = errSeq.join("\n")
## Daemonize
pidFileInner: string
fi, fo, fe: File
proc onStop(sig: cint) {.noconv.} =
proc daemonize*(pidfile, si, so, se: string, daemonMain: proc(): void): Pid =
if fileExists(pidfile):
raise newException(IOError, "pidfile " & pidfile & " already exists, daemon already running?")
let pid1 = fork()
# Are we the child process?
if pid1 == 0:
# Yes, so let's get ready to execute the main code given to us.
discard chdir("/")
discard setsid()
discard umask(0)
# Fork again... but I'm not sure why.
let pid2 = fork()
# We don't need the intermediate process, so if we are not the child this
# time, lets just quit
if pid2 > 0: quit(QuitSuccess)
# If we are the grandchild let's set up our environment.
if si.len > 0:
fi = open(si, fmRead)
discard dup2(getFileHandle(fi), getFileHandle(stdin))
if so.len > 0:
fo = open(so, fmAppend)
discard dup2(getFileHandle(fo), getFileHandle(stdout))
if se.len > 0:
fe = open(se, fmAppend)
discard dup2(getFileHandle(fe), getFileHandle(stderr))
pidFileInner = pidfile
# Add hooks to cleanup after ourselves when we're asked to die.
signal(SIGINT, onStop)
signal(SIGTERM, onStop)
# Find out what our actual PID is and save it
let childPid = getpid()
writeFile(pidfile, $childPid)
# Finally, execute our main
return pid1
const termReset* = "\e[0;m"
proc termColor*(color: TermColor, bright, bold = false): string =
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
import docopt, json, nre, os, strtabs, strutils
CombinedConfig* = object
docopt*: Table[string, Value]
json*: JsonNode
template walkFieldDefs*(t: NimNode, body: untyped) =
let tTypeImpl = t.getTypeImpl
var nodeToItr: NimNode
if tTypeImpl.typeKind == ntyObject: nodeToItr = tTypeImpl[2]
elif tTypeImpl.typeKind == ntyTypeDesc: nodeToItr = tTypeImpl.getType[1].getType[2]
else: error $t & " is not an object or type desc (it's a " & $tTypeImpl.typeKind & ")."
for fieldDef {.inject.} in nodeToItr.children:
# ignore AST nodes that are not field definitions
if fieldDef.kind == nnkIdentDefs:
let fieldIdent {.inject.} = fieldDef[0]
let fieldType {.inject.} = fieldDef[1]
elif fieldDef.kind == nnkSym:
let fieldIdent {.inject.} = fieldDef
let fieldType {.inject.} = fieldDef.getType
# TODO: Generic config loader
# macro loadConfig*(filePath: string, cfgType: typed, args: Table[string, docopt.Value): untyped =
# result = newNimNode(nnkObjConstr).(cfgType)
# var idx = 0
# cfgType.walkFieldDefs:
# let valLookup = quote do: `getVal`(
proc getVal*(cfg: CombinedConfig, key: string): string =
let argKey = "--" & key
let envKey = key.replace('-', '_').toUpper
let jsonKey = key.replace(re"(-\w)", proc (m: RegexMatch): string = ($m)[1..1].toUpper)
if cfg.docopt.contains(argKey) and cfg.docopt[argKey]: return $cfg.docopt[argKey]
elif existsEnv(envKey): return getEnv(envKey)
elif cfg.json.hasKey(jsonKey):
let node = cfg.json[jsonKey]
case node.kind
of JString: return node.getStr
of JInt: return $node.getInt
of JFloat: return $node.getFloat
of JBool: return $node.getBool
of JNull: return ""
of JObject: return $node
of JArray: return $node
else: raise newException(ValueError, "cannot find a configuration value for \"" & key & "\"")
proc getVal*(cfg: CombinedConfig, key, default: string): string =
try: return getVal(cfg, key)
except: return default
proc loadEnv*(): StringTableRef =
result = newStringTable()
for k, v in envPairs():
result[k] = v
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
import posix
import os except sleep
## Daemonize
pidFileInner: string
fi, fo, fe: File
proc onStop(sig: cint) {.noconv.} =
proc daemonize*(pidfile, si, so, se: string, daemonMain: proc(): void): Pid =
if fileExists(pidfile):
raise newException(IOError, "pidfile " & pidfile & " already exists, daemon already running?")
let pid1 = fork()
# Are we the child process?
if pid1 == 0:
# Yes, so let's get ready to execute the main code given to us.
discard chdir("/")
discard setsid()
discard umask(0)
# Fork again... but I'm not sure why.
let pid2 = fork()
# We don't need the intermediate process, so if we are not the child this
# time, lets just quit
if pid2 > 0: quit(QuitSuccess)
# If we are the grandchild let's set up our environment.
if si.len > 0:
fi = open(si, fmRead)
discard dup2(getFileHandle(fi), getFileHandle(stdin))
if so.len > 0:
fo = open(so, fmAppend)
discard dup2(getFileHandle(fo), getFileHandle(stdout))
if se.len > 0:
fe = open(se, fmAppend)
discard dup2(getFileHandle(fe), getFileHandle(stderr))
pidFileInner = pidfile
# Add hooks to cleanup after ourselves when we're asked to die.
signal(SIGINT, onStop)
signal(SIGTERM, onStop)
# Find out what our actual PID is and save it
let childPid = getpid()
writeFile(pidfile, $childPid)
# Finally, execute our main
return pid1
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
import osproc, sequtils, streams, strtabs
## Process execution
type HandleProcMsgCB* = proc (outMsg: TaintedString,
errMsg: TaintedString, cmd: string): void
proc sendMsg*(h: HandleProcMsgCB, outMsg: TaintedString,
errMsg: TaintedString = "", cmd: string = ""): void =
if h != nil: h(outMsg, errMsg, cmd)
proc makeProcMsgHandler*(outSink, errSink: File, prefixCmd: bool = true): HandleProcMsgCB =
result = proc(outMsg, errMsg: TaintedString, cmd: string): void {.closure.} =
let prefix = if cmd.len == 0 or not prefixCmd: "" else: cmd & ": "
if outMsg.len > 0: outSink.writeLine(prefix & outMsg)
if errMsg.len > 0: errSink.writeLine(prefix & errMsg)
proc makeProcMsgHandler*(outSink, errSink: Stream, prefixCmd: bool = true): HandleProcMsgCB =
result = proc(outMsg, errMsg: TaintedString, cmd: string): void {.closure.} =
let prefix = if cmd.len == 0 or not prefixCmd: "" else: cmd & ": "
if outMsg.len > 0: outSink.writeLine(prefix & outMsg)
if errMsg.len > 0: errSink.writeLine(prefix & errMsg)
proc combineProcMsgHandlers*(a, b: HandleProcMsgCB): HandleProcMsgCB =
if a == nil: result = b
elif b == nil: result = a
result = proc(cmd: string, outMsg, errMsg: TaintedString): void =
a(cmd, outMsg, errMsg)
b(cmd, outMsg, errMsg)
proc waitFor*(p: Process, msgCB: HandleProcMsgCB, procCmd: string = ""): int =
var pout = outputStream(p)
var perr = errorStream(p)
var line = newStringOfCap(120).TaintedString
while true:
if pout.readLine(line):
msgCB.sendMsg(line, "", procCmd)
elif perr.readLine(line):
msgCB.sendMsg("", line, procCmd)
result = peekExitCode(p)
if result != -1: break
proc exec*(command: string, workingDir: string = "",
args: openArray[string] = [], env: StringTableRef = nil,
options: set[ProcessOption] = {poUsePath},
msgCB: HandleProcMsgCB = nil): int
{.tags: [ExecIOEffect, ReadIOEffect, RootEffect], gcsafe.} =
var p = startProcess(command, workingDir, args, env, options)
result = waitFor(p, msgCB, command)
proc execWithOutput*(command: string, workingDir:string = "",
args: openArray[string] = [], env: StringTableRef = nil,
options: set[ProcessOption] = {poUsePath},
msgCB: HandleProcMsgCB = nil):
tuple[output, error: TaintedString, exitCode: int] =
result = (TaintedString"", TaintedString"", -1)
var outSeq, errSeq: seq[TaintedString]
outSeq = @[]; errSeq = @[]
let outputCollector = combineProcMsgHandlers(msgCB,
proc(outMsg, errMsg: TaintedString, cmd: string): void {.closure.} =
if outMsg.len > 0: outSeq.add(outMsg)
if errMsg.len > 0: errSeq.add(errMsg))
result[2] = exec(command, workingDir, args, env, options, outputCollector)
result[0] = outSeq.join("\n")
result[1] = errSeq.join("\n")
Reference in New Issue
Block a user